##### edit 180828 Note: This is a "less" display. Press 'q' to quit. Enter "helpa" for advanced help. DAQ = data acquisition; real time data collection and processing. #--BASIC-------- gtdaq -> cd ~/swmain/apps/ROSR/sw iss -> is DAQ running? #--TIME !! always UTC ----- Date -> 2018 10 19 18 03 57 Z SetDate yyyy MM dd hh mm ss -> sets the PC clock. example: SetDate r0srr0sr 2017 08 20 17 23 30 #-SETUP FILE ----- less setup/su.txt -> current DAQ setup file. nano setup/su.txt -> optional, edit as necessary. #-START DAQ ------ 1. "booton" (if needed) -> Power ON, wait 10 secs. 2. "Start" -> Begin DAQ in background screen 3. "Raw" -> Confirm data flow (^c to end) #-MIDCRUISE BACKUP ----------- Remember S-A-W-S daily to weekly 1. "Stop" -> stop DAQ. 2. "Archive" -> make a data archive in ~/rosrdata/ 3. "Wipe y" -> erase (wipe) the data folder. 4. "Start" -> re-start DAQ #-END OF CRUISE SHUTDOWN------ 1. "Stop" -> stop DAQ. 2. "Archive" -> make a data archive in ~/rosrdata/ 3. "Wipe y" -> erase (wipe) the data folder. 4. "RosrShutdown" -> Close shutter and go to standby. #-TELNET SOCKET OR UDP ----- 1. Identify target computer IP and port. 2. Modify setup/su.txt. #-MISC COMMANDS #-POWER (only if iBoot) ------ booton -> Power ON, ROSR. bootoff -> Power OFF. See RosrShutdown. bootstatus -> Current power status, ON or OFF. Bat -> Laptop PC battery status #--VIEW DATA----------- Raw -> $WIROS raw data, 2 sec, ^c to end Avg -> PC avg file, 10 min, (5,15,25,...,55) Sst -> $WIRST packets, 280 sec, ^c to end Sbd -> $WISBD packets, 280 sec, ^c to end Av -> $WIRAV packets, 280 sec, ^c to end #-GPS DIRECT CONNECT--------- P -> direct connect to GPS #-ROSR DIRECT CONNECT--------- I -> direct connect to ROSR, "^\ q" to end T -> ROSR test '>' prompt e -> contents of the eeprom ? -> terminal menu fc -> close shutter fo -> open shutter g -> Go. End terminal session. Start operation. note jumps to operation automatically after 1 min inactivity. #-END DIRECT CONNECT----------- ^\ q -> end direct connect. hold and press , release, press #----------------------------- #--PC PREPARATION #----------------------------- Suspend never Time zone sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata select UTC ---END -----------------