disp('plt_means_07') clear close all fclose('all'); % modified on 30-mar-01 by D.E.Lane for Kai 2001 cruise % modified 10 nov 03 by cfairall for the weller 2003 cruise % modified 09 jul 04 by hare % modified April 06 by lbariteau for the AMMA 2006 cruise (changement of % the variables in the Mean Campbell datalogger) % modified 5.25.2007 DEW to read in daly mean files with pressure and plot % entire period. pathdata = 'F:\AMMA_2007\RHB\flux\Processed\'; outpath = 'F:\AMMA_2007\RHB\flux\Processed_Images\'; eval(['cd ', pathdata]); cruise_name ='AMMA 2007 '; e ='F:\AMMA_2007\RHB\flux\Processed\proc_means*'; m=dir('F:\AMMA_2007\RHB\flux\Processed\proc_means*'); lm = length(m) bpt = 1; for ii = 1:lm disp(['Reading ',m(ii).name]); flist=fopen(m(ii).name,'r'); %jad; %decimal JD %pirm; %s %pspm; %n %Tc1; % %Td1; % %Tsea; %Tvais; % %Rhvais; % %org; % %org_carrier; % %aspir_on; % %press; % if flist>0, %if the file exists, psdm = load(m(ii).name); %load 1 day of PSD mean logger data ld = length(psdm); ept = bpt + ld - 1; tpsdm(bpt:ept,:) = psdm; % copy data into one long array bpt = ept + 1; end; %end of flist end; jad = tpsdm(:,1); %decimal JD pir1 = tpsdm(:,2); ; %s psp1 = tpsdm(:,3); ; %n Tc1 = tpsdm(:,4); ; % Td1 = tpsdm(:,5); ; % Tsea = tpsdm(:,6); ; Tvais = tpsdm(:,7); ; % Rhvais = tpsdm(:,8); ; % org = tpsdm(:,9); ; % org_carrier = tpsdm(:,10); ; % aspir_on = tpsdm(:,11); ; % press = tpsdm(:,12); ; % bd = min(jad); ed = max(jad); year = '2007'; if 1 figure;plot(jad,press,'r'); title('Vaisala Pressure'); xlabel(['DOY', year]); ylabel('Pressure (mb)'); axis([bd,ed,1000,1020]) %axis([bd,ed,min(press)-5,max(press)+5]) print_buffer = [outpath, cruise_name,'Press_AC.jpg']; print('-djpeg90 ', print_buffer); %figure;plot(jad,Tc1,'r',jad,Tc2,'m',jad,Td1,'k',jad,Td2,'c',jad,Tsea,'b',jad,Tvais,'g');title('PSD Temperatures (case 1 (red),2(magenta); dome 1(black),2(cyan); snake(blue), Tair(green))');xlabel(['DOY', year]);ylabel('Temperature (C)'); figure;plot(jad,psp1); title('PSD psp'); xlabel(['DOY', year]); ylabel('Solar FLux (W/m^2)'); axis([bd,ed,0,1200]) print_buffer = [outpath, cruise_name,'SW_AC.jpg']; print('-djpeg90 ', print_buffer); figure;plot(jad,pir1); title('PSD pir'); xlabel(['DOY', year]); ylabel('IR Flux (W/m^2)'); axis([bd,ed,300,500]) print_buffer = [outpath, cruise_name,'IR_AC.jpg']; print('-djpeg90 ', print_buffer); figure;plot(jad,Rhvais); title('PSD RH'); xlabel(['DOY', year]); ylabel('Relative Humidity (%)'); axis([bd,ed,0,100]) print_buffer = [outpath, cruise_name,'RH_AC.jpg']; print('-djpeg90 ', print_buffer); %figure;plot(jad,org);title('PSD org rain rate');xlabel(['DOY', year]);ylabel('Rain Rate (mm/hr)'); %figure;plot(jad,aspir_on);title('PSD aspirator');xlabel(['DOY', year]);ylabel('Backflow Indicator (Volt). If 0V, there is backflow');%axis([max(jad)-1 max(jad) -0.2 5.2]) %figure;plot(jad,org_carrier);title('PSD org carrier');xlabel(['DOY', year]);ylabel('Rain Gauge Function (V)'); figure;plot(jad,Tsea,jad,Tvais); title('PSD'); xlabel(['DOY', year]); ylabel('Temperature (degC)'); axis([bd,ed,20,30]) legend('SST','Tair') print_buffer = [outpath, cruise_name,'SSTTa_AC.jpg']; print('-djpeg90 ', print_buffer); figure;plot(jad,aspir_on); title('PSD'); xlabel(['DOY', year]); ylabel('Aspirator Flow 0 = bad 5 = good'); axis([bd,ed,0,6]) print_buffer = [outpath, cruise_name,'ASPIR_AC.jpg']; print('-djpeg90 ', print_buffer); end