09/13/13 ESRL FileManager Service EventLog HH:MM:SS:MMM Code Message 00:07:00:062 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0*_raw.txt 00:07:00:078 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/12/13 23:07:00 - 09/13/13 00:02:00. Operation successful. 00:07:00:078 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0**_raw.txt 00:07:00:375 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 00:07:00:375 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 00:07:00:375 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/12/13 23:07:00 - 09/13/13 00:02:00. Operation successful. 00:07:00:375 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 00:07:00:484 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 00:07:00:484 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 00:07:00:484 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/12/13 23:07:00 - 09/13/13 00:02:00. Operation successful. 00:07:00:484 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 00:07:00:890 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 00:07:00:890 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 00:07:00:890 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/12/13 23:07:00 - 09/13/13 00:02:00. Operation successful. 00:07:00:890 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 00:07:01:422 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 00:07:01:422 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 00:07:01:422 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/12/13 23:07:00 - 09/13/13 00:02:00. Operation successful. 00:07:01:422 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 00:07:01:578 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 00:07:01:578 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 00:07:01:578 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/12/13 23:07:00 - 09/13/13 00:02:00. Operation successful. 00:07:01:578 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 00:07:01:906 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 00:07:01:906 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 00:07:01:906 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/12/13 23:07:00 - 09/13/13 00:02:00. Operation successful. 00:07:01:906 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 00:07:02:047 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 00:07:02:047 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 00:07:02:047 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/12/13 23:07:00 - 09/13/13 00:02:00. Operation successful. 00:07:02:047 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 00:07:02:687 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 00:07:02:687 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 00:07:02:687 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 00:07:02:687 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 00:07:02:687 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 00:07:02:687 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 00:07:02:687 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 00:07:02:687 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 00:07:02:687 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 00:07:02:687 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\pic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\pic0*_raw.txt 00:07:02:687 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 00:07:02:703 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\pic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\pic0*_raw.txt 00:07:02:703 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 00:07:02:703 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 00:07:02:703 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 00:07:02:703 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 00:07:02:703 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 00:07:02:703 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap2*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap2*_raw.txt 00:07:02:703 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 00:07:02:703 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap2*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap2*_raw.txt 00:07:02:703 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 00:07:02:703 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap1*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap1*_raw.txt 00:07:02:703 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 00:07:02:703 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap1*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap1*_raw.txt 00:07:02:719 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 00:10:01:253 201 Issuing copy action for D:\EtlLogs\FileManager\.log to D:\Data\\FM.log 00:10:01:253 206 Copying D:\EtlLogs\FileManager\.log to D:\Data\13255\FM.log. Operation successful. 00:10:01:253 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\d\EtlLogs\DataAcquisition\.log to D:\Data\\DA.log 00:10:01:785 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\d\EtlLogs\DataAcquisition\.log to D:\Data\13255\DA.log. Operation successful. 01:07:00:069 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0*_raw.txt 01:07:00:288 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 00:07:00 - 09/13/13 01:02:00. Operation successful. 01:07:00:288 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0**_raw.txt 01:07:00:366 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 01:07:00:366 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 01:07:00:381 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 00:07:00 - 09/13/13 01:02:00. Operation successful. 01:07:00:381 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 01:07:00:491 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 01:07:00:491 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 01:07:00:819 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 00:07:00 - 09/13/13 01:02:00. Operation successful. 01:07:00:819 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 01:07:00:913 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 01:07:00:913 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 01:07:01:350 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 00:07:00 - 09/13/13 01:02:00. Operation successful. 01:07:01:350 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 01:07:01:444 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 01:07:01:444 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 01:07:01:569 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 00:07:00 - 09/13/13 01:02:00. Operation successful. 01:07:01:569 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 01:07:01:647 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 01:07:01:647 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 01:07:01:913 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 00:07:00 - 09/13/13 01:02:00. Operation successful. 01:07:01:913 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 01:07:01:991 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 01:07:01:991 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 01:07:02:007 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 00:07:00 - 09/13/13 01:02:00. Operation successful. 01:07:02:007 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 01:07:02:085 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 01:07:02:085 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 01:07:02:600 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 00:07:00 - 09/13/13 01:02:00. Operation successful. 01:07:02:600 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 01:07:02:678 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 01:07:02:678 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 01:07:02:678 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 01:07:02:678 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 01:07:02:678 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 01:07:02:678 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 01:07:02:678 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 01:07:02:678 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 01:07:02:678 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 01:07:02:678 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\pic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\pic0*_raw.txt 01:07:02:678 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 01:07:02:678 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\pic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\pic0*_raw.txt 01:07:02:694 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 01:07:02:694 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 01:07:02:694 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 01:07:02:694 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 01:07:02:694 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 01:07:02:694 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap2*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap2*_raw.txt 01:07:02:694 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 01:07:02:694 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap2*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap2*_raw.txt 01:07:02:694 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 01:07:02:694 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap1*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap1*_raw.txt 01:07:02:694 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 01:07:02:694 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap1*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap1*_raw.txt 01:07:02:694 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 02:07:00:076 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0*_raw.txt 02:07:00:326 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 01:07:00 - 09/13/13 02:02:00. Operation successful. 02:07:00:326 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0**_raw.txt 02:07:00:404 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 02:07:00:404 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 02:07:00:451 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 01:07:00 - 09/13/13 02:02:00. Operation successful. 02:07:00:451 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 02:07:00:560 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 02:07:00:560 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 02:07:00:826 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 01:07:00 - 09/13/13 02:02:00. Operation successful. 02:07:00:826 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 02:07:00:919 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 02:07:00:919 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 02:07:01:310 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 01:07:00 - 09/13/13 02:02:00. Operation successful. 02:07:01:310 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 02:07:01:404 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 02:07:01:404 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 02:07:01:544 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 01:07:00 - 09/13/13 02:02:00. Operation successful. 02:07:01:544 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 02:07:01:607 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 02:07:01:607 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 02:07:01:810 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 01:07:00 - 09/13/13 02:02:00. Operation successful. 02:07:01:810 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 02:07:01:919 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 02:07:01:919 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 02:07:01:951 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 01:07:00 - 09/13/13 02:02:00. Operation successful. 02:07:01:951 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 02:07:02:076 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 02:07:02:076 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 02:07:02:544 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 01:07:00 - 09/13/13 02:02:00. Operation successful. 02:07:02:544 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 02:07:02:638 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 02:07:02:638 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 02:07:02:638 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 02:07:02:638 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 02:07:02:638 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 02:07:02:638 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 02:07:02:638 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 02:07:02:638 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 02:07:02:638 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 02:07:02:638 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\pic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\pic0*_raw.txt 02:07:02:638 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 02:07:02:638 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\pic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\pic0*_raw.txt 02:07:02:638 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 02:07:02:638 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 02:07:02:638 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 02:07:02:638 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 02:07:02:654 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 02:07:02:654 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap2*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap2*_raw.txt 02:07:02:654 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 02:07:02:654 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap2*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap2*_raw.txt 02:07:02:654 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 02:07:02:654 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap1*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap1*_raw.txt 02:07:02:654 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 02:07:02:654 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap1*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap1*_raw.txt 02:07:02:654 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 03:07:00:049 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0*_raw.txt 03:07:00:283 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 02:07:00 - 09/13/13 03:02:00. Operation successful. 