09/02/13 ESRL FileManager Service EventLog HH:MM:SS:MMM Code Message 00:06:00:000 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0*_raw.txt 00:06:00:015 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/01/13 23:06:00 - 09/02/13 00:01:00. Operation successful. 00:06:00:015 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0**_raw.txt 00:06:01:734 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 00:06:01:734 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 00:06:01:750 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/01/13 23:06:00 - 09/02/13 00:01:00. Operation successful. 00:06:01:750 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 00:06:02:406 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 00:06:02:406 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 00:06:02:406 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/01/13 23:06:00 - 09/02/13 00:01:00. Operation successful. 00:06:02:406 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 00:06:03:937 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 00:06:03:937 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 00:06:03:937 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/01/13 23:06:00 - 09/02/13 00:01:00. Operation successful. 00:06:03:937 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 00:06:05:468 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 00:06:05:468 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 00:06:05:468 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/01/13 23:06:00 - 09/02/13 00:01:00. Operation successful. 00:06:05:468 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 00:06:08:828 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 00:06:08:828 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 00:06:08:843 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 00:06:08:843 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 00:06:08:843 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 00:06:08:843 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 00:06:08:843 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/01/13 23:06:00 - 09/02/13 00:01:00. Operation successful. 00:06:08:843 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 00:06:09:078 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 00:06:09:078 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 00:06:09:093 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 00:06:09:093 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 00:06:09:093 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 00:06:09:093 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 00:06:09:093 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 00:06:09:093 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 00:06:09:093 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 00:06:09:093 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 00:06:09:109 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/01/13 23:06:00 - 09/02/13 00:01:00. Operation successful. 00:06:09:109 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 00:06:11:953 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 00:06:11:953 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfs0*_raw.txt 00:06:11:953 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/01/13 23:06:00 - 09/02/13 00:01:00. Operation successful. 00:06:11:953 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfs0*_raw.txt 00:06:12:546 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 00:06:12:546 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 00:06:12:546 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 00:06:12:546 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 00:06:12:546 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 00:06:12:546 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\puf0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\puf0*_raw.txt 00:06:12:546 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 00:06:12:546 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\puf0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\puf0*_raw.txt 00:06:12:562 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 00:10:00:000 201 Issuing copy action for D:\EtlLogs\FileManager\.log to D:\Data\\FM.log 00:10:00:000 206 Copying D:\EtlLogs\FileManager\.log to D:\Data\13244\FM.log. Operation successful. 00:10:00:000 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\d\EtlLogs\DataAcquisition\.log to D:\Data\\DA.log 00:10:00:734 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\d\EtlLogs\DataAcquisition\.log to D:\Data\13244\DA.log. Operation successful. 01:06:00:000 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0*_raw.txt 01:06:00:265 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 00:06:00 - 09/02/13 01:01:00. Operation successful. 01:06:00:265 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0**_raw.txt 01:06:00:375 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 01:06:00:375 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 01:06:00:375 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 00:06:00 - 09/02/13 01:01:00. Operation successful. 01:06:00:375 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 01:06:00:468 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 01:06:00:468 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 01:06:00:765 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 00:06:00 - 09/02/13 01:01:00. Operation successful. 01:06:00:765 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 01:06:00:890 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 01:06:00:890 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 01:06:01:281 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 00:06:00 - 09/02/13 01:01:00. Operation successful. 01:06:01:281 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 01:06:01:406 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 01:06:01:406 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 01:06:01:453 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 00:06:00 - 09/02/13 01:01:00. Operation successful. 01:06:01:453 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 01:06:01:531 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 01:06:01:531 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 01:06:01:546 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 01:06:01:546 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 01:06:01:546 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 01:06:01:546 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 01:06:01:562 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 00:06:00 - 09/02/13 01:01:00. Operation successful. 01:06:01:562 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 01:06:01:593 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 01:06:01:593 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 01:06:01:593 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 01:06:01:593 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 01:06:01:609 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 01:06:01:609 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 01:06:01:609 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 01:06:01:609 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 01:06:01:609 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 01:06:01:609 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 01:06:02:859 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 00:06:00 - 09/02/13 01:01:00. Operation successful. 01:06:02:859 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 01:06:05:453 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 01:06:05:453 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfs0*_raw.txt 01:06:05:734 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 00:06:00 - 09/02/13 01:01:00. Operation successful. 01:06:05:734 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfs0*_raw.txt 01:06:06:390 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 01:06:06:390 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 01:06:06:390 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 01:06:06:390 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 01:06:06:406 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 01:06:06:406 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\puf0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\puf0*_raw.txt 01:06:06:406 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 01:06:06:406 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\puf0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\puf0*_raw.txt 01:06:06:406 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 02:06:00:000 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0*_raw.txt 02:06:00:203 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 01:06:00 - 09/02/13 02:01:00. Operation successful. 02:06:00:218 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0**_raw.txt 02:06:00:296 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 02:06:00:296 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 02:06:00:296 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 01:06:00 - 09/02/13 02:01:00. Operation successful. 02:06:00:296 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 02:06:00:359 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 02:06:00:359 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 02:06:00:656 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 01:06:00 - 09/02/13 02:01:00. Operation successful. 02:06:00:656 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 02:06:00:734 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 02:06:00:734 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 02:06:01:062 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 01:06:00 - 09/02/13 02:01:00. Operation successful. 02:06:01:062 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 02:06:01:171 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 02:06:01:171 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 02:06:01:250 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 01:06:00 - 09/02/13 02:01:00. Operation successful. 02:06:01:250 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 02:06:01:359 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 02:06:01:359 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 02:06:01:359 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 02:06:01:359 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 02:06:01:359 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 02:06:01:359 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 02:06:01:359 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 01:06:00 - 09/02/13 02:01:00. Operation successful. 02:06:01:359 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 02:06:01:390 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 02:06:01:390 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 02:06:01:390 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 02:06:01:390 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 02:06:01:390 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 02:06:01:390 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 02:06:01:390 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 02:06:01:390 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 02:06:01:390 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 02:06:01:390 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 02:06:02:562 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 01:06:00 - 09/02/13 02:01:00. Operation successful. 02:06:02:562 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 02:06:05:234 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 02:06:05:234 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfs0*_raw.txt 02:06:05:515 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 01:06:00 - 09/02/13 02:01:00. Operation successful. 