v0.1.0 01 July 2013 -- Initial Release! v0.1.1 03 July 2013 -- Very minor changes to docs and figure plotting. v0.1.2 08 July 2013 -- A number of changes: - Added a parcel ascent routine based on provided pressure, dewpoint and temperature. This routine adds some characteristics to the plot in the upper LHS. TODO: initialise parcels automatically, calculate CAPE and CIN and Precipitable water... - Removed reliance on rcParams to make the figure look pretty. Did this because I got annoyed (and I'm sure that others will too) at what happens to graphs plotted subsequently... they end up with yellow axes etc. - Improved some of the aesthetics of the plot... moved standard atmosphere height axis to right hand side. v0.1.3 25 July 2013 -- Minor changes (New release for pypi): - Fixed Masked Value error in add_profile (Thanks Simon). The routing now enforces masked values so that an exception is not raised when counting the number of barbs to draw [nbarbs=(~uu.mask).sum()] - Added an automated parcel routine. This works by analysing the lowest few levels (kwarg mixheight in mbar) to give: - surface pressure (pressure of lowest level) - surface temperature [derived from max(theta)] in lowst levels - surface dew point [derived from mean(mixr)] in lowest levels This seems to give pretty good agreement with the parcels in the BOM soundings, but I can't make it perfect. I presume they use a forecast daily max T for the parcel instead of a mixed value. The ability to define your own parcel is retained but plot_skewt() now automatically plots a parcel. - Added a couple of routines to thermodynamics.py to enable this to work. TempK now calculates temperature given theta an pressure (I can't believe I didn't already have this)