03:07:00:283 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0**_raw.txt 03:07:00:408 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 03:07:00:408 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 03:07:00:455 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 02:07:00 - 09/13/13 03:02:00. Operation successful. 03:07:00:455 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 03:07:00:533 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 03:07:00:533 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 03:07:00:861 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 02:07:00 - 09/13/13 03:02:00. Operation successful. 03:07:00:861 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 03:07:00:970 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 03:07:00:970 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 03:07:01:377 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 02:07:00 - 09/13/13 03:02:00. Operation successful. 03:07:01:377 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 03:07:01:486 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 03:07:01:486 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 03:07:01:564 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 02:07:00 - 09/13/13 03:02:00. Operation successful. 03:07:01:564 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 03:07:01:642 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 03:07:01:642 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 03:07:01:924 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 02:07:00 - 09/13/13 03:02:00. Operation successful. 03:07:01:924 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 03:07:02:002 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 03:07:02:002 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 03:07:02:017 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 02:07:00 - 09/13/13 03:02:00. Operation successful. 03:07:02:017 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 03:07:02:095 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 03:07:02:095 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 03:07:02:642 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 02:07:00 - 09/13/13 03:02:00. Operation successful. 03:07:02:642 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 03:07:02:736 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 03:07:02:736 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 03:07:02:736 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 03:07:02:752 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 03:07:02:752 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 03:07:02:752 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 03:07:02:752 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 03:07:02:752 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 03:07:02:752 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 03:07:02:752 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\pic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\pic0*_raw.txt 03:07:02:752 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 03:07:02:752 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\pic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\pic0*_raw.txt 03:07:02:752 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 03:07:02:752 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 03:07:02:752 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 03:07:02:752 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 03:07:02:752 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 03:07:02:752 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap2*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap2*_raw.txt 03:07:02:752 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 03:07:02:752 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap2*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap2*_raw.txt 03:07:02:752 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 03:07:02:752 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap1*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap1*_raw.txt 03:07:02:767 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 03:07:02:767 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap1*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap1*_raw.txt 03:07:02:767 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 04:07:00:002 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0*_raw.txt 04:07:00:205 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 03:07:00 - 09/13/13 04:02:00. Operation successful. 04:07:00:205 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0**_raw.txt 04:07:00:299 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 04:07:00:299 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 04:07:00:330 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 03:07:00 - 09/13/13 04:02:00. Operation successful. 04:07:00:330 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 04:07:00:408 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 04:07:00:408 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 04:07:00:752 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 03:07:00 - 09/13/13 04:02:00. Operation successful. 04:07:00:752 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 04:07:00:845 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 04:07:00:845 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 04:07:01:283 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 03:07:00 - 09/13/13 04:02:00. Operation successful. 04:07:01:283 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 04:07:01:377 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 04:07:01:377 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 04:07:01:502 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 03:07:00 - 09/13/13 04:02:00. Operation successful. 04:07:01:502 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 04:07:01:595 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 04:07:01:611 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 04:07:01:845 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 03:07:00 - 09/13/13 04:02:00. Operation successful. 04:07:01:845 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 04:07:01:955 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 04:07:01:955 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 04:07:01:970 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 03:07:00 - 09/13/13 04:02:00. Operation successful. 04:07:01:970 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 04:07:02:064 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 04:07:02:064 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 04:07:02:611 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 03:07:00 - 09/13/13 04:02:00. Operation successful. 04:07:02:611 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 04:07:02:752 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 04:07:02:752 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 04:07:02:752 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 04:07:02:752 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 04:07:02:752 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 04:07:02:752 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 04:07:02:752 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 04:07:02:752 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 04:07:02:752 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 04:07:02:752 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\pic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\pic0*_raw.txt 04:07:02:752 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 04:07:02:752 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\pic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\pic0*_raw.txt 04:07:02:767 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 04:07:02:767 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 04:07:02:767 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 04:07:02:767 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 04:07:02:767 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 04:07:02:767 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap2*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap2*_raw.txt 04:07:02:783 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 04:07:02:783 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap2*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap2*_raw.txt 04:07:02:783 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 04:07:02:783 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap1*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap1*_raw.txt 04:07:02:783 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 04:07:02:783 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap1*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap1*_raw.txt 04:07:02:783 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 05:07:00:002 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0*_raw.txt 05:07:00:252 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 04:07:00 - 09/13/13 05:02:00. Operation successful. 05:07:00:267 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0**_raw.txt 05:07:00:392 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 05:07:00:392 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 05:07:00:439 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 04:07:00 - 09/13/13 05:02:00. Operation successful. 05:07:00:439 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 05:07:00:517 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 05:07:00:517 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 05:07:00:861 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 04:07:00 - 09/13/13 05:02:00. Operation successful. 05:07:00:861 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 05:07:01:002 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 05:07:01:002 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 05:07:01:439 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 04:07:00 - 09/13/13 05:02:00. Operation successful. 05:07:01:439 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 05:07:01:517 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 05:07:01:517 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 05:07:01:595 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 04:07:00 - 09/13/13 05:02:00. Operation successful. 05:07:01:595 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 05:07:01:674 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 05:07:01:674 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 05:07:01:939 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 04:07:00 - 09/13/13 05:02:00. Operation successful. 05:07:01:939 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 05:07:02:017 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 05:07:02:017 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 05:07:02:049 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 04:07:00 - 09/13/13 05:02:00. Operation successful. 05:07:02:049 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 05:07:02:127 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 05:07:02:127 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 05:07:02:580 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 04:07:00 - 09/13/13 05:02:00. Operation successful. 05:07:02:595 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 05:07:02:720 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 05:07:02:720 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 05:07:02:720 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 05:07:02:720 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 05:07:02:720 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 05:07:02:720 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 05:07:02:720 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 05:07:02:720 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 05:07:02:720 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 05:07:02:720 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\pic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\pic0*_raw.txt 05:07:02:720 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 05:07:02:720 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\pic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\pic0*_raw.txt 05:07:02:720 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 05:07:02:736 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 05:07:02:736 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 05:07:02:736 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 05:07:02:736 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 05:07:02:736 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap2*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap2*_raw.txt 05:07:02:736 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 05:07:02:736 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap2*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap2*_raw.txt 05:07:02:736 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 05:07:02:736 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap1*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap1*_raw.txt 05:07:02:736 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 05:07:02:736 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap1*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap1*_raw.txt 05:07:02:736 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 06:07:00:002 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0*_raw.txt 06:07:00:220 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 05:07:00 - 09/13/13 06:02:00. Operation successful. 