02:06:05:515 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfs0*_raw.txt 02:06:06:140 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 02:06:06:140 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 02:06:06:140 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 02:06:06:140 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 02:06:06:140 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 02:06:06:140 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\puf0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\puf0*_raw.txt 02:06:06:140 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 02:06:06:140 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\puf0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\puf0*_raw.txt 02:06:06:140 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 03:06:00:000 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0*_raw.txt 03:06:00:296 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 02:06:00 - 09/02/13 03:01:00. Operation successful. 03:06:00:296 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0**_raw.txt 03:06:00:375 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 03:06:00:375 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 03:06:00:375 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 02:06:00 - 09/02/13 03:01:00. Operation successful. 03:06:00:375 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 03:06:00:468 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 03:06:00:468 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 03:06:00:812 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 02:06:00 - 09/02/13 03:01:00. Operation successful. 03:06:00:812 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 03:06:00:906 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 03:06:00:906 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 03:06:01:296 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 02:06:00 - 09/02/13 03:01:00. Operation successful. 03:06:01:296 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 03:06:01:390 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 03:06:01:390 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 03:06:01:453 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 02:06:00 - 09/02/13 03:01:00. Operation successful. 03:06:01:453 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 03:06:01:609 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 03:06:01:609 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 03:06:01:609 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 03:06:01:609 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 03:06:01:609 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 03:06:01:609 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 03:06:01:625 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 02:06:00 - 09/02/13 03:01:00. Operation successful. 03:06:01:625 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 03:06:01:640 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 03:06:01:640 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 03:06:01:640 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 03:06:01:640 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 03:06:01:640 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 03:06:01:640 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 03:06:01:640 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 03:06:01:640 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 03:06:01:640 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 03:06:01:640 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 03:06:02:828 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 02:06:00 - 09/02/13 03:01:00. Operation successful. 03:06:02:828 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 03:06:05:609 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 03:06:05:609 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfs0*_raw.txt 03:06:05:937 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 02:06:00 - 09/02/13 03:01:00. Operation successful. 03:06:05:937 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfs0*_raw.txt 03:06:06:656 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 03:06:06:656 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 03:06:06:656 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 03:06:06:656 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 03:06:06:656 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 03:06:06:656 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\puf0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\puf0*_raw.txt 03:06:06:656 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 03:06:06:656 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\puf0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\puf0*_raw.txt 03:06:06:656 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 04:06:00:000 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0*_raw.txt 04:06:00:312 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 03:06:00 - 09/02/13 04:01:00. Operation successful. 04:06:00:312 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0**_raw.txt 04:06:00:390 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 04:06:00:390 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 04:06:00:406 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 03:06:00 - 09/02/13 04:01:00. Operation successful. 04:06:00:406 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 04:06:00:484 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 04:06:00:484 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 04:06:00:750 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 03:06:00 - 09/02/13 04:01:00. Operation successful. 04:06:00:750 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 04:06:00:828 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 04:06:00:828 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 04:06:01:203 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 03:06:00 - 09/02/13 04:01:00. Operation successful. 04:06:01:203 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 04:06:01:296 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 04:06:01:296 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 04:06:01:359 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 03:06:00 - 09/02/13 04:01:00. Operation successful. 04:06:01:359 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 04:06:01:468 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 04:06:01:468 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 04:06:01:468 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 04:06:01:468 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 04:06:01:468 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 04:06:01:468 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 04:06:01:484 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 03:06:00 - 09/02/13 04:01:00. Operation successful. 04:06:01:484 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 04:06:01:500 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 04:06:01:500 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 04:06:01:500 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 04:06:01:500 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 04:06:01:500 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 04:06:01:500 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 04:06:01:500 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 04:06:01:500 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 04:06:01:500 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 04:06:01:500 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 04:06:02:671 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 03:06:00 - 09/02/13 04:01:00. Operation successful. 04:06:02:671 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 04:06:05:500 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 04:06:05:500 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfs0*_raw.txt 04:06:05:781 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 03:06:00 - 09/02/13 04:01:00. Operation successful. 04:06:05:781 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfs0*_raw.txt 04:06:06:359 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 04:06:06:359 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 04:06:06:359 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 04:06:06:359 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 04:06:06:359 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 04:06:06:359 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\puf0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\puf0*_raw.txt 04:06:06:375 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 04:06:06:375 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\puf0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\puf0*_raw.txt 04:06:06:375 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 05:06:00:000 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0*_raw.txt 05:06:00:281 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 04:06:00 - 09/02/13 05:01:00. Operation successful. 05:06:00:281 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0**_raw.txt 05:06:00:375 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 05:06:00:375 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 05:06:00:390 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 04:06:00 - 09/02/13 05:01:00. Operation successful. 05:06:00:390 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 05:06:00:437 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 05:06:00:437 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 05:06:00:718 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 04:06:00 - 09/02/13 05:01:00. Operation successful. 05:06:00:718 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 05:06:00:796 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 05:06:00:796 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 05:06:01:140 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 04:06:00 - 09/02/13 05:01:00. Operation successful. 05:06:01:140 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 05:06:01:234 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 05:06:01:234 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 05:06:01:328 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 04:06:00 - 09/02/13 05:01:00. Operation successful. 05:06:01:328 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 05:06:01:437 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 05:06:01:437 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 05:06:01:437 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 05:06:01:437 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 05:06:01:437 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 05:06:01:437 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 05:06:01:453 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 04:06:00 - 09/02/13 05:01:00. Operation successful. 05:06:01:453 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 05:06:01:484 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 05:06:01:484 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 05:06:01:500 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 05:06:01:500 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 05:06:01:500 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 05:06:01:500 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 05:06:01:500 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 05:06:01:500 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 05:06:01:500 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 05:06:01:500 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 05:06:02:843 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 04:06:00 - 09/02/13 05:01:00. Operation successful. 05:06:02:843 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 05:06:05:421 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 05:06:05:421 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfs0*_raw.txt 05:06:05:718 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 04:06:00 - 09/02/13 05:01:00. Operation successful. 05:06:05:718 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfs0*_raw.txt 05:06:06:296 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 05:06:06:296 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 05:06:06:296 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 05:06:06:296 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 05:06:06:296 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 05:06:06:296 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\puf0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\puf0*_raw.txt 05:06:06:296 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 05:06:06:296 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\puf0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\puf0*_raw.txt 05:06:06:296 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 06:06:00:000 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0*_raw.txt 06:06:00:265 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 05:06:00 - 09/02/13 06:01:00. Operation successful. 