from numpy import interp,pi,cos,sin,arctan2,sqrt,linspace,min,exp,log,where #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Here we go. A set of functions that I use from time to time to calculate # the basic stuff that I'm sick of doing over and over! I'm going to # endeavour to include references and global constants to make it all nice # and legible. #----------------------------------------------------------------------- Rs_da=287.05 # Specific gas const for dry air, J kg^{-1} K^{-1} Rs_v=461.51 # Specific gas const for water vapour, J kg^{-1} K^{-1} Cp_da=1004.6 # Specific heat at constant pressure for dry air Cv_da=719. # Specific heat at constant volume for dry air Cp_v=1870. # Specific heat at constant pressure for water vapour Cv_v=1410. # Specific heat at constant volume for water vapour Cp_lw=4218 # Specific heat at constant pressure for liquid water Epsilon=0.622 # Epsilon=R_s_da/R_s_v; The ratio of the gas constants degCtoK=273.15 # Temperature offset between K and C (deg C) rho_w=1000. # Liquid Water density kg m^{-3} grav=9.81 # Gravity, m s^{-2} Lv=2.5e6 # Latent Heat of vaporisation boltzmann=5.67e-8 # Stefan-Boltzmann constant mv=18.0153 # Mean molar mass of water vapor(g/mol) _devel="working" def Theta(tempk,pres,pref=100000.): """Potential Temperature INPUTS: tempk (K) pres (Pa) pref: Reference pressure (default 100000 Pa) OUTPUTS: Theta (K) Source: Wikipedia Prints a warning if a pressure value below 2000 Pa input, to ensure that the units were input correctly. """ try: minpres=min(pres) except TypeError: minpres=pres if minpres<2000: print "WARNING: P<2000 Pa; did you input a value in hPa?" return tempk*(pref/pres)**(Rs_da/Cp_da) def TempK(theta,pres,pref=100000.): """Inverts Theta function.""" try: minpres=min(pres) except TypeError: minpres=pres if minpres<2000: print "WARNING: P<2000 Pa; did you input a value in hPa?" return theta*(pres/pref)**(Rs_da/Cp_da) def ThetaE(): """Equivalent potential temperature""" raise NotImplementedError def ThetaV(tempk,pres,e): """Virtual Potential Temperature INPUTS tempk (K) pres (Pa) e: Water vapour pressure (Pa) (Optional) """ mixr=MixRatio(e,pres) theta=Theta(tempk,pres) return theta*(1+mixr/Epsilon)/(1+mixr) def GammaW(tempk,pres,e=None): """Function to calculate the moist adiabatic lapse rate (deg C/Pa) based on the temperature, pressure, and rh of the environment. INPUTS: tempk (K) pres (Pa) RH (%) RETURNS: GammaW: The moist adiabatic lapse rate (Dec C/Pa) """ tempc=tempk-degCtoK es=SatVap(tempc) ws=MixRatio(es,pres) if e is None: # assume saturated e=es w=MixRatio(e,pres) tempv=VirtualTempFromMixR(tempk,w) latent=Latentc(tempc) A=1.0+latent*ws/(Rs_da*tempk) B=1.0+Epsilon*latent*latent*ws/(Cp_da*Rs_da*tempk*tempk) Rho=pres/(Rs_da*tempv) Gamma=(A/B)/(Cp_da*Rho) return Gamma def Density(tempk,pres,mixr): """Density of moist air""" virtualT=VirtualTempFromMixR(tempk,mixr) return pres/(Rs_da*virtualT) def VirtualTemp(tempk,pres,e): """Virtual Temperature INPUTS: tempk: Temperature (K) e: vapour pressure (Pa) p: static pressure (Pa) OUTPUTS: tempv: Virtual temperature (K) SOURCE: hmmmm (Wikipedia).""" tempvk=tempk/(1-(e/pres)*(1-Epsilon)) return tempvk def VirtualTempFromMixR(tempk,mixr): """Virtual Temperature INPUTS: tempk: Temperature (K) mixr: Mixing Ratio (kg/kg) OUTPUTS: tempv: Virtual temperature (K) SOURCE: hmmmm (Wikipedia). This is an approximation based on a m """ return tempk*(1.0+0.6*mixr) def Latentc(tempc): """Latent heat of condensation (vapourisation) INPUTS: tempc (C) OUTPUTS: L_w (J/kg) SOURCE: """ return 1000*(2500.8 - 2.36*tempc + 0.0016*tempc**2 - 0.00006*tempc**3) def SatVap(tempc,phase="liquid"): """Calculate saturation vapour pressure over liquid water and/or ice. INPUTS: tempc: (C) phase: ['liquid'],'ice'. If 'liquid', do simple dew point. If 'ice', return saturation vapour pressure as follows: Tc>=0: es = es_liquid Tc <0: es = es_ice RETURNS: e_sat (Pa) SOURCE: (#2: CIMO guide (WMO 2008), modified to return values in Pa) This formulation is chosen because of its appealing simplicity, but it performs very well with respect to the reference forms at temperatures above -40 C. At some point I'll implement Goff-Gratch (from the same resource). """ over_liquid=6.112*exp(17.67*tempc/(tempc+243.12))*100. over_ice=6.112*exp(22.46*tempc/(tempc+272.62))*100. # return where(tempc<0,over_ice,over_liquid) if phase=="liquid": # return 6.112*exp(17.67*tempc/(tempc+243.12))*100. return over_liquid elif phase=="ice": # return 6.112*exp(22.46*tempc/(tempc+272.62))*100. return where(tempc<0,over_ice,over_liquid) else: raise NotImplementedError def RH(T, Td): # calculate the RH given temperature and dew point T += 273.15 Td += 273.15 return 100.0*(np.exp((17.625*Td)/(243.04+Td))/np.exp((17.625*T)/(243.04+T))) def MixRatio(e,p): """Mixing ratio of water vapour INPUTS e (Pa) Water vapor pressure p (Pa) Ambient pressure RETURNS qv (kg kg^-1) Water vapor mixing ratio` """ return Epsilon*e/(p-e) def MixR2VaporPress(qv,p): """Return Vapor Pressure given Mixing Ratio and Pressure INPUTS qv (kg kg^-1) Water vapor mixing ratio` p (Pa) Ambient pressure RETURNS e (Pa) Water vapor pressure """ return qv*p/(Epsilon+qv) def VaporPressure(dwpt): """Water vapor pressure INPUTS dwpt (C) Dew Point Temperature (for SATURATION vapor pressure use tempc) RETURNS e (Pa) Water Vapor Pressure SOURCE: Bolton, Monthly Weather Review, 1980, p 1047, eq. (10) """ return 611.2*exp(17.67*dwpt/(243.5+dwpt)) def DewPoint(e): """ Use Bolton's (1980, MWR, p1047) formulae to find tdew. INPUTS: e (Pa) Water Vapor Pressure OUTPUTS: Td (C) """ ln_ratio=log(e/611.2) Td=((17.67-ln_ratio)*degCtoK+243.5*ln_ratio)/(17.67-ln_ratio) return Td-degCtoK