t% plot PSD and SCS comparisons % DEW 3/24/2008 clear close all % This is the cvs daily file and not the SCS from our system md=input('Input mon and day to evaluate (0323 on).... ','s'); % This is the txt daily file and not the DAS raw file from our system jd=input('Input yearday to evaluate (095 on).... ','s'); way_raw_mean = 'c:\data\icealot\data\mean\'; way_raw_scs = 'y:\knorr\scs\'; if 0 %Find all the Mean 1 txt files fn1=['*m1_' jd '.txt']; s1=[way_raw_mean fn1]; dr1=dir(s1); [n1 m1]=size(dr1); mx1=n1; end %find all the scs txt files fn2=['ICEALOT_scs_' md '.txt']; s2=[way_raw_scs fn2]; %s1=['c:\data\icealot\data\Mailbox\' fname]; dr2=dir(s2); [n2 m2]=size(dr2); mx2=n2; %Find all the Mean 2 txt files fn3=['ICEALOT_m2_' jd '.txt']; s3=[way_raw_mean fn3]; dr3=dir(s3); [n3 m3]=size(dr3); mx3=n3; if mx2 ~= mx3 % SCS and mean 2 display(['Number of daily text files not equal for mean and scs']) break end % DEW 3/27.2008 Put in to only do the last day display('Only process latest day') for i=mx2:mx2 %loop through temp profile text files % Needs to be 1 scs and 1 mean 1 and mean 2 for each day. if 0 clear m1 %ICEALOT_M1_JJJ.txt; flnmmean1 = dr1(i).name f1=[way_raw_mean flnmmean1]; ss1 = [f1]; m1 = load(ss1); end clear scs %ICEALOT_scs_MMDD.txt flnmscs = dr2(i).name f=[way_raw_scs flnmscs]; ss2 = [f]; scs = load(ss2); clear m2 %ICEALOT_M2_JJJ.txt; flnmmean2 = dr3(i).name f3=[way_raw_mean flnmmean2]; ss3 = [f3]; m2 = load(ss3); if 0 % Mean 1 data org=m1(:,11); % optical rain gauge Tvais=m1(:,9); % Vaisala Temp Rhvais=m1(:,10); % Vaisala RH Tsea=m1(:,8); %correct for lead resistance 20C 2 wire %ii=find(Tvais<-50 || (Tvais>50 );Tvais(ii)=-999; %ii=logical(Tvais<-100);Tvais(ii)=Nan; end %%%%%%%%%%%% if 1 % Mean 2 variables Tsea4 = m2(:,12); psp=m2(:,10); % % DEW Oct 14, 2006 % PIR calculation sig_sb=5.67e-8; %Stefan Boltzmann constant Tc=m2(:,7); Td=m2(:,8); therm=m2(:,9); pir=therm+sig_sb*(Tc+273.16).^4-4*sig_sb*((Td+273.16).^4-(Tc+273.16).^4); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if 0 % str2num(md(3:4)) < 22 %i < 4 % SCS data for 3/19-21 str2num(md(3:4)) Ti = scs(:,1); %IMET_HRH AIR_TEMP Tv = scs(:,2); %WXT5_Ta Vaisala Weather Transmitter Pv = scs(:,3); %WXT5_Pa Lat = scs(:,4); Lon = scs(:,5); cog = scs(:,7); sog = scs(:,8); head = scs (:,9); Pi = scs(:,10); % IMET scssw = scs(:,11); % Eppley Rvi = scs(:,12); %WXT rain intensity Rvc = scs(:,13); %WXT rain accumulation RHi = scs(:,14); %IMET RHv = scs(:,15); % WXT RH WDv = scs(:,16); %WXT Dir Relative WSv = scs(:,17); %WXT Spd Relative SBsst = scs(:,20); % SeaBid SST TSGsst = scs(:,24); % TSG SST WDrmy = scs(:,26); % IMET RMY Dir True WDvT = scs(:,27); %WXT Dir True WSrmy = scs(:,28); % IMET RMY SPD True WSvT = scs(:,29); %WXT Spd True end if 1 %str2num(md(3:4)) >= 22 %i >= 4 % SCS data for 3/22 on Ti = scs(:,3); %IMET_HRH AIR_TEMP