06:06:00:281 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0**_raw.txt 06:06:00:421 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 06:06:00:421 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 06:06:00:421 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 05:06:00 - 09/02/13 06:01:00. Operation successful. 06:06:00:421 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 06:06:00:500 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 06:06:00:500 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 06:06:00:828 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 05:06:00 - 09/02/13 06:01:00. Operation successful. 06:06:00:828 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 06:06:00:968 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 06:06:00:968 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 06:06:01:406 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 05:06:00 - 09/02/13 06:01:00. Operation successful. 06:06:01:406 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 06:06:01:484 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 06:06:01:484 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 06:06:01:546 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 05:06:00 - 09/02/13 06:01:00. Operation successful. 06:06:01:546 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 06:06:01:687 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 06:06:01:687 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 06:06:01:687 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 06:06:01:687 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 06:06:01:687 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 06:06:01:687 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 06:06:01:703 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 05:06:00 - 09/02/13 06:01:00. Operation successful. 06:06:01:703 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 06:06:01:734 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 06:06:01:734 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 06:06:01:734 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 06:06:01:734 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 06:06:01:734 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 06:06:01:734 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 06:06:01:734 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 06:06:01:750 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 06:06:01:750 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 06:06:01:750 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 06:06:03:093 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 05:06:00 - 09/02/13 06:01:00. Operation successful. 06:06:03:093 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 06:06:05:765 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 06:06:05:765 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfs0*_raw.txt 06:06:06:078 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 05:06:00 - 09/02/13 06:01:00. Operation successful. 06:06:06:078 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfs0*_raw.txt 06:06:06:687 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 06:06:06:687 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 06:06:06:687 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 06:06:06:703 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 06:06:06:703 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 06:06:06:703 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\puf0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\puf0*_raw.txt 06:06:06:703 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 06:06:06:703 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\puf0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\puf0*_raw.txt 06:06:06:703 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 07:06:00:000 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0*_raw.txt 07:06:00:296 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 06:06:00 - 09/02/13 07:01:00. Operation successful. 07:06:00:296 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0**_raw.txt 07:06:00:453 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 07:06:00:453 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 07:06:00:453 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 06:06:00 - 09/02/13 07:01:00. Operation successful. 07:06:00:453 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 07:06:00:500 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 07:06:00:500 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 07:06:00:812 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 06:06:00 - 09/02/13 07:01:00. Operation successful. 07:06:00:812 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 07:06:00:968 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 07:06:00:968 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 07:06:01:375 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 06:06:00 - 09/02/13 07:01:00. Operation successful. 07:06:01:375 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 07:06:01:515 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 07:06:01:515 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 07:06:01:593 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 06:06:00 - 09/02/13 07:01:00. Operation successful. 07:06:01:593 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 07:06:01:703 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 07:06:01:703 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 07:06:01:703 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 07:06:01:703 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 07:06:01:703 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 07:06:01:703 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 07:06:01:718 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 06:06:00 - 09/02/13 07:01:00. Operation successful. 07:06:01:718 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 07:06:01:750 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 07:06:01:750 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 07:06:01:750 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 07:06:01:750 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 07:06:01:750 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 07:06:01:750 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 07:06:01:750 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 07:06:01:750 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 07:06:01:750 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 07:06:01:750 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 07:06:03:062 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 06:06:00 - 09/02/13 07:01:00. Operation successful. 07:06:03:062 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 07:06:05:703 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 07:06:05:703 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfs0*_raw.txt 07:06:06:015 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 06:06:00 - 09/02/13 07:01:00. Operation successful. 07:06:06:015 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfs0*_raw.txt 07:06:06:578 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 07:06:06:578 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 07:06:06:578 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 07:06:06:593 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 07:06:06:593 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 07:06:06:593 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\puf0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\puf0*_raw.txt 07:06:06:593 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 07:06:06:593 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\puf0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\puf0*_raw.txt 07:06:06:593 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 08:06:00:000 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0*_raw.txt 08:06:00:250 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 07:06:00 - 09/02/13 08:01:00. Operation successful. 08:06:00:250 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0**_raw.txt 08:06:00:328 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 08:06:00:328 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 08:06:00:328 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 07:06:00 - 09/02/13 08:01:00. Operation successful. 08:06:00:328 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 08:06:00:421 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 08:06:00:421 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 08:06:00:750 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 07:06:00 - 09/02/13 08:01:00. Operation successful. 08:06:00:750 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 08:06:00:828 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 08:06:00:828 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 08:06:01:171 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 07:06:00 - 09/02/13 08:01:00. Operation successful. 08:06:01:171 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 08:06:01:328 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 08:06:01:328 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 08:06:01:390 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 07:06:00 - 09/02/13 08:01:00. Operation successful. 08:06:01:390 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 08:06:01:562 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 08:06:01:562 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 08:06:01:562 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 08:06:01:562 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 08:06:01:562 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 08:06:01:562 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 08:06:01:578 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 07:06:00 - 09/02/13 08:01:00. Operation successful. 08:06:01:578 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 08:06:01:609 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 08:06:01:609 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 08:06:01:609 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 08:06:01:609 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 08:06:01:609 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 08:06:01:609 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 08:06:01:609 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 08:06:01:609 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 08:06:01:625 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 08:06:01:625 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 08:06:02:765 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 07:06:00 - 09/02/13 08:01:00. Operation successful. 08:06:02:765 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 08:06:05:421 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 08:06:05:421 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfs0*_raw.txt 08:06:05:734 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 07:06:00 - 09/02/13 08:01:00. Operation successful. 08:06:05:734 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfs0*_raw.txt 08:06:06:375 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 08:06:06:375 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 08:06:06:375 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 08:06:06:375 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 08:06:06:375 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 08:06:06:375 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\puf0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\puf0*_raw.txt 08:06:06:375 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 08:06:06:375 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\puf0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\puf0*_raw.txt 08:06:06:375 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 09:06:00:000 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0*_raw.txt 09:06:00:281 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 08:06:00 - 09/02/13 09:01:00. Operation successful. 