disp('read_me2_08') clear close all fclose('all'); % modified on 30-mar-01 by D.E.Lane for Kai 2001 cruise % modified 10 nov 03 by cfairall for the weller 2003 cruise % modified 09 jul 04 by hare % modified April 06 by lbariteau for the AMMA 2006 cruise (changement of % the variables in the Mean Campbell datalogger) dddb=input('Input start yearday to evaluate.... '); ddde=dddb; %input('Input end yearday to evaluate.... '); prtit= 0; %input('Print means to a file?.... y=1 n=0 '); read_parameters_rhb; %Reading parameter files flux conf from D:/data/lb/flux_eval_rhb_06 for ddd = dddb:ddde % loop throuh all the days jd=num2str(ddd); if ddd<100 jd=['0' num2str(ddd)]; end; if ddd<10 jd=['00' num2str(ddd)]; end; clear jad; hr='00'; %input('gmt hr','s'); g=0.0098; %adiabatic lapse rate eps_w=0.97; %emissivity of water sig_sb=5.67e-8; %Stefan Boltzmann constant blk=1; %10-min index jax=1; backchk=0; clear st2 total_num_fields=72; ict = 0; for jam=4:4 %0:23, %cycle thru 24 hourly stats files if jam<10, hr=['0' num2str(jam)]; else hr=num2str(jam); end; %end if jam e=[way_raw_data, 'day', jd,'\me2008' jd hr '_raw.txt']; %e=[way_raw_data, 'me2008' jd hr '_raw.txt']; disp(['Reading means from file ',e]); flist=fopen(e,'r'); if flist>0, %if the file exists, %03/19/2008 00:00 Mean 2 Datalogger (SN: 7908) %0059032 12.85,5.051,0.72,0.721,-0.147,-0.013,3.006,2.858,-37.14,-1.507,NAN,-273.2,-7999,-7999,0.003,0,0,0,0.002,0,0,0,0.477,0,NAN,0 %mmss VDCb Tb Cr Dr PIRv PSPv CT DT PIR PSP SST4C SST4V SST2V SST2C % 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 dmp=fgets(flist); %read header line YY = str2num(dmp(7:10)); MM = str2num(dmp(1:2)); DD = str2num(dmp(4:5)); hh = str2num(dmp(12:13)); % for p = 1:2 % short test read while feof(flist)==0, ict = ict + 1; if backchk==0, tzilch=jam; backchk=1; end; %end if clear st1 stz; if isfinite(flist), dtmp = fgetl(flist); data1 = dtmp(9:length(dtmp)); C = textscan(data1,'%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f','Delimiter',',','CollectOutput',1); tmp = C{:}; %test for a bad line and skip if tmp(1,1) < 10 ict ict = ict -1; break end stx(ict,:) = tmp(1,:); tim = dtmp(1:8); mm = str2num(tim(:,1:2)); ss = str2num(tim(:,3:8))/1000; if length(mm) == 1 & length(ss) == 1 %calculate year day yd=datenum(YY,MM,DD,hh,0,0)-datenum(YY-1,12,31); jdn(ict,1) = yd + (((mm+(ss/60))/60))/24; else ict = ict -1; end end; %end if st0 end; %end while feof fclose(flist); end; %end if flist end; %end for jam %01-Mar-2000 15:45:17 st2 = stx; if 1 Tsea4 = st2(:,12); %press=st2(34,:); psp=st2(:,10); end % % DEW Oct 14, 2006 % PIR calculation sig_sb=5.67e-8; %Stefan Boltzmann constant Tc=st2(:,7); Td=st2(:,8); therm=st2(:,9); pir=therm+sig_sb*(Tc+273.16).^4-4*sig_sb*((Td+273.16).^4-(Tc+273.16).^4); jad = jdn; if 1 tjd = num2str(fix(jad(1))); if length(tjd) == 2 jds(2:3) = tjd; jds(1) = '0'; %make jd 3 characters end if length(tjd) == 3 jds = tjd; end s = 'c:\data\icealot\data\mean\Raw_Images\' figure(1); plot(jad,Tc,jad,Td,jad,Tsea4); legend('Case','Dome','SST4') title('PSD Temperatures') ylim([-5 10]); xlabel(['DOY', year]);ylabel('Temp (C)'); print_buffer = [s 'ICEALOT_M2_CDSST_' jds '.png']; print('-dpng ', print_buffer); figure;plot(jad,psp,jad,pir);title('PSD');xlabel(['DOY', year]);ylabel('Solar FLux (W/m^2)'); legend('PSP','PIR') ylim([-5 1000]); print_buffer = [s 'ICEALOT_M2_PSPPIR_' jds '.png']; print('-dpng ', print_buffer); figure;plot(jad,Tsea4);title('PSD SST4');xlabel(['DOY', year]);ylabel('Temperature (degC)'); ylim([-5 10]); print_buffer = [s 'ICEALOT_M2_SST4_' jds '.png']; print('-dpng ', print_buffer); %save d:\data\PSDrad jad psp1 psp2 pir1 pir2 % save data for comparison with SCS using rad_stat_06.m end %skip any plots np=jax-1; end % day loop [r,c] = size(st2); st2(:,c+1) = jad; if 1 f=['c:\data\icealot\data\mean\ICEALOT_m2_' jds '.txt']; flist=fopen(f,'w'); save( f, 'st2', '-ascii','-tabs') fclose('all'); end;