Instrument Make and Model: SBE45 MicroTSG (Thermosalinograph) S/N: 4530841-0063 Calibration Date: March 10, 2011 installed: October 5, 2012 Installation: aft end of mainlab RAW datafile: dsLog time stamp: SSW 2013/01/24 14:25:43.586 SBE45 SSW Science Salt Water 2013/01/24 date in gmt 14:25:43.586 time in gmt SBE45 data collected using SBE45 data 22.5390, 5.25508, 36.5893, 1530.010 22.5390, 5.25508, 36.5893, 1530.010 Data Parsed: 22.5390 ttt.tttt temperature (degrees Celsius, ITS-90) 5.25508 cc.cccc conductiviy (S/m) mS/cm = 1-*S/m 36.5893 sss.ssss salinity (psu) 1530.010 vvvv.vvv sound velocity (meters/second) Notes: Sound Velocity is calculated in the csv file using SBE45 Salinity and SBE48 Temperature, the perl module: Physics-Water-SoundSpeed-0.92.tar.gz is used to make the calculation. The saltwater intake is located in the forward transducer well on the portside at 5 meters below the waterline. ~