Pro readradar,arg,NODATA=nodata,CUT=cut,NO_NAN=no_nan,AVERAGE=average,MAKEFULLDAY=makefullday ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Title: ;Purpose: Procedure to load merged radar data netCDF files and put ; them into a usable format. ; Compatible with new merge files (not SHEBA) ; ;Inputs: arg - date for the file in "YYYYMMDD" or "YYYYMMDD.HH" ; ;Outputs: time - time in decimal hours ; jtime - julian time axis ; height - heights (km) ; dbz - reflectivity (dbz) ; dopp - velocity (m/s) ; bheight - cloud base heights (km) ; theight - cloud top heights (km) ; spwd - spectral width (m/s) ; stn - signal to noise ratio (dbz) ; ;Keywords: nodata - returns 0 if data present and 1 if no data ; cut - Allows for cutting the data down by the factor given. ; Takes every "cut"th element. ; no_nan - if set then cloud boundaries with value 0 are left alone, ; otherwise they are set to NaN. ; average - set to the width (in seconds) over which to average the data ; makefullday - only works if average is also set. If set then averages are done over a full 24 hour day with even blocks of time. ; ;I/O Format: readradar,'20000118' ; ;Author: Matthew Shupe ;Date: 2/11/99 ;Last modified: 8/27/00 ; 3/5/01 Added the AVERAGE keyword and MAKEFULLDAY keyword. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Declare common block variables ;------------------------------- common com_direct common com_const common com_platforms common com_radar,time,jtime,height,dbz,dopp,spwd,stn,bheight,theight base_date=julday(1,1,1970,0,0,0) base=jul_to_dt(base_date) !dt_base=base cd,radardir,current=orig_dir if site eq '' then site='*' marg=strlowcase(site)+'*'+arg+'*.cdf' file=findfile(marg,count=nfil) radarplat=strmid(file[0],0,strpos(file[0],'.'+arg)) if nfil gt 0 then nodata=0 else begin print,'No file named ',marg nodata=1 return endelse for i=0,nfil-1 do begin print,'Loading '+file[i] ;Load netCDF data ;-------------------- fid = ncdf_open(file[i]) ncdf_varget,fid,ncdf_varid(fid,'base_time'),base_time ncdf_varget,fid,ncdf_varid(fid,'time_offset'),time_offset if ncdf_varid(fid,'Heights') ne -1 then ncdf_varget,fid,ncdf_varid(fid,'Heights'),height else ncdf_varget,fid,ncdf_varid(fid,'heights'),height ncdf_varget,fid,ncdf_varid(fid,'Reflectivity'),db ncdf_varget,fid,ncdf_varid(fid,'MeanDopplerVelocity'),dp ncdf_varget,fid,ncdf_varid(fid,'SpectralWidth'),sw if ncdf_varid(fid,'SignaltoNoiseRatio') ne -1 then ncdf_varget,fid,ncdf_varid(fid,'SignaltoNoiseRatio'),sn else $ ncdf_varget,fid,ncdf_varid(fid,'SignalToNoiseRatio'),sn if ncdf_varid(fid, 'CloudLayerBottomHeightMplCloth') ne -1 then ncdf_varget,fid,ncdf_varid(fid,'CloudLayerBottomHeightMplCloth'),bh else $ ncdf_varget,fid,ncdf_varid(fid,'CloudLayerBottomHeight'),bh if ncdf_varid(fid, 'CloudLayerTopHeightMplCloth') ne -1 then ncdf_varget,fid,ncdf_varid(fid,'CloudLayerTopHeightMplCloth'),th else $ ncdf_varget,fid,ncdf_varid(fid,'CloudLayerTopHeight'),th ncdf_close,fid ;Convert the data to useful values ;----------------------------------- db=transpose(db)/100. ;puts into dBz height=height/1000. ;puts into km dp=transpose(dp)/1000. ;puts