06:07:00:220 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0**_raw.txt 06:07:00:314 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 06:07:00:314 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 06:07:00:345 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 05:07:00 - 09/13/13 06:02:00. Operation successful. 06:07:00:345 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 06:07:00:439 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 06:07:00:439 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 06:07:00:799 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 05:07:00 - 09/13/13 06:02:00. Operation successful. 06:07:00:799 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 06:07:00:877 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 06:07:00:877 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 06:07:01:299 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 05:07:00 - 09/13/13 06:02:00. Operation successful. 06:07:01:299 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 06:07:01:377 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 06:07:01:377 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 06:07:01:486 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 05:07:00 - 09/13/13 06:02:00. Operation successful. 06:07:01:486 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 06:07:01:611 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 06:07:01:611 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 06:07:01:892 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 05:07:00 - 09/13/13 06:02:00. Operation successful. 06:07:01:892 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 06:07:02:002 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 06:07:02:002 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 06:07:02:033 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 05:07:00 - 09/13/13 06:02:00. Operation successful. 06:07:02:033 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 06:07:02:142 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 06:07:02:142 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 06:07:02:642 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 05:07:00 - 09/13/13 06:02:00. Operation successful. 06:07:02:642 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 06:07:02:720 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 06:07:02:720 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 06:07:02:720 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 06:07:02:720 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 06:07:02:736 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 06:07:02:736 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 06:07:02:736 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 06:07:02:736 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 06:07:02:736 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 06:07:02:736 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\pic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\pic0*_raw.txt 06:07:02:736 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 06:07:02:736 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\pic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\pic0*_raw.txt 06:07:02:736 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 06:07:02:736 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 06:07:02:736 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 06:07:02:736 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 06:07:02:736 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 06:07:02:736 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap2*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap2*_raw.txt 06:07:02:736 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 06:07:02:736 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap2*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap2*_raw.txt 06:07:02:736 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 06:07:02:752 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap1*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap1*_raw.txt 06:07:02:752 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 06:07:02:752 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap1*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap1*_raw.txt 06:07:02:752 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 07:07:00:002 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0*_raw.txt 07:07:00:236 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 06:07:00 - 09/13/13 07:02:00. Operation successful. 07:07:00:236 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0**_raw.txt 07:07:00:330 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 07:07:00:330 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 07:07:00:392 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 06:07:00 - 09/13/13 07:02:00. Operation successful. 07:07:00:392 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 07:07:00:455 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 07:07:00:455 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 07:07:00:783 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 06:07:00 - 09/13/13 07:02:00. Operation successful. 07:07:00:783 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 07:07:00:939 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 07:07:00:939 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 07:07:01:314 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 06:07:00 - 09/13/13 07:02:00. Operation successful. 07:07:01:314 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 07:07:01:439 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 07:07:01:439 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 07:07:01:533 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 06:07:00 - 09/13/13 07:02:00. Operation successful. 07:07:01:533 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 07:07:01:705 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 07:07:01:705 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 07:07:01:970 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 06:07:00 - 09/13/13 07:02:00. Operation successful. 07:07:01:970 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 07:07:02:064 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 07:07:02:064 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 07:07:02:095 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 06:07:00 - 09/13/13 07:02:00. Operation successful. 07:07:02:095 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 07:07:02:205 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 07:07:02:205 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 07:07:02:705 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 06:07:00 - 09/13/13 07:02:00. Operation successful. 07:07:02:705 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 07:07:02:799 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 07:07:02:799 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 07:07:02:799 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 07:07:02:799 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 07:07:02:799 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 07:07:02:799 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 07:07:02:799 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 07:07:02:799 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 07:07:02:814 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 07:07:02:814 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\pic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\pic0*_raw.txt 07:07:02:814 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 07:07:02:814 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\pic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\pic0*_raw.txt 07:07:02:814 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 07:07:02:814 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 07:07:02:814 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 07:07:02:814 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 07:07:02:814 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 07:07:02:814 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap2*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap2*_raw.txt 07:07:02:814 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 07:07:02:814 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap2*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap2*_raw.txt 07:07:02:814 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 07:07:02:814 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap1*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap1*_raw.txt 07:07:02:814 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 07:07:02:814 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap1*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap1*_raw.txt 07:07:02:814 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 08:07:00:002 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0*_raw.txt 08:07:00:236 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 07:07:00 - 09/13/13 08:02:00. Operation successful. 08:07:00:236 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0**_raw.txt 08:07:00:345 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 08:07:00:345 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 08:07:00:377 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 07:07:00 - 09/13/13 08:02:00. Operation successful. 08:07:00:377 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 08:07:00:470 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 08:07:00:470 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 08:07:00:783 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 07:07:00 - 09/13/13 08:02:00. Operation successful. 08:07:00:783 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 08:07:00:877 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 08:07:00:877 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 08:07:01:299 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 07:07:00 - 09/13/13 08:02:00. Operation successful. 08:07:01:299 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 08:07:01:361 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 08:07:01:361 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 08:07:01:455 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 07:07:00 - 09/13/13 08:02:00. Operation successful. 08:07:01:455 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 08:07:01:533 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 08:07:01:533 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 08:07:01:783 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 07:07:00 - 09/13/13 08:02:00. Operation successful. 08:07:01:783 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 08:07:01:877 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 08:07:01:877 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 08:07:01:908 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 07:07:00 - 09/13/13 08:02:00. Operation successful. 08:07:01:908 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 08:07:02:017 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 08:07:02:017 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 08:07:02:486 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 07:07:00 - 09/13/13 08:02:00. Operation successful. 08:07:02:486 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 08:07:02:564 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 08:07:02:564 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 08:07:02:564 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 08:07:02:564 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 08:07:02:564 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 08:07:02:564 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 08:07:02:564 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 08:07:02:564 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 08:07:02:564 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 08:07:02:564 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\pic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\pic0*_raw.txt 08:07:02:564 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 08:07:02:564 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\pic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\pic0*_raw.txt 08:07:02:564 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 08:07:02:564 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 08:07:02:564 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 08:07:02:564 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 08:07:02:564 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 08:07:02:564 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap2*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap2*_raw.txt 08:07:02:580 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 08:07:02:580 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap2*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap2*_raw.txt 08:07:02:580 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 08:07:02:580 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap1*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap1*_raw.txt 08:07:02:580 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 08:07:02:580 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap1*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap1*_raw.txt 08:07:02:580 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 09:07:00:002 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0*_raw.txt 09:07:00:252 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 08:07:00 - 09/13/13 09:02:00. Operation successful. 