09:06:00:281 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0**_raw.txt 09:06:00:359 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 09:06:00:359 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 09:06:00:359 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 08:06:00 - 09/02/13 09:01:00. Operation successful. 09:06:00:359 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 09:06:00:437 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 09:06:00:437 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 09:06:00:703 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 08:06:00 - 09/02/13 09:01:00. Operation successful. 09:06:00:703 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 09:06:00:781 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 09:06:00:781 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 09:06:01:156 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 08:06:00 - 09/02/13 09:01:00. Operation successful. 09:06:01:156 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 09:06:01:234 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 09:06:01:234 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 09:06:01:296 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 08:06:00 - 09/02/13 09:01:00. Operation successful. 09:06:01:296 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 09:06:01:375 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 09:06:01:375 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 09:06:01:375 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 09:06:01:375 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 09:06:01:375 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 09:06:01:375 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 09:06:01:406 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 08:06:00 - 09/02/13 09:01:00. Operation successful. 09:06:01:406 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 09:06:01:437 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 09:06:01:437 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 09:06:01:437 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 09:06:01:437 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 09:06:01:437 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 09:06:01:437 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 09:06:01:437 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 09:06:01:437 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 09:06:01:437 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 09:06:01:437 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 09:06:02:656 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 08:06:00 - 09/02/13 09:01:00. Operation successful. 09:06:02:656 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 09:06:05:109 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 09:06:05:109 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfs0*_raw.txt 09:06:05:406 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 08:06:00 - 09/02/13 09:01:00. Operation successful. 09:06:05:406 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfs0*_raw.txt 09:06:06:062 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 09:06:06:062 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 09:06:06:062 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 09:06:06:062 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 09:06:06:062 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 09:06:06:062 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\puf0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\puf0*_raw.txt 09:06:06:078 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 09:06:06:078 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\puf0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\puf0*_raw.txt 09:06:06:078 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 10:06:00:000 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0*_raw.txt 10:06:00:265 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 09:06:00 - 09/02/13 10:01:00. Operation successful. 10:06:00:265 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0**_raw.txt 10:06:00:375 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 10:06:00:375 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 10:06:00:375 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 09:06:00 - 09/02/13 10:01:00. Operation successful. 10:06:00:375 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 10:06:00:437 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 10:06:00:437 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 10:06:00:796 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 09:06:00 - 09/02/13 10:01:00. Operation successful. 10:06:00:796 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 10:06:00:906 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 10:06:00:906 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 10:06:01:218 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 09:06:00 - 09/02/13 10:01:00. Operation successful. 10:06:01:218 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 10:06:01:390 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 10:06:01:390 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 10:06:01:468 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 09:06:00 - 09/02/13 10:01:00. Operation successful. 10:06:01:468 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 10:06:01:578 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 10:06:01:578 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 10:06:01:578 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 10:06:01:578 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 10:06:01:578 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 10:06:01:578 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 10:06:01:593 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 09:06:00 - 09/02/13 10:01:00. Operation successful. 10:06:01:593 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 10:06:01:609 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 10:06:01:609 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 10:06:01:609 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 10:06:01:609 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 10:06:01:609 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 10:06:01:625 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 10:06:01:625 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 10:06:01:625 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 10:06:01:625 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 10:06:01:625 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 10:06:03:015 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 09:06:00 - 09/02/13 10:01:00. Operation successful. 10:06:03:015 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 10:06:05:609 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 10:06:05:609 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfs0*_raw.txt 10:06:05:906 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 09:06:00 - 09/02/13 10:01:00. Operation successful. 10:06:05:906 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfs0*_raw.txt 10:06:06:562 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 10:06:06:562 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 10:06:06:562 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 10:06:06:562 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 10:06:06:562 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 10:06:06:562 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\puf0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\puf0*_raw.txt 10:06:06:562 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 10:06:06:562 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\puf0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\puf0*_raw.txt 10:06:06:562 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 11:06:00:000 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0*_raw.txt 11:06:00:250 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 10:06:00 - 09/02/13 11:01:00. Operation successful. 11:06:00:250 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0**_raw.txt 11:06:00:375 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 11:06:00:375 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 11:06:00:390 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 10:06:00 - 09/02/13 11:01:00. Operation successful. 11:06:00:390 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 11:06:00:437 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 11:06:00:437 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 11:06:00:750 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 10:06:00 - 09/02/13 11:01:00. Operation successful. 11:06:00:750 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 11:06:00:828 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 11:06:00:828 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 11:06:01:125 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 10:06:00 - 09/02/13 11:01:00. Operation successful. 11:06:01:125 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 11:06:01:218 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 11:06:01:218 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 11:06:01:265 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 10:06:00 - 09/02/13 11:01:00. Operation successful. 11:06:01:265 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 11:06:01:375 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 11:06:01:375 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 11:06:01:375 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 11:06:01:375 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 11:06:01:375 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 11:06:01:375 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 11:06:01:390 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 10:06:00 - 09/02/13 11:01:00. Operation successful. 11:06:01:390 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 11:06:01:406 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 11:06:01:406 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 11:06:01:406 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 11:06:01:406 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 11:06:01:406 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 11:06:01:406 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 11:06:01:406 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 11:06:01:406 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 11:06:01:406 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 11:06:01:406 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 11:06:02:609 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 10:06:00 - 09/02/13 11:01:00. Operation successful. 11:06:02:609 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 11:06:05:187 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 11:06:05:187 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfs0*_raw.txt 11:06:05:484 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 10:06:00 - 09/02/13 11:01:00. Operation successful. 11:06:05:484 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfs0*_raw.txt 11:06:06:046 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 11:06:06:046 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 11:06:06:046 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 11:06:06:046 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 11:06:06:046 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 11:06:06:046 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\puf0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\puf0*_raw.txt 11:06:06:046 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 11:06:06:046 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\puf0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\puf0*_raw.txt 11:06:06:062 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 12:06:00:008 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0*_raw.txt 12:06:00:226 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 11:06:00 - 09/02/13 12:01:00. Operation successful. 