#!/usr/bin/perl -w if($#ARGV<0){ print ' PROGRAM sockrx Call: perl sockrx IP PORT [FILENAME] where perl call the perl program. (\'./\' works also.) IP is the address to the local computer, e.g. PORT is the desired port, e.g. 5555 FILENAME (optional) defines a file where collected data are stored. Example: perl sockrx 5555 /tmp/prpdata.txt or ./sockrx 5555 -> to display data only. WARNING: IP and PORT must be defined in the setup file in the PRP folder. edit: ~/swmain/apps/PRP/sw/setup/su.txt TELNET PROGRAM: socktxx -> client, sends message TELNET SERVER IP: -> target IP# TELNET SERVER PORT: 5555 -> available port # '; exit 1; }; use IO::Socket; # IP# AND PORT FROM SU.TXT OR COMMAND LINE. $serverip=$ARGV[0]; $serverport=$ARGV[1]; print"socket = $serverip $serverport\n"; # SAVE TO FILE my $recordflag=0; if ($#ARGV >= 2){ $datfile = $ARGV[2]; $recordflag=1; print"record data to $datfile\n"; } my $sock = new IO::Socket::INET ( LocalHost => $serverip, LocalPort => $serverport, Proto => 'tcp', Listen => 1, Reuse => 1, ); die "Could not create socket: $!\n" unless $sock; my ($size,$new_sock,$str); $str="ok\n"; while(1){ $new_sock = $sock->accept(); while(<$new_sock>) { $str=$_; print $str; if($recordflag == 1){ open(F,">>$datfile") or die; print F $str; close F; } } } close($sock);