09:07:00:252 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0**_raw.txt 09:07:00:361 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 09:07:00:361 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 09:07:00:392 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 08:07:00 - 09/13/13 09:02:00. Operation successful. 09:07:00:408 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 09:07:00:470 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 09:07:00:470 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 09:07:00:814 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 08:07:00 - 09/13/13 09:02:00. Operation successful. 09:07:00:814 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 09:07:00:939 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 09:07:00:939 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 09:07:01:330 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 08:07:00 - 09/13/13 09:02:00. Operation successful. 09:07:01:330 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 09:07:01:439 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 09:07:01:439 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 09:07:01:533 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 08:07:00 - 09/13/13 09:02:00. Operation successful. 09:07:01:533 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 09:07:01:689 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 09:07:01:689 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 09:07:01:955 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 08:07:00 - 09/13/13 09:02:00. Operation successful. 09:07:01:955 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 09:07:02:033 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 09:07:02:033 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 09:07:02:064 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 08:07:00 - 09/13/13 09:02:00. Operation successful. 09:07:02:064 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 09:07:02:174 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 09:07:02:174 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 09:07:02:689 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 08:07:00 - 09/13/13 09:02:00. Operation successful. 09:07:02:689 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 09:07:02:783 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 09:07:02:783 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 09:07:02:783 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 09:07:02:783 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 09:07:02:783 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 09:07:02:783 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 09:07:02:783 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 09:07:02:783 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 09:07:02:799 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 09:07:02:799 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\pic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\pic0*_raw.txt 09:07:02:799 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 09:07:02:799 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\pic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\pic0*_raw.txt 09:07:02:799 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 09:07:02:799 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 09:07:02:799 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 09:07:02:799 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 09:07:02:799 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 09:07:02:799 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap2*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap2*_raw.txt 09:07:02:799 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 09:07:02:799 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap2*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap2*_raw.txt 09:07:02:814 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 09:07:02:814 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap1*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap1*_raw.txt 09:07:02:814 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 09:07:02:814 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap1*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap1*_raw.txt 09:07:02:814 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 10:07:00:002 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0*_raw.txt 10:07:00:220 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 09:07:00 - 09/13/13 10:02:00. Operation successful. 10:07:00:220 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0**_raw.txt 10:07:00:330 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 10:07:00:330 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 10:07:00:361 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 09:07:00 - 09/13/13 10:02:00. Operation successful. 10:07:00:361 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 10:07:00:455 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 10:07:00:455 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 10:07:00:767 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 09:07:00 - 09/13/13 10:02:00. Operation successful. 10:07:00:767 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 10:07:00:861 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 10:07:00:861 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 10:07:01:267 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 09:07:00 - 09/13/13 10:02:00. Operation successful. 10:07:01:267 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 10:07:01:345 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 10:07:01:345 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 10:07:01:439 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 09:07:00 - 09/13/13 10:02:00. Operation successful. 10:07:01:439 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 10:07:01:533 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 10:07:01:533 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 10:07:01:783 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 09:07:00 - 09/13/13 10:02:00. Operation successful. 10:07:01:799 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 10:07:01:877 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 10:07:01:877 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 10:07:01:892 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 09:07:00 - 09/13/13 10:02:00. Operation successful. 10:07:01:892 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 10:07:02:002 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 10:07:02:002 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 10:07:02:549 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 09:07:00 - 09/13/13 10:02:00. Operation successful. 10:07:02:549 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 10:07:02:642 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 10:07:02:642 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 10:07:02:642 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 10:07:02:642 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 10:07:02:642 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 10:07:02:642 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 10:07:02:642 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 10:07:02:642 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 10:07:02:642 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 10:07:02:642 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\pic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\pic0*_raw.txt 10:07:02:642 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 10:07:02:642 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\pic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\pic0*_raw.txt 10:07:02:658 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 10:07:02:658 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 10:07:02:658 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 10:07:02:658 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 10:07:02:658 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 10:07:02:658 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap2*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap2*_raw.txt 10:07:02:658 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 10:07:02:658 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap2*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap2*_raw.txt 10:07:02:658 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 10:07:02:658 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap1*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap1*_raw.txt 10:07:02:658 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 10:07:02:658 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap1*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap1*_raw.txt 10:07:02:658 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 11:07:00:002 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0*_raw.txt 11:07:00:252 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 10:07:00 - 09/13/13 11:02:00. Operation successful. 11:07:00:252 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0**_raw.txt 11:07:00:392 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 11:07:00:392 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 11:07:00:439 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 10:07:00 - 09/13/13 11:02:00. Operation successful. 11:07:00:439 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 11:07:00:533 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 11:07:00:533 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 11:07:00:845 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 10:07:00 - 09/13/13 11:02:00. Operation successful. 11:07:00:845 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 11:07:00:939 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 11:07:00:939 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 11:07:01:345 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 10:07:00 - 09/13/13 11:02:00. Operation successful. 11:07:01:345 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 11:07:01:486 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 11:07:01:486 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 11:07:01:595 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 10:07:00 - 09/13/13 11:02:00. Operation successful. 11:07:01:595 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 11:07:01:736 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 11:07:01:736 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 11:07:01:986 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 10:07:00 - 09/13/13 11:02:00. Operation successful. 11:07:01:986 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 11:07:02:142 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 11:07:02:142 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 11:07:02:174 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 10:07:00 - 09/13/13 11:02:00. Operation successful. 11:07:02:174 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 11:07:02:267 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 11:07:02:267 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 11:07:02:720 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 10:07:00 - 09/13/13 11:02:00. Operation successful. 11:07:02:720 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 11:07:02:830 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 11:07:02:830 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 11:07:02:845 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 11:07:02:845 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 11:07:02:845 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 11:07:02:845 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 11:07:02:845 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 11:07:02:845 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 11:07:02:845 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 11:07:02:845 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\pic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\pic0*_raw.txt 11:07:02:845 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 11:07:02:845 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\pic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\pic0*_raw.txt 11:07:02:845 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 11:07:02:845 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 11:07:02:845 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 11:07:02:861 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 11:07:02:861 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 11:07:02:861 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap2*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap2*_raw.txt 11:07:02:861 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 11:07:02:861 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap2*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap2*_raw.txt 11:07:02:861 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 11:07:02:861 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap1*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap1*_raw.txt 11:07:02:861 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 11:07:02:861 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap1*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap1*_raw.txt 11:07:02:861 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 12:07:00:002 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0*_raw.txt 12:07:00:236 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 11:07:00 - 09/13/13 12:02:00. Operation successful. 