12:06:00:226 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0**_raw.txt 12:06:00:336 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 12:06:00:336 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 12:06:00:351 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 11:06:00 - 09/02/13 12:01:00. Operation successful. 12:06:00:351 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 12:06:00:414 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 12:06:00:414 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 12:06:00:695 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 11:06:00 - 09/02/13 12:01:00. Operation successful. 12:06:00:695 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 12:06:00:789 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 12:06:00:789 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 12:06:01:211 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 11:06:00 - 09/02/13 12:01:00. Operation successful. 12:06:01:211 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 12:06:01:320 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 12:06:01:320 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 12:06:01:430 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 11:06:00 - 09/02/13 12:01:00. Operation successful. 12:06:01:430 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 12:06:01:586 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 12:06:01:586 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 12:06:01:586 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 12:06:01:586 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 12:06:01:586 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 12:06:01:586 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 12:06:01:601 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 11:06:00 - 09/02/13 12:01:00. Operation successful. 12:06:01:601 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 12:06:01:648 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 12:06:01:648 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 12:06:01:648 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 12:06:01:648 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 12:06:01:648 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 12:06:01:648 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 12:06:01:648 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 12:06:01:648 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 12:06:01:664 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 12:06:01:664 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 12:06:02:898 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 11:06:00 - 09/02/13 12:01:00. Operation successful. 12:06:02:898 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 12:06:05:523 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 12:06:05:523 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfs0*_raw.txt 12:06:05:758 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 11:06:00 - 09/02/13 12:01:00. Operation successful. 12:06:05:758 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfs0*_raw.txt 12:06:06:383 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 12:06:06:383 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 12:06:06:398 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 12:06:06:398 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 12:06:06:398 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 12:06:06:398 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\puf0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\puf0*_raw.txt 12:06:06:414 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 12:06:06:414 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\puf0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\puf0*_raw.txt 12:06:06:430 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 13:05:59:992 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0*_raw.txt 13:06:00:195 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 12:05:59 - 09/02/13 13:00:59. Operation successful. 13:06:00:195 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0**_raw.txt 13:06:00:258 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 13:06:00:258 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 13:06:00:258 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 12:05:59 - 09/02/13 13:00:59. Operation successful. 13:06:00:258 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 13:06:00:320 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 13:06:00:320 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 13:06:00:570 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 12:05:59 - 09/02/13 13:00:59. Operation successful. 13:06:00:570 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 13:06:00:648 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 13:06:00:648 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 13:06:00:992 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 12:05:59 - 09/02/13 13:00:59. Operation successful. 13:06:00:992 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 13:06:01:070 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 13:06:01:070 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 13:06:01:117 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 12:05:59 - 09/02/13 13:00:59. Operation successful. 13:06:01:117 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 13:06:01:211 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 13:06:01:211 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 13:06:01:211 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 13:06:01:211 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 13:06:01:211 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 13:06:01:211 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 13:06:01:226 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 12:05:59 - 09/02/13 13:00:59. Operation successful. 13:06:01:226 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 13:06:01:242 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 13:06:01:242 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 13:06:01:242 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 13:06:01:242 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 13:06:01:258 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 13:06:01:258 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 13:06:01:258 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 13:06:01:258 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 13:06:01:258 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 13:06:01:258 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 13:06:02:336 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 12:05:59 - 09/02/13 13:00:59. Operation successful. 13:06:02:336 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 13:06:04:586 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 13:06:04:586 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfs0*_raw.txt 13:06:04:836 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 12:05:59 - 09/02/13 13:00:59. Operation successful. 13:06:04:836 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfs0*_raw.txt 13:06:05:398 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 13:06:05:398 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 13:06:05:414 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 13:06:05:414 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 13:06:05:414 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 13:06:05:414 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\puf0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\puf0*_raw.txt 13:06:05:430 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 13:06:05:430 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\puf0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\puf0*_raw.txt 13:06:05:430 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 14:05:59:992 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0*_raw.txt 14:06:00:226 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 13:05:59 - 09/02/13 14:00:59. Operation successful. 14:06:00:226 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0**_raw.txt 14:06:00:336 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 14:06:00:336 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 14:06:00:351 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 13:05:59 - 09/02/13 14:00:59. Operation successful. 14:06:00:351 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 14:06:00:476 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 14:06:00:476 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 14:06:00:695 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 13:05:59 - 09/02/13 14:00:59. Operation successful. 14:06:00:695 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 14:06:00:758 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 14:06:00:758 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 14:06:01:117 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 13:05:59 - 09/02/13 14:00:59. Operation successful. 14:06:01:117 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 14:06:01:195 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 14:06:01:195 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 14:06:01:242 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 13:05:59 - 09/02/13 14:00:59. Operation successful. 14:06:01:242 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 14:06:01:320 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 14:06:01:320 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 14:06:01:336 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 14:06:01:336 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 14:06:01:336 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 14:06:01:336 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 14:06:01:351 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 13:05:59 - 09/02/13 14:00:59. Operation successful. 14:06:01:351 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 14:06:01:383 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 14:06:01:383 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 14:06:01:383 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 14:06:01:383 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 14:06:01:398 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 14:06:01:398 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 14:06:01:414 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 14:06:01:414 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 14:06:01:414 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 14:06:01:414 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 14:06:01:430 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 14:06:01:430 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 14:06:01:430 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 14:06:01:430 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfs0*_raw.txt 14:06:01:680 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 13:05:59 - 09/02/13 14:00:59. Operation successful. 14:06:01:680 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfs0*_raw.txt 14:06:02:242 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 14:06:02:242 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 14:06:02:242 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 14:06:02:242 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 14:06:02:242 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 14:06:02:242 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\puf0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\puf0*_raw.txt 14:06:02:242 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 14:06:02:258 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\puf0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\puf0*_raw.txt 14:06:02:258 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 15:05:59:992 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0*_raw.txt 15:06:00:164 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 14:05:59 - 09/02/13 15:00:59. Operation successful. 