;temporary script to read in SHEBA radar files using the average keyword, then to write out ;averaged data to new netCDF files pro bulkaveraging, sdate, edate common com_direct,radardir,topheight,site common com_platforms,radarplat site='nau' radardir='/data1/nauru/mmcr' topheight=20.0 cd,radardir files=findfile('naumrg*.cdf') dateargs=strmid(files,15,8) iwh=where(long(dateargs) ge long(sdate) and long(dateargs) le long(edate),num) yearargs=dateargs[iwh] for i=0, num-1 do begin readradar,yearargs[i],average=60,nodata=nodata,/makefullday if nodata eq 0 then writeradaravg,yearargs[i],averagetime=60 endfor end