12:07:00:236 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0**_raw.txt 12:07:00:361 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 12:07:00:361 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 12:07:00:392 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 11:07:00 - 09/13/13 12:02:00. Operation successful. 12:07:00:392 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 12:07:00:470 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 12:07:00:470 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 12:07:00:814 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 11:07:00 - 09/13/13 12:02:00. Operation successful. 12:07:00:814 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 12:07:00:908 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 12:07:00:908 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 12:07:01:283 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 11:07:00 - 09/13/13 12:02:00. Operation successful. 12:07:01:283 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 12:07:01:361 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 12:07:01:361 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 12:07:01:486 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 11:07:00 - 09/13/13 12:02:00. Operation successful. 12:07:01:486 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 12:07:01:658 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 12:07:01:658 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 12:07:01:861 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 11:07:00 - 09/13/13 12:02:00. Operation successful. 12:07:01:861 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 12:07:01:970 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 12:07:01:970 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 12:07:02:002 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 11:07:00 - 09/13/13 12:02:00. Operation successful. 12:07:02:002 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 12:07:02:142 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 12:07:02:142 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 12:07:02:627 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 11:07:00 - 09/13/13 12:02:00. Operation successful. 12:07:02:627 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 12:07:02:720 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 12:07:02:720 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 12:07:02:736 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 12:07:02:736 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 12:07:02:736 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 12:07:02:736 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 12:07:02:736 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 12:07:02:736 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 12:07:02:736 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 12:07:02:736 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\pic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\pic0*_raw.txt 12:07:02:752 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 12:07:02:752 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\pic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\pic0*_raw.txt 12:07:02:752 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 12:07:02:752 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 12:07:02:752 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 12:07:02:752 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 12:07:02:752 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 12:07:02:752 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap2*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap2*_raw.txt 12:07:02:752 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 12:07:02:752 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap2*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap2*_raw.txt 12:07:02:767 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 12:07:02:767 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap1*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap1*_raw.txt 12:07:02:767 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 12:07:02:767 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap1*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap1*_raw.txt 12:07:02:783 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 13:07:00:136 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0*_raw.txt 13:07:00:371 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 12:07:00 - 09/13/13 13:02:00. Operation successful. 13:07:00:371 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0**_raw.txt 13:07:00:480 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 13:07:00:480 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 13:07:00:511 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 12:07:00 - 09/13/13 13:02:00. Operation successful. 13:07:00:527 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 13:07:00:621 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 13:07:00:621 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 13:07:00:933 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 12:07:00 - 09/13/13 13:02:00. Operation successful. 13:07:00:933 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 13:07:01:027 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 13:07:01:027 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 13:07:01:465 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 12:07:00 - 09/13/13 13:02:00. Operation successful. 13:07:01:465 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 13:07:01:637 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 13:07:01:637 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 13:07:01:746 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 12:07:00 - 09/13/13 13:02:00. Operation successful. 13:07:01:746 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 13:07:01:871 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 13:07:01:871 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 13:07:02:137 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 12:07:00 - 09/13/13 13:02:00. Operation successful. 13:07:02:137 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 13:07:02:246 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 13:07:02:246 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 13:07:02:277 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 12:07:00 - 09/13/13 13:02:00. Operation successful. 13:07:02:277 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 13:07:02:434 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 13:07:02:434 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 13:07:03:028 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 12:07:00 - 09/13/13 13:02:00. Operation successful. 13:07:03:028 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 13:07:03:168 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 13:07:03:168 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 13:07:03:168 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 13:07:03:168 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 13:07:03:168 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 13:07:03:168 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 13:07:03:168 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 13:07:03:168 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 13:07:03:168 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 13:07:03:168 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\pic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\pic0*_raw.txt 13:07:03:168 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 13:07:03:168 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\pic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\pic0*_raw.txt 13:07:03:184 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 13:07:03:184 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 13:07:03:184 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 13:07:03:184 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 13:07:03:184 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 13:07:03:184 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap2*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap2*_raw.txt 13:07:03:184 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 13:07:03:184 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap2*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap2*_raw.txt 13:07:03:184 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 13:07:03:184 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap1*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap1*_raw.txt 13:07:03:199 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 13:07:03:199 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap1*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap1*_raw.txt 13:07:03:199 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 14:07:00:284 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0*_raw.txt 14:07:00:518 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 13:07:00 - 09/13/13 14:02:00. Operation successful. 14:07:00:518 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0**_raw.txt 14:07:00:659 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 14:07:00:659 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 14:07:00:690 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 13:07:00 - 09/13/13 14:02:00. Operation successful. 14:07:00:690 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 14:07:00:784 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 14:07:00:784 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 14:07:01:127 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 13:07:00 - 09/13/13 14:02:00. Operation successful. 14:07:01:127 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 14:07:01:205 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 14:07:01:205 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 14:07:01:659 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 13:07:00 - 09/13/13 14:02:00. Operation successful. 14:07:01:659 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 14:07:01:768 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 14:07:01:768 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 14:07:01:893 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 13:07:00 - 09/13/13 14:02:00. Operation successful. 14:07:01:893 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 14:07:01:987 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 14:07:01:987 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 14:07:02:190 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 13:07:00 - 09/13/13 14:02:00. Operation successful. 14:07:02:190 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 14:07:02:299 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 14:07:02:299 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 14:07:02:330 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 13:07:00 - 09/13/13 14:02:00. Operation successful. 14:07:02:330 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 14:07:02:471 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 14:07:02:471 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 14:07:02:955 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 13:07:00 - 09/13/13 14:02:00. Operation successful. 14:07:02:955 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 14:07:03:127 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 14:07:03:127 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 14:07:03:127 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 14:07:03:127 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 14:07:03:127 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 14:07:03:127 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 14:07:03:127 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 14:07:03:127 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 14:07:03:127 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 14:07:03:127 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\pic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\pic0*_raw.txt 14:07:03:127 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 14:07:03:127 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\pic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\pic0*_raw.txt 14:07:03:127 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 14:07:03:143 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 14:07:03:159 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 14:07:03:159 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 14:07:03:159 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 14:07:03:159 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap2*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap2*_raw.txt 14:07:03:159 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 14:07:03:159 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap2*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap2*_raw.txt 14:07:03:159 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 14:07:03:159 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap1*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap1*_raw.txt 14:07:03:159 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 14:07:03:159 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap1*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap1*_raw.txt 14:07:03:174 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 15:07:00:056 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0*_raw.txt 15:07:00:321 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 14:07:00 - 09/13/13 15:02:00. Operation successful. 