15:06:00:164 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0**_raw.txt 15:06:00:242 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 15:06:00:242 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 15:06:00:242 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 14:05:59 - 09/02/13 15:00:59. Operation successful. 15:06:00:242 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 15:06:00:289 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 15:06:00:289 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 15:06:00:492 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 14:05:59 - 09/02/13 15:00:59. Operation successful. 15:06:00:492 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 15:06:00:570 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 15:06:00:570 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 15:06:00:883 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 14:05:59 - 09/02/13 15:00:59. Operation successful. 15:06:00:883 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 15:06:00:961 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 15:06:00:961 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 15:06:01:039 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 14:05:59 - 09/02/13 15:00:59. Operation successful. 15:06:01:039 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 15:06:01:101 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 15:06:01:101 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 15:06:01:101 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 15:06:01:101 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 15:06:01:117 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 15:06:01:117 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 15:06:01:133 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 14:05:59 - 09/02/13 15:00:59. Operation successful. 15:06:01:133 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 15:06:01:148 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 15:06:01:148 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 15:06:01:148 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 15:06:01:148 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 15:06:01:148 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 15:06:01:148 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 15:06:01:148 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 15:06:01:148 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 15:06:01:148 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 15:06:01:148 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 15:06:02:414 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 14:05:59 - 09/02/13 15:00:59. Operation successful. 15:06:02:414 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 15:06:02:414 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 15:06:02:414 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfs0*_raw.txt 15:06:02:648 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 14:05:59 - 09/02/13 15:00:59. Operation successful. 15:06:02:648 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfs0*_raw.txt 15:06:03:133 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 15:06:03:133 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 15:06:03:133 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 15:06:03:133 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 15:06:03:133 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 15:06:03:133 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\puf0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\puf0*_raw.txt 15:06:03:133 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 15:06:03:133 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\puf0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\puf0*_raw.txt 15:06:03:133 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 16:06:00:008 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0*_raw.txt 16:06:00:273 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 15:06:00 - 09/02/13 16:01:00. Operation successful. 16:06:00:273 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0**_raw.txt 16:06:00:351 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 16:06:00:351 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 16:06:00:351 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 15:06:00 - 09/02/13 16:01:00. Operation successful. 16:06:00:351 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 16:06:00:430 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 16:06:00:430 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 16:06:00:805 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 15:06:00 - 09/02/13 16:01:00. Operation successful. 16:06:00:805 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 16:06:00:914 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 16:06:00:914 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 16:06:01:320 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 15:06:00 - 09/02/13 16:01:00. Operation successful. 16:06:01:320 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 16:06:01:430 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 16:06:01:430 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 16:06:01:523 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 15:06:00 - 09/02/13 16:01:00. Operation successful. 16:06:01:523 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 16:06:01:617 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 16:06:01:617 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 16:06:01:617 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 16:06:01:617 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 16:06:01:617 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 16:06:01:617 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 16:06:01:648 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 15:06:00 - 09/02/13 16:01:00. Operation successful. 16:06:01:648 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 16:06:01:664 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 16:06:01:664 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 16:06:01:664 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 16:06:01:664 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 16:06:01:664 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 16:06:01:664 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 16:06:01:664 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 16:06:01:664 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 16:06:01:680 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 16:06:01:680 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 16:06:01:680 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 16:06:01:680 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 16:06:01:680 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 16:06:01:680 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfs0*_raw.txt 16:06:02:039 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 15:06:00 - 09/02/13 16:01:00. Operation successful. 16:06:02:039 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfs0*_raw.txt 16:06:02:601 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 16:06:02:601 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 16:06:02:601 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 16:06:02:601 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 16:06:02:617 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 16:06:02:617 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\puf0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\puf0*_raw.txt 16:06:02:617 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 16:06:02:617 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\puf0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\puf0*_raw.txt 16:06:02:617 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 17:06:00:008 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0*_raw.txt 17:06:00:180 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 16:06:00 - 09/02/13 17:01:00. Operation successful. 17:06:00:180 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0**_raw.txt 17:06:00:258 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 17:06:00:258 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 17:06:00:258 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 16:06:00 - 09/02/13 17:01:00. Operation successful. 17:06:00:258 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 17:06:00:336 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 17:06:00:336 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 17:06:00:601 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 16:06:00 - 09/02/13 17:01:00. Operation successful. 17:06:00:601 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 17:06:00:695 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 17:06:00:695 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 17:06:01:008 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 16:06:00 - 09/02/13 17:01:00. Operation successful. 17:06:01:023 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 17:06:01:117 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 17:06:01:117 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 17:06:01:180 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 16:06:00 - 09/02/13 17:01:00. Operation successful. 17:06:01:180 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 17:06:01:258 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 17:06:01:258 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 17:06:01:258 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 16:06:00 - 09/02/13 17:01:00. Operation successful. 17:06:01:258 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 17:06:01:258 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 17:06:01:258 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 17:06:01:273 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 16:06:00 - 09/02/13 17:01:00. Operation successful. 17:06:01:273 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 17:06:01:305 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 17:06:01:305 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 17:06:01:305 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 16:06:00 - 09/02/13 17:01:00. Operation successful. 17:06:01:305 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 17:06:01:305 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 17:06:01:305 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 17:06:01:305 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 17:06:01:305 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 17:06:01:305 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 17:06:01:305 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 17:06:01:305 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 17:06:01:305 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 17:06:01:305 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 17:06:01:320 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfs0*_raw.txt 17:06:01:555 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 16:06:00 - 09/02/13 17:01:00. Operation successful. 17:06:01:555 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfs0*_raw.txt 17:06:02:086 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 17:06:02:086 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 17:06:02:086 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 17:06:02:086 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 17:06:02:086 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 17:06:02:086 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\puf0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\puf0*_raw.txt 17:06:02:101 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 17:06:02:101 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\puf0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\puf0*_raw.txt 17:06:02:101 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 18:05:59:992 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0*_raw.txt 18:06:00:336 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 17:05:59 - 09/02/13 18:00:59. Operation successful. 