#!/usr/bin/expect -- #Note: the file .kermrc has the command "prompt k>>" # v3 141016 # v4 180523 -- include COM2 to mini PC # 20180524T030502Z log_user 0; set setupfile "$env(DAQSWFOLDER)/setup/su.txt" #============== ## PASSWORD #============== spawn -noecho getsetupinfo $setupfile "DAQ PASSWORD" expect -re "(\.*)(\r)"; set password $expect_out(1,string) #send_user "DAQ PASSWORD: $password\n"; global GPS GPSPID #======================================================== # PROCEDURE TO SIMULATE GPS #v9 #======================================================== proc SpawnGpsSimulate { } { global GPS GPSPID # Spawn simulate_gps set GPSPID [spawn perl simulate_gps] set GPS $spawn_id } #======================================================== # PROCEDURE TO CONNECT TO GPS v3 #============================================================ proc SpawnGps { hubip gpsport gpscomport} { global GPS GPSPID if { [string first "dev" $hubip] == -1 } { set str [spawn_kermit $hubip $gpsport] set GPS [lindex $str 0]; set GPSPID [lindex $str 1]; send_user "SPAWN GPS KERMIT: IP=$hubip, port=$gpsport, spawn_id=$GPS, pid=$GPSPID\n" } else { set str [spawn_kermit232 $gpscomport] set GPS [lindex $str 0]; set GPSPID [lindex $str 1]; send_user "SPAWN KERMIT232, IP=$hubip, spawn_id=$GPS, pid=$GPSPID\n" } } #=========================================================================== # PROCEDURE TO CONNECT TO A SERVER PORT USING KERMIT # input # hubip = ip# # portnumber #Note: .kermrc file line = prompt k>> #============================================ proc spawn_kermit {hubip portnumber} { global GPS GPSPID # START PROCESS -- KERMIT set GPSPID [spawn kermit] set GPS $spawn_id; send_user "test GPS=$GPS, GPSPID=$GPSPID\n"; set timeout 4 expect { timeout {send_user "KERMIT FAILS TO OPEN\n"; exit 1} ">>" } # OPEN THE PORT send "set host $hubip $portnumber\r" expect ">>" send "set tcp keepalive on 0\r\n" expect ">>" send "set tcp linger OFF\r\n" expect ">>" send "set tcp nodelay on\r\n" expect ">>" send "set telnet echo local\r\n" expect ">>" # this is important for using the rsr menu # raw means send CR by itself, not CRLF and NOT CRNul send "set telnet newline-mode nvt raw\r\n" expect ">>" # CONNECT send "connect\r" expect { "Conn*---" {send_user "PORT $portnumber CONNECTED\n"; return $spawn_id;} timeout {send_user "TIMEOUT, NO CONNECT"; exit 1} } } #=========================================================================== # PROCEDURE TO CONNECT RS232 TO A PORT USING KERMIT # input # serialport = full path name for the serial port, e.g. /dev/tty.usbserial0 # baud = desired baud rate, e.g. 9600 #============================================ proc spawn_kermit232 {hubip} { # START PROCESS -- KERMIT set pid [spawn sudo kermit] expect { "assword" { send "r0srr0sr\n" } ">>" { send "\n" } } send_user "!> pid = $pid\n"; set timeout 4 expect { timeout {"KERMIT FAILS TO OPEN\n"; exit 1} ">>" } # OPEN THE PORT ## OPEN THE PORT send "set line $hubip\r" expect ">>" #send_user "set line $hubip\n"; ## SPEED send "set speed 9600\r" ## DUPLEX send "set duplex full\r" expect ">>" ## LOCAL ECHO send "set local-echo on\r" expect ">>" ## FLOW CONTROL send "set flow none\r" expect ">>" ## CARRIER WATCH send "set carrier-watch off\r" expect ">>" ## LOG send "log session ../data/capture.txt append\r" expect ">>" ## CONNECT send "connect\r" expect { "Conn*---" {send_user "232 CONNECTED\n"} timeout {send_user "TIMEOUT, NO CONNECT"; exit 1} } set out $spawn_id; lappend out $pid return $out } #==================== END PROCEDURES ============================================= #============== # PORT #============== spawn -noecho getsetupinfo $setupfile "GPS PORT" expect -re "(\.*)(\r)"; set gpsport $expect_out(1,string) send_user "GPS PORT: $gpsport\n"; #==================== # GPS INPUT OPTION #==================== if { $gpsport == 0 } { # SIMULATE send_user "SIMULATE GPS\n"; SpawnGpsSimulate; } elseif {$gpsport == 1} { # GPS CONNECTION spawn -noecho getsetupinfo $setupfile "SERIAL GPS" expect -re "(\.*)(\r)"; set gpscom $expect_out(1,string) send_user "GPS 232COM: $gpscom\n" set hubip "rs232 device"; SpawnGps $hubip $gpsport $gpscom } elseif {$gpsport == -1} { # FIXED spawn -noecho getsetupinfo $setupfile "GPS FIXED LATITUDE" expect -re "(\.*)(\r)"; set fixedlat $expect_out(1,string) spawn -noecho getsetupinfo $setupfile "GPS FIXED LONGITUDE" expect -re "(\.*)(\r)"; set fixedlon $expect_out(1,string) send_user "GPS FIXED LAT $fixedlat, LON $fixedlon\n"; send_user "Exit Z_gps\n"; exit 0; } else { # HUB SERIAL SERVER spawn -noecho getsetupinfo $setupfile "SERIAL HUB IP" expect -re "(\.*)(\r)"; set hubip $expect_out(1,string) set gpscom 0 send_user "SERIAL HUB IP: $hubip, GPS PORT: $gpsport\n" SpawnGps $hubip $gpsport $gpscom } while 1 { expect { -i $GPS "\\\$GPRMC*\\*??" { set rawstr $expect_out(0,string); set rawstr [string trim $rawstr ] set timegps [timestamp] ;# record the time of the last gps set rawstr [timestamp -gmt -format "%Y %m %d %H %M %S " -seconds $timegps]$rawstr send_user "$rawstr\n" } } }