Here is some information regarding the ceilometer data recorded on the R/V Ron Brown during NAURU99. The user has the option of getting the raw 15-s time resolution data and/or statistics of the 15-s data. The 15-s data and statistics are contained in ASCII-based files. Daily and experiment summary plots of the statistics are available in postscript. All files are compressed with Winzip and stored in the following archive files: 15-s raw sky designation and cloud base data Daily files of hourly summary statistics Daily files of cloud base frequency distributions Postsript images of daily summary statistics Statistical summary files Data acquisition program display images The files mentioned above are available through ftp. ftp username> anonymous password> your email cd /pub/et7/users/abw/nauru99/ceilom binary (transfer of *.zip files) The file names in the archive are of the form MM_DD_YY.cld, where MM = month (i.e., 01 = Jan.) DD = day of the month YY = year (i.e., 99 = 1999). In these files there are 7 columns of data: sky designation 0 = clear 1 = single cloud layer detected 2 = two cloud layers detected 3 = three cloud layers detected 4 = totally obscured conditions 5 = partially obscured conditions height of lowest detected cloud base in meters height of second detected cloud base in meters height of third detected cloud base in meters GMT hour GMT minute GTM second "Totally obscured" conditions usually occur in fog or precipitation. "Partially obscured" conditions occur when the ceilometer algorithm detects a signal that does not fit the pattern of a "hard" cloud boundary. When the sky designation is totally obscured, the value reported in the second column is a calculation of vertical visibility. In these cases, the third column reports the maximum height that a signal was detected. The totally obscured data were included in the computation of cloud fraction statistics, but not of cloud base statistics. The partially obscured data were thrown out before any statistics were computed. The 15-s ceilometer data were used to generate hourly cloud base and cloud fraction statistics. The data are contained in files sMMDDYY.dat in the archive. These daily files contain 16 columns: month day Julian day GMT (middle of hour) # of "total" 15-s data points # of "clear" data points # of "single cloud base" data points # of "multiple cloud base" data points # of "totally obscured" data points # of "partially obscured" data points clear fraction cloud fraction without including totally obscured points * cloud fraction including totally obscured points 20th percentile cloud base (m) 50th percentile (median) cloud base (m) 80th percentile cloud base (m) The file expstat.dat in the archive has the same format except there is a header line and there is an extra column after the one above labeled with (*) that gives the fraction of partially obscured data points (i.e., the fraction of data thrown out prior to computing the statistics). The file names of the daily cloud base frequency distribution files in the archive are of the form dMMDDYY.dat. These daily files contain three columns: cloud base (km) -- center of 100-m interval number of occurrences within 100-m range frequency/100 of occurrence The file expbdst.dat in the archive has the same format. The files in the arcive are postscipt images containing summary graphs for the daily ceilometer data. The expdiurn.dat file in the archive contains diurnal averages of cloud fraction and cloud base. This file contains three columns: Time (center of GMT hour) cloud fraction cloud base (km) The expfdst.dat file in the archive contains a number and frequency distribution of hourly cloud fractions. This file contains three columns: cloud fraction (center of 1/10 range) number of hourly occurrences frequency/100 of occurrence The file in the archive is a postscript image containing experimental summary graphs. The or .pm files in the archive contain the data acquisition program screen display stored at the end of each 12-hour period. These files may be imported into a word processor (e.g., WordPerfct v9) for viewing. The maximum range of the ceilometer is 7620 m, and the resolution in the profiles is 15 m (50 ft). Other details on operation of the Vaisala CT25K are given by White (NOAA Tech Memo. ERL ETL-281, NOAA Environmental Technology Laboratory, 325 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80303, 1997). A comparison of ceilometer data collected in four different climate regimes (FIRE/SCOPE, ASTEX, TIWE, COARE) is given by White et al. (JAS, 52, 2827-2838). A comparison of ceilometer data recorded on Manus Island and onboard the R/V Discoverer during the 1996 Combined Sensor Program is included in Post et al. (BAM, 78, 2797-2815). Any questions regarding these data should be directed to Allen White (303) 497-5155