18:06:00:336 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0**_raw.txt 18:06:02:211 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 18:06:02:211 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 18:06:02:258 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 17:05:59 - 09/02/13 18:00:59. Operation successful. 18:06:02:258 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 18:06:03:039 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 18:06:03:039 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 18:06:03:305 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 17:05:59 - 09/02/13 18:00:59. Operation successful. 18:06:03:305 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 18:06:05:101 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 18:06:05:101 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 18:06:05:476 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 17:05:59 - 09/02/13 18:00:59. Operation successful. 18:06:05:476 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 18:06:06:883 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 18:06:06:883 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 18:06:06:976 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 17:05:59 - 09/02/13 18:00:59. Operation successful. 18:06:06:976 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 18:06:10:976 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 18:06:10:976 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 18:06:11:258 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 17:05:59 - 09/02/13 18:00:59. Operation successful. 18:06:11:258 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 18:06:11:258 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 18:06:11:258 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 18:06:11:289 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 17:05:59 - 09/02/13 18:00:59. Operation successful. 18:06:11:289 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 18:06:11:836 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 18:06:11:836 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 18:06:12:289 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 17:05:59 - 09/02/13 18:00:59. Operation successful. 18:06:12:289 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 18:06:12:289 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 18:06:12:289 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 18:06:12:289 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 18:06:12:289 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 18:06:12:289 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 18:06:12:305 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 18:06:12:305 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 18:06:12:305 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 18:06:12:305 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 18:06:12:305 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfs0*_raw.txt 18:06:12:476 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 17:05:59 - 09/02/13 18:00:59. Operation successful. 18:06:12:476 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfs0*_raw.txt 18:06:13:805 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 18:06:13:805 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 18:06:13:805 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 18:06:13:805 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 18:06:13:805 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 18:06:13:805 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\puf0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\puf0*_raw.txt 18:06:13:805 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 18:06:13:805 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\puf0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\puf0*_raw.txt 18:06:13:805 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 18:16:07:359 998 Starting event log. 18:16:13:500 100 FileManager service started. 19:06:00:000 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0*_raw.txt 19:06:00:031 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 18:06:00 - 09/02/13 19:01:00. Operation successful. 19:06:00:031 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0**_raw.txt 19:06:00:171 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 19:06:00:171 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 19:06:00:187 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 18:06:00 - 09/02/13 19:01:00. Operation successful. 19:06:00:187 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 19:06:00:265 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 19:06:00:265 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 19:06:00:265 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 18:06:00 - 09/02/13 19:01:00. Operation successful. 19:06:00:265 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 19:06:00:421 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 19:06:00:421 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 19:06:00:437 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 18:06:00 - 09/02/13 19:01:00. Operation successful. 19:06:00:437 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 19:06:00:531 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 19:06:00:546 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 19:06:00:546 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 18:06:00 - 09/02/13 19:01:00. Operation successful. 19:06:00:546 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 19:06:00:656 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 19:06:00:656 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 19:06:00:656 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 18:06:00 - 09/02/13 19:01:00. Operation successful. 19:06:00:656 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 19:06:00:671 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 19:06:00:671 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 19:06:00:687 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 18:06:00 - 09/02/13 19:01:00. Operation successful. 19:06:00:687 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 19:06:00:703 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 19:06:00:703 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 19:06:00:703 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 18:06:00 - 09/02/13 19:01:00. Operation successful. 19:06:00:718 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 19:06:00:718 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 19:06:00:718 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 19:06:00:718 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 19:06:00:718 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 19:06:00:718 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 19:06:00:718 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 19:06:00:718 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 19:06:00:718 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 19:06:00:718 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 19:06:00:718 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfs0*_raw.txt 19:06:00:953 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 18:06:00 - 09/02/13 19:01:00. Operation successful. 19:06:00:953 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfs0*_raw.txt 19:06:01:500 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 19:06:01:500 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 19:06:01:500 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 19:06:01:500 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 19:06:01:500 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 19:06:01:500 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\puf0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\puf0*_raw.txt 19:06:01:500 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 19:06:01:500 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\puf0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\puf0*_raw.txt 19:06:01:515 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 20:06:00:000 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0*_raw.txt 20:06:00:000 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 19:06:00 - 09/02/13 20:01:00. Operation successful. 20:06:00:000 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0**_raw.txt 20:06:00:093 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 20:06:00:093 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 20:06:00:093 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 19:06:00 - 09/02/13 20:01:00. Operation successful. 20:06:00:093 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 20:06:00:187 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 20:06:00:187 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 20:06:00:187 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 19:06:00 - 09/02/13 20:01:00. Operation successful. 20:06:00:187 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 20:06:00:296 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 20:06:00:296 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 20:06:00:312 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 19:06:00 - 09/02/13 20:01:00. Operation successful. 20:06:00:312 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 20:06:00:437 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 20:06:00:437 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 20:06:00:453 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 19:06:00 - 09/02/13 20:01:00. Operation successful. 20:06:00:453 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 20:06:00:531 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 20:06:00:531 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 20:06:00:531 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 19:06:00 - 09/02/13 20:01:00. Operation successful. 20:06:00:531 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 20:06:00:531 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 20:06:00:531 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 20:06:00:546 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 19:06:00 - 09/02/13 20:01:00. Operation successful. 20:06:00:546 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 20:06:00:562 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 20:06:00:562 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 20:06:00:578 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 19:06:00 - 09/02/13 20:01:00. Operation successful. 20:06:00:578 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 20:06:00:578 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 20:06:00:578 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 20:06:00:578 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 20:06:00:578 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 20:06:00:578 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 20:06:00:578 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 20:06:00:578 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 20:06:00:578 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 20:06:00:593 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 20:06:00:593 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfs0*_raw.txt 20:06:00:890 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 19:06:00 - 09/02/13 20:01:00. Operation successful. 20:06:00:890 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfs0*_raw.txt 20:06:01:500 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 20:06:01:500 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 20:06:01:500 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 20:06:01:500 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 20:06:01:500 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 20:06:01:500 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\puf0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\puf0*_raw.txt 20:06:01:500 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 20:06:01:500 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\puf0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\puf0*_raw.txt 20:06:01:500 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 21:06:00:000 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0*_raw.txt 21:06:00:015 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 20:06:00 - 09/02/13 21:01:00. Operation successful. 