%function dummy = rico_aerosol_kr(filename,date_str) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %Project Name: RICO 2005 %Purpose: Reads the aerosol text files and plots data % %Input Data: aerosol text files % %Last Modified: Kristen Rasmussen 6/22/05 % %%%%%%%%%%READS THE TXT FILES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% clear all; fclose all; addpath 'C:\rico' addpath 'C:\rico\aerosol\data' pathdata = 'C:\rico\aerosol\data'; outpath = 'C:\rico\aerosol\results'; eval(['cd ', pathdata]); aa = ('050101_nohds_b.txt'); k = length(aa); %%%%%%%%%%%%%START READING AND LOADING TXT FILES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% x = load('C:\rico\aerosol\data\050101_nohds_b.txt') %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Read Variables from the first input file%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % conv = 0.028*10.^5 % % %time = x(:,3); % jd = x(:,4); % sample_vol = x(:,5); % tot_cts = x(:,6); % sz1 = x(:,7); % cts1 = x(:,8); % sz2 = x(:,9); % cts2 = x(:,10); % sz3 = x(:,11); % cts3 = x(:,12); % sz4 = x(:,13); % cts4 = x(:,14); % sz5 = x(:,15); % cts5 = x(:,16); % sz6 = x(:,17); % cts6 = x(:,18); jd=x(:,1)+x(:,2)-38354+1; [jdav,y,yvar]=timave_2_nonan(jd,10,x); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Graphs%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %qw = length(fname) %for u=1:qw; %figure(1) %set(gcf,'DefaultAxesFonts',10) %plot(jd,x(:,6)*10/.028/1e6,'.',jdav,y(:,6)*10/.028/1e6,'o') plot(jdav,y(:,6)*10/.028/1e6,'.') titlestr = sprintf('RICO 05 R/V Seward Johnson Total Aerosol Counts %s/%s/%s',... aa(3:4),aa(5:6),aa(1:2)); title(titlestr,'FontName','times','FontSize',14); %xlim([0 1]) hold on ylabel('Total Aerosol Counts'); xlabel('Julian Day Fraction'); %grid on %pause %plot(jd,x(:,6)*10/.028/1e6,'.',jdav,y(:,6)*10/.028/1e6,'o')