15:07:00:321 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0**_raw.txt 15:07:00:415 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 15:07:00:415 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 15:07:00:446 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 14:07:00 - 09/13/13 15:02:00. Operation successful. 15:07:00:446 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 15:07:00:556 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 15:07:00:556 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 15:07:00:915 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 14:07:00 - 09/13/13 15:02:00. Operation successful. 15:07:00:915 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 15:07:01:025 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 15:07:01:025 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 15:07:01:400 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 14:07:00 - 09/13/13 15:02:00. Operation successful. 15:07:01:400 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 15:07:01:540 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 15:07:01:540 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 15:07:01:618 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 14:07:00 - 09/13/13 15:02:00. Operation successful. 15:07:01:618 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 15:07:01:696 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 15:07:01:696 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 15:07:01:915 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 14:07:00 - 09/13/13 15:02:00. Operation successful. 15:07:01:915 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 15:07:02:056 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 15:07:02:056 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 15:07:02:087 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 14:07:00 - 09/13/13 15:02:00. Operation successful. 15:07:02:087 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 15:07:02:150 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 15:07:02:150 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 15:07:02:650 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 14:07:00 - 09/13/13 15:02:00. Operation successful. 15:07:02:650 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 15:07:02:728 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 15:07:02:728 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 15:07:02:728 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 15:07:02:728 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 15:07:02:728 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 15:07:02:728 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 15:07:02:743 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 15:07:02:743 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 15:07:02:743 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 15:07:02:743 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\pic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\pic0*_raw.txt 15:07:02:743 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 15:07:02:743 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\pic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\pic0*_raw.txt 15:07:02:743 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 15:07:02:743 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 15:07:02:743 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 15:07:02:743 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 15:07:02:743 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 15:07:02:743 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap2*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap2*_raw.txt 15:07:02:743 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 15:07:02:743 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap2*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap2*_raw.txt 15:07:02:743 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 15:07:02:743 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap1*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap1*_raw.txt 15:07:02:743 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 15:07:02:743 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap1*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap1*_raw.txt 15:07:02:743 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 16:07:00:078 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0*_raw.txt 16:07:00:297 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 15:07:00 - 09/13/13 16:02:00. Operation successful. 16:07:00:297 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0**_raw.txt 16:07:00:437 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 16:07:00:437 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 16:07:00:484 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 15:07:00 - 09/13/13 16:02:00. Operation successful. 16:07:00:484 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 16:07:00:578 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 16:07:00:578 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 16:07:00:906 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 15:07:00 - 09/13/13 16:02:00. Operation successful. 16:07:00:906 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 16:07:01:047 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 16:07:01:047 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 16:07:01:422 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 15:07:00 - 09/13/13 16:02:00. Operation successful. 16:07:01:422 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 16:07:01:531 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 16:07:01:531 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 16:07:01:625 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 15:07:00 - 09/13/13 16:02:00. Operation successful. 16:07:01:625 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 16:07:01:734 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 16:07:01:734 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 16:07:02:000 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 15:07:00 - 09/13/13 16:02:00. Operation successful. 16:07:02:000 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 16:07:02:203 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 16:07:02:219 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 16:07:02:250 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 15:07:00 - 09/13/13 16:02:00. Operation successful. 16:07:02:250 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 16:07:02:359 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 16:07:02:359 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 16:07:02:812 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 15:07:00 - 09/13/13 16:02:00. Operation successful. 16:07:02:812 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 16:07:02:937 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 16:07:02:937 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 16:07:02:937 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 16:07:02:937 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 16:07:02:937 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 16:07:02:937 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 16:07:02:937 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 16:07:02:937 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 16:07:02:953 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 16:07:02:953 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\pic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\pic0*_raw.txt 16:07:02:953 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 16:07:02:953 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\pic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\pic0*_raw.txt 16:07:02:953 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 16:07:02:953 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 16:07:02:953 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 16:07:02:953 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 16:07:02:953 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 16:07:02:953 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap2*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap2*_raw.txt 16:07:02:953 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 16:07:02:953 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap2*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap2*_raw.txt 16:07:02:953 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 16:07:02:953 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap1*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap1*_raw.txt 16:07:02:953 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 16:07:02:953 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap1*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap1*_raw.txt 16:07:02:953 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 17:07:00:069 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0*_raw.txt 17:07:00:288 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 16:07:00 - 09/13/13 17:02:00. Operation successful. 17:07:00:288 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0**_raw.txt 17:07:00:428 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 17:07:00:428 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 17:07:00:460 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 16:07:00 - 09/13/13 17:02:00. Operation successful. 17:07:00:460 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 17:07:00:585 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 17:07:00:585 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 17:07:00:913 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 16:07:00 - 09/13/13 17:02:00. Operation successful. 17:07:00:913 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 17:07:01:007 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 17:07:01:007 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 17:07:01:428 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 16:07:00 - 09/13/13 17:02:00. Operation successful. 17:07:01:428 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 17:07:01:538 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 17:07:01:538 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 17:07:01:678 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 16:07:00 - 09/13/13 17:02:00. Operation successful. 17:07:01:678 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 17:07:01:757 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 17:07:01:757 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 17:07:02:053 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 16:07:00 - 09/13/13 17:02:00. Operation successful. 17:07:02:053 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 17:07:02:194 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 17:07:02:194 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 17:07:02:210 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 16:07:00 - 09/13/13 17:02:00. Operation successful. 17:07:02:210 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 17:07:02:319 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 17:07:02:319 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 17:07:02:882 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 16:07:00 - 09/13/13 17:02:00. Operation successful. 17:07:02:882 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 17:07:02:960 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 17:07:02:975 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 17:07:02:975 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 17:07:02:975 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 17:07:02:975 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 17:07:02:975 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 17:07:02:975 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 17:07:02:975 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 17:07:02:975 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 17:07:02:975 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\pic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\pic0*_raw.txt 17:07:02:991 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 17:07:02:991 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\pic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\pic0*_raw.txt 17:07:02:991 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 17:07:02:991 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 17:07:02:991 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 17:07:02:991 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 17:07:02:991 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 17:07:02:991 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap2*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap2*_raw.txt 17:07:02:991 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 17:07:02:991 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap2*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap2*_raw.txt 17:07:02:991 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 17:07:02:991 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap1*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap1*_raw.txt 17:07:02:991 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 17:07:02:991 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap1*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap1*_raw.txt 17:07:02:991 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 18:07:00:076 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0*_raw.txt 18:07:00:341 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 17:07:00 - 09/13/13 18:02:00. Operation successful. 18:07:00:341 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0**_raw.txt 18:07:00:435 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 18:07:00:435 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 18:07:00:482 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 17:07:00 - 09/13/13 18:02:00. Operation successful. 