21:06:00:015 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0**_raw.txt 21:06:00:093 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 21:06:00:093 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 21:06:00:093 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 20:06:00 - 09/02/13 21:01:00. Operation successful. 21:06:00:093 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 21:06:00:156 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 21:06:00:156 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 21:06:00:171 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 20:06:00 - 09/02/13 21:01:00. Operation successful. 21:06:00:171 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 21:06:00:281 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 21:06:00:281 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 21:06:00:296 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 20:06:00 - 09/02/13 21:01:00. Operation successful. 21:06:00:296 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 21:06:00:390 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 21:06:00:390 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 21:06:00:406 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 20:06:00 - 09/02/13 21:01:00. Operation successful. 21:06:00:406 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 21:06:00:484 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 21:06:00:500 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 21:06:00:500 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 20:06:00 - 09/02/13 21:01:00. Operation successful. 21:06:00:500 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 21:06:00:500 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 21:06:00:500 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 21:06:00:515 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 20:06:00 - 09/02/13 21:01:00. Operation successful. 21:06:00:515 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 21:06:00:546 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 21:06:00:546 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 21:06:00:546 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 20:06:00 - 09/02/13 21:01:00. Operation successful. 21:06:00:546 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 21:06:00:546 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 21:06:00:546 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 21:06:00:546 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 21:06:00:546 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 21:06:00:546 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 21:06:00:546 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 21:06:00:546 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 21:06:00:562 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 21:06:00:562 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 21:06:00:562 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfs0*_raw.txt 21:06:00:828 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 20:06:00 - 09/02/13 21:01:00. Operation successful. 21:06:00:828 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfs0*_raw.txt 21:06:01:390 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 21:06:01:390 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 21:06:01:390 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 21:06:01:390 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 21:06:01:390 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 21:06:01:390 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\puf0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\puf0*_raw.txt 21:06:01:390 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 21:06:01:390 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\puf0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\puf0*_raw.txt 21:06:01:390 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 22:06:00:000 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0*_raw.txt 22:06:00:187 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 21:06:00 - 09/02/13 22:01:00. Operation successful. 22:06:00:187 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0**_raw.txt 22:06:00:281 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 22:06:00:281 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 22:06:00:281 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 21:06:00 - 09/02/13 22:01:00. Operation successful. 22:06:00:281 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 22:06:00:328 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 22:06:00:328 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 22:06:00:562 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 21:06:00 - 09/02/13 22:01:00. Operation successful. 22:06:00:562 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 22:06:00:640 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 22:06:00:640 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 22:06:01:015 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 21:06:00 - 09/02/13 22:01:00. Operation successful. 22:06:01:015 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 22:06:01:093 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 22:06:01:093 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 22:06:01:156 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 21:06:00 - 09/02/13 22:01:00. Operation successful. 22:06:01:156 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 22:06:01:250 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 22:06:01:250 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 22:06:01:437 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 21:06:00 - 09/02/13 22:01:00. Operation successful. 22:06:01:437 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 22:06:01:437 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 22:06:01:437 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 22:06:01:468 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 21:06:00 - 09/02/13 22:01:00. Operation successful. 22:06:01:468 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 22:06:01:484 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 22:06:01:484 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 22:06:01:906 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 21:06:00 - 09/02/13 22:01:00. Operation successful. 22:06:01:906 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 22:06:01:906 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 22:06:01:906 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 22:06:01:921 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 22:06:01:921 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 22:06:01:921 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 22:06:01:921 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 22:06:01:921 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 22:06:01:921 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 22:06:01:921 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 22:06:01:921 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfs0*_raw.txt 22:06:02:171 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 21:06:00 - 09/02/13 22:01:00. Operation successful. 22:06:02:171 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfs0*_raw.txt 22:06:02:703 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 22:06:02:703 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 22:06:02:718 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 22:06:02:718 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 22:06:02:718 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 22:06:02:718 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\puf0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\puf0*_raw.txt 22:06:02:718 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 22:06:02:718 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\puf0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\puf0*_raw.txt 22:06:02:718 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 23:06:00:000 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0*_raw.txt 23:06:00:218 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 22:06:00 - 09/02/13 23:01:00. Operation successful. 23:06:00:218 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0**_raw.txt 23:06:00:281 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 23:06:00:281 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 23:06:00:281 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 22:06:00 - 09/02/13 23:01:00. Operation successful. 23:06:00:281 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 23:06:00:328 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 23:06:00:343 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 23:06:00:578 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 22:06:00 - 09/02/13 23:01:00. Operation successful. 23:06:00:578 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 23:06:00:656 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 23:06:00:656 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 23:06:01:000 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 22:06:00 - 09/02/13 23:01:00. Operation successful. 23:06:01:000 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 23:06:01:093 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 23:06:01:093 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 23:06:01:140 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 22:06:00 - 09/02/13 23:01:00. Operation successful. 23:06:01:140 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 23:06:01:234 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 23:06:01:234 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 23:06:01:437 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 22:06:00 - 09/02/13 23:01:00. Operation successful. 23:06:01:437 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 23:06:01:453 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 23:06:01:453 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 23:06:01:468 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 22:06:00 - 09/02/13 23:01:00. Operation successful. 23:06:01:468 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 23:06:01:484 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 23:06:01:484 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 23:06:01:906 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 22:06:00 - 09/02/13 23:01:00. Operation successful. 23:06:01:906 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 23:06:01:906 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 23:06:01:906 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 23:06:01:906 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 23:06:01:921 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 23:06:01:921 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 23:06:01:921 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 23:06:01:921 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 23:06:01:921 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 23:06:01:921 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 23:06:01:921 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfs0*_raw.txt 23:06:02:171 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13245 TimeFilter: 09/02/13 22:06:00 - 09/02/13 23:01:00. Operation successful. 23:06:02:171 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfs0*_raw.txt 23:06:02:734 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfs0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13244. Operation successful. 23:06:02:734 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 23:06:02:734 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 23:06:02:734 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 23:06:02:734 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 23:06:02:734 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\puf0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\puf0*_raw.txt 23:06:02:734 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 23:06:02:734 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\puf0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\puf0*_raw.txt 23:06:02:734 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified.