disp('read_SCS_08') clear close all fclose('all'); prtit = 0; read_parameters_ICEALOT; %Reading parameter files flux conf from D:/data/lb/flux_eval_rhb_06 way_raw_data_flux = 'S:\ICEALOT_2008\KNORR\scs\Raw\'; way_images_flux = 'S:\ICEALOT_2008\KNORR\flux\Raw_Images\'; way_images_comp = 'S:\ICEALOT_2008\KNORR\Combined_instruments\comparisons\Raw_Images\'; % This is the cvs daily file and not the SCS from our system md='0322' %input('Input start mon and day to evaluate (0319).... ','s'); prtit = 0; ict = 0; e=[way_raw_data_flux, 'KN08' md '_00.csv']; disp(['Reading SCS data from file ',e]); fid=fopen(e,'r'); %R/V Knorr Calliope CSV data file (Time stamps are GMT) %Date, Time_GMT, Depth12, Depth35, Air_Temp, WXT5_Ta, WXT5_Pa, dec_lat, dec_lon, EDO_knt, GPS_COG, GPS_SOG, Gyro, IMET_BPR, IMET_SWR, WXT5_Ri, WXT5_Rc, HRH, WXT5_Ua, WXT5_Dm, WXT5_Sm, SBE45C, SBE45S, SBE45T, Salinity, SSCND, Fluorometer, SSTMP, SSV, Wnd_Dir, TWD_5, Wnd_Spd, TWS_5, HdChkSum=52 %3/22/2008, 00:00:31,-99,-99,4.29,4.7,1011.1,41.18956,-72.402187, ,70,11.6,66.7,1011.39,-0.4,0,27.51,32.91,35.8,229,11.6,27.035,27.1761,5.5878,27.1761, ,151.5,4.4827,1458.6,291.1,278.9,13.38,16.5,52 dmp=fgetl(fid); %read 2 header lines dmp=fgetl(fid); %read 2 header lines % for p = 1:4 % short test read while feof(fid)==0, ict = ict + 1; clear st1 stz; %st1=fscanf(fid,'%g,%g,%g,%g,%g',[5,inf]); dtmp = fgetl(fid); data1 = dtmp(21:length(dtmp)); C = textscan(data1,'%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f','Delimiter',',','CollectOutput',1); tmp = C{:}; scs(ict,:) = tmp(1,:); if 1 %3/22/2008, 00:00:31, tim = dtmp(1:20); YY = str2num(tim(:,6:9)); MM = str2num(tim(:,1)); DD = str2num(tim(:,3:4)); hh = str2num(tim(:,12:13)); mm = str2num(tim(:,15:16)); ss = str2num(tim(:,18:19));; %calculate year day yd(ict,1) = datenum(YY,MM,DD,hh,mm,ss)-datenum(YY-1,12,31); year = num2str(YY); end % 1 2 3 4 5 end; %end while feof if 1 % daily files after 3/21 Ti = scs(:,3); %IMET_HRH AIR_TEMP Tv = scs(:,4); %WXT5_Ta Vaisala Weather Transmitter Pv = scs(:,5); %WXT5_Pa Lat = scs(:,6); Lon = scs(:,7); cog = scs(:,9); sog = scs(:,10); head = scs (:,11); Pi = scs(:,12); % IMET Esw = scs(:,13); % Eppley Rvi = scs(:,14); %WXT rain intensity Rvc = scs(:,15); %WXT rain accumulation RHi = scs(:,16); %IMET RH RHv = scs(:,17); % WXT RH WDv = scs(:,18); %WXT Dir Relative WSv = scs(:,19); %WXT Spd Relative SBsst = scs(:,22); % SeaBid SST TSGsst = scs(:,26); % TSG SST WDrmy = scs(:,28); % IMET RMY Dir True WDvT = scs(:,29); %WXT Dir True WSrmy = scs(:,30); % IMET RMY SPD True WSvT = scs(:,31); %WXT Spd True end if 1 jad = yd; s = way_images_flux; figure(1); subplot(2,1,1),plot(jad,Ti,'r'); title('Knorr SCS'); hold subplot(2,1,1),plot(jad,Tv,'k'); xlabel('Year Day (UTC)'); %subplot(2,1,1),plot(jad,sst,'b');title('Knorr SCS'); legend('IMET','WXT','Location','Best') ylabel('C'); ylim([-5 15]) subplot(2,1,2),plot(jad,RHi,'r'); title('Knorr SCS'); hold subplot(2,1,2),plot(jad,RHv,'k'); xlabel('Year Day (UTC)'); ylabel('%'); ylim([0 100]) legend('IMET','WXT','Location','Best') print_buffer = [s 'ICEALOT_scs_trh_' md '.png']; print('-dpng ', print_buffer); figure(2); subplot(2,1,1),plot(jad,WSv,'r'); title('Knorr SCS Rel winds'); hold subplot(2,1,1),plot(jad,sog,'k');title('Knorr SCS'); ylabel('m/s'); ylim([0 40]) legend('WXT rel','SOG','Location','Best') subplot(2,1,2),plot(jad,WDv,'r.');xlabel(['Year Day ', year]); hold subplot(2,1,2),plot(jad,cog,'k'); subplot(2,1,2),plot(jad,head,'b'); ylabel('Deg'); ylim([0 360]) legend('WXT rel','COG','Heading','Location','Best') print_buffer = [s 'ICEALOT_scs_SD_' md '.png']; print('-dpng ', print_buffer); figure(3); subplot(2,1,1),plot(jad,WSrmy,'r.'); hold subplot(2,1,1),plot(jad,WSvT,'k');title('Knorr SCS True winds'); ylabel('Spd (m/s)'); legend('IMET','XMT','Location','Best') ylim([0 30]) subplot(2,1,2),plot(jad,WDrmy,'k.'); xlabel('Year Day (UTC)'); hold subplot(2,1,2),plot(jad,WDvT,'r');title('Knorr SCS'); ylabel('Dir (Deg)'); legend('IMET','WXT','Location','Best') ylim([0 360]) if prtit print_buffer = [s 'ICEALOT_scs_SDT_' md '.png']; print('-dpng ', print_buffer); end figure(4) plot(jad,Pi,'k');title('Knorr SCS'); hold plot(jad,Pv,'r');xlabel(['Year Day ', year]) ylabel('Pressure (mb)'); ylim([980 1030]) legend('IMET','WXT') if prtit print_buffer = [s 'ICEALOT_scs_P_' md '.png']; print('-dpng ', print_buffer); end figure(5) subplot(2,1,1),plot(jad,Rvi,'k'); title('Knorr SCS WXT rain'); ylabel('Rain intensity'); subplot(2,1,2),plot(jad,Rvc); ylabel('Rain accumulation'); if prtit print_buffer = [s 'ICEALOT_WXT_rain_' md '.png']; print('-dpng ', print_buffer); end end %skip any plots %Save temperature profile to a file for calculating pwv % after save date/time info in same array [r,c] = size(scs); scs(:,c+1) = jad; if 1 f=[way_raw_data_flux 'ICEALOT_scs_' md '.txt']; flist=fopen(f,'w'); save( f, 'scs', '-ascii','-tabs') fclose('all'); end;