18:07:00:482 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 18:07:00:591 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 18:07:00:591 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 18:07:00:904 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 17:07:00 - 09/13/13 18:02:00. Operation successful. 18:07:00:904 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 18:07:00:966 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 18:07:00:966 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 18:07:01:326 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 17:07:00 - 09/13/13 18:02:00. Operation successful. 18:07:01:326 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 18:07:01:466 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 18:07:01:466 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 18:07:01:560 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 17:07:00 - 09/13/13 18:02:00. Operation successful. 18:07:01:560 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 18:07:01:623 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 18:07:01:623 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 18:07:01:904 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 17:07:00 - 09/13/13 18:02:00. Operation successful. 18:07:01:904 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 18:07:01:982 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 18:07:01:982 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 18:07:02:013 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 17:07:00 - 09/13/13 18:02:00. Operation successful. 18:07:02:013 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 18:07:02:091 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 18:07:02:091 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 18:07:02:591 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 17:07:00 - 09/13/13 18:02:00. Operation successful. 18:07:02:591 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 18:07:02:732 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 18:07:02:732 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 18:07:02:732 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 18:07:02:732 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 18:07:02:732 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 18:07:02:732 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 18:07:02:748 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 18:07:02:748 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 18:07:02:748 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 18:07:02:748 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\pic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\pic0*_raw.txt 18:07:02:748 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 18:07:02:748 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\pic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\pic0*_raw.txt 18:07:02:748 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 18:07:02:748 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 18:07:02:748 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 18:07:02:748 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 18:07:02:748 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 18:07:02:748 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap2*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap2*_raw.txt 18:07:02:748 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 18:07:02:748 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap2*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap2*_raw.txt 18:07:02:748 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 18:07:02:748 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap1*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap1*_raw.txt 18:07:02:748 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 18:07:02:748 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap1*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap1*_raw.txt 18:07:02:763 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 19:07:00:067 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0*_raw.txt 19:07:00:285 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 18:07:00 - 09/13/13 19:02:00. Operation successful. 19:07:00:285 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0**_raw.txt 19:07:00:395 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 19:07:00:395 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 19:07:00:426 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 18:07:00 - 09/13/13 19:02:00. Operation successful. 19:07:00:426 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 19:07:00:520 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 19:07:00:520 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 19:07:00:817 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 18:07:00 - 09/13/13 19:02:00. Operation successful. 19:07:00:817 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 19:07:00:957 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 19:07:00:957 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 19:07:01:379 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 18:07:00 - 09/13/13 19:02:00. Operation successful. 19:07:01:395 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 19:07:01:473 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 19:07:01:473 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 19:07:01:598 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 18:07:00 - 09/13/13 19:02:00. Operation successful. 19:07:01:598 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 19:07:01:723 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 19:07:01:723 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 19:07:02:004 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 18:07:00 - 09/13/13 19:02:00. Operation successful. 19:07:02:004 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 19:07:02:145 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 19:07:02:145 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 19:07:02:176 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 18:07:00 - 09/13/13 19:02:00. Operation successful. 19:07:02:176 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 19:07:02:301 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 19:07:02:301 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 19:07:02:817 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 18:07:00 - 09/13/13 19:02:00. Operation successful. 19:07:02:817 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 19:07:02:942 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 19:07:02:942 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 19:07:02:942 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 19:07:02:942 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 19:07:02:942 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 19:07:02:942 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 19:07:02:942 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 19:07:02:942 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 19:07:02:942 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 19:07:02:942 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\pic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\pic0*_raw.txt 19:07:02:942 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 19:07:02:942 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\pic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\pic0*_raw.txt 19:07:02:942 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 19:07:02:942 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 19:07:02:957 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 19:07:02:957 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 19:07:02:957 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 19:07:02:957 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap2*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap2*_raw.txt 19:07:02:957 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 19:07:02:957 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap2*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap2*_raw.txt 19:07:02:957 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 19:07:02:957 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap1*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap1*_raw.txt 19:07:02:957 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 19:07:02:957 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap1*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap1*_raw.txt 19:07:02:957 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 20:07:00:073 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0*_raw.txt 20:07:00:308 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 19:07:00 - 09/13/13 20:02:00. Operation successful. 20:07:00:308 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0**_raw.txt 20:07:00:448 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 20:07:00:448 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 20:07:00:495 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 19:07:00 - 09/13/13 20:02:00. Operation successful. 20:07:00:495 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 20:07:00:620 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 20:07:00:620 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 20:07:00:948 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 19:07:00 - 09/13/13 20:02:00. Operation successful. 20:07:00:948 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 20:07:01:058 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 20:07:01:058 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 20:07:01:401 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 19:07:00 - 09/13/13 20:02:00. Operation successful. 20:07:01:401 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 20:07:01:511 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 20:07:01:511 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 20:07:01:620 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 19:07:00 - 09/13/13 20:02:00. Operation successful. 20:07:01:620 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 20:07:01:698 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 20:07:01:698 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 20:07:01:980 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 19:07:00 - 09/13/13 20:02:00. Operation successful. 20:07:01:980 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 20:07:02:073 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 20:07:02:073 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 20:07:02:120 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 19:07:00 - 09/13/13 20:02:00. Operation successful. 20:07:02:120 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 20:07:02:198 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 20:07:02:198 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 20:07:02:636 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 19:07:00 - 09/13/13 20:02:00. Operation successful. 20:07:02:636 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 20:07:02:714 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 20:07:02:714 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 20:07:02:730 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 20:07:02:730 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 20:07:02:730 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 20:07:02:730 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 20:07:02:730 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 20:07:02:730 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 20:07:02:730 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 20:07:02:730 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\pic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\pic0*_raw.txt 20:07:02:730 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 20:07:02:730 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\pic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\pic0*_raw.txt 20:07:02:730 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 20:07:02:730 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 20:07:02:730 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 20:07:02:730 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 20:07:02:730 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 20:07:02:730 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap2*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap2*_raw.txt 20:07:02:745 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 20:07:02:745 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap2*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap2*_raw.txt 20:07:02:745 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 20:07:02:745 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap1*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap1*_raw.txt 20:07:02:745 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 20:07:02:745 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap1*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap1*_raw.txt 20:07:02:745 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 21:07:00:064 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0*_raw.txt 21:07:00:267 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 20:07:00 - 09/13/13 21:02:00. Operation successful. 21:07:00:267 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0**_raw.txt 21:07:00:361 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 21:07:00:361 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 21:07:00:392 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 20:07:00 - 09/13/13 21:02:00. Operation successful. 