Local time: 4 hours ahead UTC.

Sampling sites

Snow Line zoom.

Site 1: Lead with ECO/BGC teams

Sampling in the large open lead that made us move the ship. It is mostly ice covered, by a thin layer, but there is an open spot where we put the chamber. Wind is light and coming from the starboard stern side of the ship. We are down wind of the ship. Eco says there is about 50 cm of fresh water in the lead.
14:32 local time (10:32 UTC) snow machine traffic.
14:45 local time (10:45 UTC) snow machine traffic.

Site 2: Snow line

Mlet pond. Mostly ice covered expect one spot. Broke through thick layer of ice.
15:58 local time (11:58 UTC) snow machine traffic.
16:33 local time (12:33 UTC) snow machine traffic.

Site 3: Snow line

Snow next to melt pond.

Sampling times (UTC)

Site 1: 2020-08-25 09:48:17 to 2020-08-25 10:48:17
Site 2: 2020-08-25 11:13:51 to 2020-08-25 12:13:51
Site 3: 2020-08-25 12:14:00 to 2020-08-25 13:14:00