into m/s sw=transpose(sw)/1000. ;puts into m/s sn=transpose(sn)/100. ;puts into dBZ bh=transpose(bh)/1000. ;puts into km th=transpose(th)/1000. ;puts into km ;Create a julian time axis ;---------------------------- starttime=sec_to_dt(base_time) ti=starttime.hour+(starttime.minute*60+starttime.second+time_offset)/3600 jti=float(floor((starttime.julian-julday(1,1,starttime.year,0,0,0)+1)))+ti/24 if i eq 0 then begin jtime=jti time=ti dbz=db dopp=dp spwd=sw stn=sn bheight=bh theight=th endif else begin jtime=[jtime,jti] time=[time,ti] dbz=[dbz,db] dopp=[dopp,dp] spwd=[spwd,sw] stn=[stn,sn] bheight=[bheight,bh] theight=[theight,th] endelse endfor ;Cut the height down to only useful range gates (13.5 km for NSA) ;------------------------------------------------ iwh=where(height le float(topheight)) height=height[iwh] dbz=dbz[*,iwh] dopp=dopp[*,iwh] spwd=spwd[*,iwh] stn=stn[*,iwh] ;Cut the time frequency down if keyword is set ;--------------------------------- if keyword_set(cut) then begin iwh=indgen(floor(n_elements(time)/float(cut)))*fix(cut) jtime=jtime[iwh] time=time[iwh] dbz=dbz[iwh,*] dopp=dopp[iwh,*] spwd=spwd[iwh,*] stn=stn[iwh,*] bheight=bheight[iwh,*] theight=theight[iwh,*] endif ;Average the data if the AVERAGE keyword is set ;------------------------------------ numheights=n_elements(height) if keyword_set(AVERAGE) then begin width=float(average)/3600. ;puts average width into hours mfd=0 if keyword_set(makefullday) then begin newbeams=ceil(24/width) mfd=1 endif else newbeams=ceil((time[n_elements(time)-1]-time[0])/width) tmst=float(fix((average-1)/10))*5.0/3600.0 jday=floor(jtime[0]) db=fltarr(newbeams,numheights)*0-999.0 dp=db sw=db sn=db bh=fltarr(newbeams,10)*0 th=bh tm=fltarr(newbeams) jt=tm for i=0,newbeams-1 do begin if mfd then iwh=where(time ge i*width and time lt (i+1)*width,num1) else iwh=where(time ge i*width+time[0] and time lt (i+1)*width+time[0],num1) if num1 gt 0 then begin if mfd then begin tm[i]=i*width+tmst jt[i]=jday+tm[i]/24.0 endif else begin tm[i]=mean(time[iwh]) jt[i]=mean(jtime[iwh]) endelse numl=0 incld=0 for j=0,numheights-1 do begin jwh=where(dbz[iwh,j] gt -300, num2) if num2 ge 0.33*num1 then begin ;Must be at least 33% of pixels for average. db[i,j] = alog10(mean(10.0^(dbz[iwh[jwh],j]/10.0)))*10.0 dp[i,j] = mean(dopp[iwh[jwh],j]) sw[i,j] = mean(spwd[iwh[jwh],j]) sn[i,j] = alog10(mean(10.0^(stn[iwh[jwh],j]/10.0)))*10.0 if incld eq 0 and numl le 9 then begin bh[i,numl]=height[j] incld=1 endif endif else begin if incld eq 1 then begin if height[j-1]-bh[i,numl] gt 0.050 then begin th[i,numl]=height[j-1] numl=numl+1 endif incld=0 endif endelse endfor endif else begin tm[i]=-999 if mfd then begin tm[i]=i*width+tmst jt[i]=jday+tm[i]/24.0 endif else tm[i]=-999 endelse endfor iwh=where(tm ne -999) dbz=db[iwh,*] dopp=dp[iwh,*] spwd=sw[iwh,*] stn=sn[iwh,*] time=tm[iwh] jtime=jt[iwh] bheight=bh[iwh,*] theight=th[iwh,*] iwh=where(theight le 0,num) if num gt 0 then bheight[iwh]=0 endif if not(keyword_set(NO_NAN)) then begin iwh=where(bheight eq 0) bheight[iwh]=!values.f_nan theight[iwh]=!values.f_nan endif cd,orig_dir end