Tv = scs(:,4); %WXT5_Ta Vaisala Weather Transmitter Pv = scs(:,5); %WXT5_Pa Lat = scs(:,6); Lon = scs(:,7); cog = scs(:,9); sog = scs(:,10); head = scs (:,11); Pi = scs(:,12); % IMET scssw = scs(:,13); % Eppley Rvi = scs(:,14); %WXT rain intensity Rvc = scs(:,15); %WXT rain accumulation RHi = scs(:,16); %IMET RH RHv = scs(:,17); % WXT RH WDv = scs(:,18); %WXT Dir Relative WSv = scs(:,19); %WXT Spd Relative SBsst = scs(:,22); % SeaBid SST TSGsst = scs(:,26); % TSG SST WDrmy = scs(:,28); % IMET RMY Dir True WDvT = scs(:,29); %WXT Dir True WSrmy = scs(:,30); % IMET RMY SPD True WSvT = scs(:,31); %WXT Spd True end if 0 [r,c] = size(m1); j1 = m1(:,c); %load julian day fro mean 1 into array end [r,c] = size(scs); j2 = scs(:,c); %load julian day from scs into array [r,c] = size(m2); j3 = m2(:,c); %load julian day from m2 into array jd = num2str(fix(j2(1,1))); if length(jd) == 2 jds(2:3) = jd; jds(1) = '0'; %make jd 3 characters end if length(jd) == 3 jds = jd; end s = 'c:\data\icealot\data\comparisons\Raw_Images\' if 0 figure(1) set(gcf,'defaultaxesfonts',16) set(gca,'fontname','time','fontsize',16); plot(j2,T1,'k',j2,T2,'r',j3,Tsea4,'b.'); title('ICEALOT 2008');xlabel(['Year Day(UTC)']);ylabel('Temperature (C)'); ylim([-10,10]) legend('SCS1','SCS2','PSD SST','Location','Best') print_buffer = [s 'ICEALOT_PSDSCS_T_' jds '.png']; print('-dpng ', print_buffer); figure(2) set(gcf,'defaultaxesfonts',16) set(gca,'fontname','time','fontsize',16); plot(j2,RH,'k',j1,Rhvais,'b.'); title('ICEALOT 2008');xlabel(['Year Day(UTC)']);ylabel('RH (%)'); ylim([0,100]) legend('SCS','PSD','Location','Best') print_buffer = [s 'ICEALOT_PSDSCS_RH_' jds '.png']; print('-dpng ', print_buffer); end figure(3) set(gcf,'defaultaxesfonts',16) set(gca,'fontname','time','fontsize',16); plot(j2,SBsst,'k',j2,TSGsst,'b',j3,Tsea4,'r.'); % skip 2 wire PSD probe BROKEN title('ICEALOT 2008');xlabel(['Year Day(UTC)']);ylabel('SST (C)'); msst = max(SBsst);; if msst > 20; msst = 15 end ylim([-2,msst]) legend('SCS Sea Bird','SCS TSG','PSD4','Location','Best') print_buffer = [s 'ICEALOT_PSDSCS_SST_' jds '.png']; print('-dpng ', print_buffer); Rsclr_08a %Calculate clear sky radiance figure(4); plot(j2,scssw,'k',j3,psp,'b.',j3,pir,'r.',j2,sw,'g'); title('ICEALOT 2008');xlabel(['Year Day (UTC)']);ylabel('Solar FLux (W/m^2)'); legend('SCS-PSP','PSD-PSP','PSD-PIR','Clear','Location','Northwest') ylim([-5 1000]); print_buffer = [s 'ICEALOT_PSDSCS_PSPPIR_' jds '.png']; print('-dpng ', print_buffer); if 0 figure(5) set(gcf,'defaultaxesfonts',16) set(gca,'fontname','time','fontsize',16); plot(j2,rscs,'k',j1,org,'r.'); title('ICEALOT 2008');xlabel(['Year Day(UTC)']);ylabel('rain rate'); ylim([-2,max(rscs)]) legend('SCS','PSD','Location','Best') print_buffer = [s 'ICEALOT_PSDSCS_rain_' jds '.png']; print('-dpng ', print_buffer); end end % day loop