04/11/2008 23:00:00: opening error log 04/11/2008 23:05:00: error pulling file: Z:\20080850900MMCRMom.nc 04/11/2008 23:06:40: error pulling file: Z:\20080851800MMCRMom.nc 04/12/2008 00:00:00: closing error log ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 04/11/08 23:00:01 Level 2 - NetCDF - Could not read calibration table NetCDF file. 04/11/08 23:00:01 Level 2 - NetCDF_Spec - Could not read calibration table NetCDF file. 04/11/08 23:00:01 Level 2 - NetCDF_Spec1 - Could not read calibration table NetCDF file. 04/11/08 23:00:01 Level 2 - NetCDF - Data may be incorrect. 04/11/08 23:00:01 Level 2 - NetCDF_Spec - Data may be incorrect. 04/11/08 23:00:01 Level 2 - NetCDF_Spec1 - Data may be incorrect. 04/11/08 23:00:01 Level 2 - NetCDF1 - Could not read calibration table NetCDF file. 04/11/08 23:00:01 Level 2 - NetCDF1 - Data may be incorrect.