21:07:00:392 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 21:07:00:486 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 21:07:00:486 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 21:07:00:799 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 20:07:00 - 09/13/13 21:02:00. Operation successful. 21:07:00:814 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 21:07:00:939 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 21:07:00:939 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 21:07:01:314 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 20:07:00 - 09/13/13 21:02:00. Operation successful. 21:07:01:314 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 21:07:01:392 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 21:07:01:392 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 21:07:01:486 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 20:07:00 - 09/13/13 21:02:00. Operation successful. 21:07:01:486 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 21:07:01:658 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 21:07:01:658 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 21:07:01:908 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 20:07:00 - 09/13/13 21:02:00. Operation successful. 21:07:01:908 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 21:07:02:064 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 21:07:02:064 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 21:07:02:096 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 20:07:00 - 09/13/13 21:02:00. Operation successful. 21:07:02:096 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 21:07:02:205 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 21:07:02:205 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 21:07:02:674 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 20:07:00 - 09/13/13 21:02:00. Operation successful. 21:07:02:674 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 21:07:02:799 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 21:07:02:799 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 21:07:02:799 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 21:07:02:799 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 21:07:02:799 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 21:07:02:799 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 21:07:02:799 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 21:07:02:799 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 21:07:02:799 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 21:07:02:814 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\pic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\pic0*_raw.txt 21:07:02:814 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 21:07:02:814 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\pic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\pic0*_raw.txt 21:07:02:814 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 21:07:02:814 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 21:07:02:814 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 21:07:02:814 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 21:07:02:814 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 21:07:02:814 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap2*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap2*_raw.txt 21:07:02:814 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 21:07:02:814 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap2*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap2*_raw.txt 21:07:02:814 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 21:07:02:814 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap1*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap1*_raw.txt 21:07:02:830 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 21:07:02:830 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap1*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap1*_raw.txt 21:07:02:830 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 22:07:00:071 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0*_raw.txt 22:07:00:274 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 21:07:00 - 09/13/13 22:02:00. Operation successful. 22:07:00:290 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0**_raw.txt 22:07:00:399 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 22:07:00:399 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 22:07:00:446 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 21:07:00 - 09/13/13 22:02:00. Operation successful. 22:07:00:446 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 22:07:00:524 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 22:07:00:524 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 22:07:00:883 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 21:07:00 - 09/13/13 22:02:00. Operation successful. 22:07:00:883 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 22:07:01:071 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 22:07:01:071 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 22:07:01:508 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 21:07:00 - 09/13/13 22:02:00. Operation successful. 22:07:01:508 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 22:07:01:649 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 22:07:01:649 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 22:07:01:727 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 21:07:00 - 09/13/13 22:02:00. Operation successful. 22:07:01:743 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 22:07:01:805 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 22:07:01:805 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 22:07:02:040 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 21:07:00 - 09/13/13 22:02:00. Operation successful. 22:07:02:040 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 22:07:02:196 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 22:07:02:196 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 22:07:02:227 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 21:07:00 - 09/13/13 22:02:00. Operation successful. 22:07:02:227 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 22:07:02:399 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 22:07:02:399 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 22:07:02:930 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 21:07:00 - 09/13/13 22:02:00. Operation successful. 22:07:02:930 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 22:07:03:040 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 22:07:03:040 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 22:07:03:040 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 22:07:03:055 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 22:07:03:055 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 22:07:03:055 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 22:07:03:055 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 22:07:03:055 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 22:07:03:055 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 22:07:03:055 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\pic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\pic0*_raw.txt 22:07:03:055 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 22:07:03:055 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\pic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\pic0*_raw.txt 22:07:03:055 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 22:07:03:055 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 22:07:03:071 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 22:07:03:071 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 22:07:03:071 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 22:07:03:071 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap2*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap2*_raw.txt 22:07:03:087 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 22:07:03:087 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap2*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap2*_raw.txt 22:07:03:102 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 22:07:03:102 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap1*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap1*_raw.txt 22:07:03:102 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 22:07:03:102 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap1*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap1*_raw.txt 22:07:03:118 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 23:07:00:078 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0*_raw.txt 23:07:00:359 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 22:07:00 - 09/13/13 23:02:00. Operation successful. 23:07:00:359 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lic0**_raw.txt 23:07:00:437 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lic0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 23:07:00:437 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 23:07:00:531 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 22:07:00 - 09/13/13 23:02:00. Operation successful. 23:07:00:531 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\met0**_raw.txt 23:07:00:640 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\met0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 23:07:00:640 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 23:07:00:953 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 22:07:00 - 09/13/13 23:02:00. Operation successful. 23:07:00:953 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\son0**_raw.txt 23:07:01:078 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\son0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 23:07:01:078 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 23:07:01:499 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 22:07:00 - 09/13/13 23:02:00. Operation successful. 23:07:01:499 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mot0**_raw.txt 23:07:01:640 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mot0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 23:07:01:656 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 23:07:01:749 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 22:07:00 - 09/13/13 23:02:00. Operation successful. 23:07:01:749 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\lsr0**_raw.txt 23:07:01:859 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\lsr0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 23:07:01:859 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 23:07:02:062 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 22:07:00 - 09/13/13 23:02:00. Operation successful. 23:07:02:062 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\hed0**_raw.txt 23:07:02:171 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\hed0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 23:07:02:171 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 23:07:02:203 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 22:07:00 - 09/13/13 23:02:00. Operation successful. 23:07:02:218 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\scs0**_raw.txt 23:07:02:312 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\scs0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 23:07:02:312 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 23:07:02:796 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13256 TimeFilter: 09/13/13 22:07:00 - 09/13/13 23:02:00. Operation successful. 23:07:02:796 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\\gps0**_raw.txt 23:07:02:906 206 Copying \\Ps3das01\D\Data\gps0**_raw.txt to D:\Data\13255. Operation successful. 23:07:02:906 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 23:07:02:906 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 23:07:02:906 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\mfm0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\mfm0*_raw.txt 23:07:02:906 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 23:07:02:906 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 23:07:02:906 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 23:07:02:906 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\li0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\li0*_raw.txt 23:07:02:906 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 23:07:02:906 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\pic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\pic0*_raw.txt 23:07:02:906 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 23:07:02:906 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\pic0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\pic0*_raw.txt 23:07:02:906 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 23:07:02:906 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 23:07:02:906 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 23:07:02:906 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\rth0*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\rth0*_raw.txt 23:07:02:906 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 23:07:02:921 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap2*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap2*_raw.txt 23:07:02:921 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 23:07:02:921 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap2*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap2*_raw.txt 23:07:02:921 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 23:07:02:921 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap1*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap1*_raw.txt 23:07:02:921 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. 23:07:02:921 201 Issuing copy action for \\Ps3das01\D\Data\clap1*_raw.txt to D:\Data\\clap1*_raw.txt 23:07:02:921 205 The file action failed due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified.