i(1) = Evap Evaporation rate PSL, mm/hr i(2) = Ftsg_s ship thermpsalinograph flow rate at depth ztsg_ship, L/min i(3) = Hs significant wave height from PSL Reigel 1D radar altimeter, m i(4) = SSQ sea surface specific humidity PSL, g/kg i(5) = SST COARE calculated SST equal to Tsnk-dT_skin, C i(6) = Stsg_s ship thermosalinograph SBE 45 salinity at depth ztsg_ship, psu i(7) = T10 Ta adjusted to 10 m PSL, m/s i(8) = Ta PSL air T at height zt, C i(9) = Ta_flag flag 1 for T air data corrected for bad winds, 1 corrected; 0 not corrected i(10) = Tskin skin T of seawater from ROSR infrared radiometer, C (true SST felt by atmosphere) i(11) = Tsnk PSL sea snake T at depth zsnk, C i(12) = Ttsg_s ship thermosalinograph SBE 38 T at depth ztsg_ship, C i(13) = U10 wind speed adjusted to 10 m PSL, m/s i(14) = U10_sfc U10 with respect to moving surface, m/s i(15) = U_flag flag 1 for wind data corrected for bad winds, 1 corrected; 0 not corrected i(16) = cdir near surface current dir ADCP ship, deg i(17) = cog PSL course over ground, deg i(18) = cov_flag flag 1 for bad covariance fluxes, 1 bad; 0 good i(19) = cp phase speed dominant waves from PSL Reigel 1D radar altimeter, m/s i(20) = cspd near surface current speed ADCP ship, m/s i(21) = dT SST - T10 = air sea T difference PSL, C i(22) = day day i(23) = dq SSQ - q10 = air sea q difference PSL, g/kg i(24) = hed PSL heading, deg i(25) = hl bulk latent heat flux PSL, W/m2 i(26) = hl_cov direct covariance latent heat flux, W/m2 i(27) = hnet net heat flux, positive warming ocean PSL, W/m2 i(28) = hour hour i(29) = hr rain heat flux PSL, W/m2 i(30) = hs bulk sensible heat flux PSL, W/m2 i(31) = hs_cov direct covariance sensible heat flux, W/m2 i(32) = jd decimal julian date i(33) = lat PSL lat, deg i(34) = lon PSL lon, deg i(35) = lw_dn PSL downwelling longwave radiation (best unit), W/m2 i(36) = lw_net net long wave flux, positive warming ocean PSL, W/m2 i(37) = lw_up upwelling long wave flux PSL, W/m2 i(38) = minute minute i(39) = month month i(40) = paccum PSL precipitation accumulation from optical rain gauge, mm i(41) = prate PSL instantaneous precipitation rate from optical rain gauge, mm/hour i(42) = q10 qa adjusted to 10 m PSL, g/kg i(43) = qsnk saturation specific humidity calculated with sea snake value Tsnk, g/kg i(44) = rdir PSL relative wind direction, deg, 3D sonic anemometer i(45) = rh PSL relative humidity at height zq, % i(46) = rh10 rh adjusted to 10 m PSL, % i(47) = rspd PSL relative wind speed, m/s 3D sonic anemometer i(48) = slp PSL barometric pressure for sea level altitude, mb i(49) = sog PSL speed over ground, m/s i(50) = sw_dn PSL downwelling shortwave radiation best, W/m2 i(51) = sw_net net short wave flux, positive warming ocean PSL, W/m2 i(52) = sw_up upwelling short wave flux PSL, W/m2 i(53) = t matlab datetime i(54) = tau bulk wind stress PSL, N/m2 i(55) = tau_cov direct covariance wind stress PSL, N/m2 i(56) = tau_cov_cross covariance stress crossstream, N/m2 i(57) = wdir PSL true wind direction, deg, 3D sonic anemometer i(58) = wdir_sfc wind direction with respect to moving surface, deg i(59) = wspd PSL wind speed, m/s, 3D sonic anemometer i(60) = wspd_sfc wind speed with respect to moving surface, m/s i(61) = year year