Yday Decimal yearday (UTC) To convert to matlab time format use: yd0=datenum('31-Dec-2015'); tmatlab=Yday+yd0; Lat Latitude (deg) Lon Longitude (deg) SOG Speed over ground (m/s) COG Course over ground (deg) Heading Ship's heading (deg) CurrentE Eastward component of current (m/s) relative to earth CurrentN Northward component of current (m/s) relative to earth WspdT Wind speed (m/s) relative to earth at ~18 m WdirT Wind direction (deg) from relative to earth U10 Wind speed (m/s) relative to earth adjusted to 10 m U10N Neutral wind speed (m/s) relative to earth adjusted to 10 m and neutral stratification WspdR Wind speed (m/s) relative to water at ~18 m WdirR Wind direction (deg) from relative to water Ur02 Wind speed (m/s) relative to water adjusted to 2 m Ur10 Wind speed (m/s) relative to water adjusted to 10 m Ur10N Neutral wind speed (m/s) relative to water adjusted to 10 m and neutral stratification Tair Air Temperature (C) at ~16.5 m T02 Air Temperature (C) adjusted to 2 m T10 Air Temperature (C) adjusted to 10 m Tsea Near surface sea temperature (C) at ~5 cm from the sea snake SST Sea surface temperature (C)from Tsea minus cool skin Tsea2 Near surface sea temperature (C) at 2 m from the USPS Tsea3 Near surface sea temperature (C) at 3 m from the USPS Tsea5 Near surface sea temperature (C) at 5 m from the thermosalinigraph RH Relative humidity (%) at ~16.5 m RH02 Relative humidity (%) adjusted to 2 m RH10 Relative humidity (%) adjusted to 10 m Pair Pressure (mb) at O3 deck Qair Specific humidity (g/kg) at ~16.5 m Q02 Specific humidity (g/kg) adjusted to 2 m Q10 Specific humidity (g/kg) adjusted to 10 m SSQ Specific humidity (g/kg) at sea surface SSS Sea surface salinity (psu) from the salinity snake Salt2 Near surface salinity (psu) at 2 m from the USPS Salt3 Near surface salinity (psu) at 3 m from the USPS Salt5 Near surface salinity (psu) at 5 m from the thermosalinigraph SolarDown Measured downwelling solar (W/m2) SolarUp Reflected solar (W/m2) estimated from Payne (1972) IRdown Measured downwelling IR (W/m2) IRup Upwelling IR (W/m2) computed from SST with sky correction Precip Accumulated precipitation (mm) Prate Precipitation rate (mm/hr) Evap Accumulated evaporation (mm) Erate Evaporation rate (mm/hr) Ust Friction velocity (m/s) from COARE 3.5 Tau Surface stress (N/m2) measured relative to water Shf Sensible heat flux (W/m2) Lhf Latent heat flux (W/m2) Bhf Buoyancy flux (W/m2) Rhf Sensible heat flux from rain (W/m2) 10/8/19 Notes: Please acknowledge Carol Anne Clayson (WHOI) and Jim Edson (WHOI) when using this data. Please acknowledge Elizabeth Thompson (NOAA/PSD) when using the USPS data and Julian Schanze (ESR) when using the surface salinity snake data. The 2 and 3 m T/S data from the USPS (Underway Salinity Profiling System) have been added to the data file. These were corrected by E. Thompson at NOAA/PSD. 5 m data still need to be corrected before use. For 5 m data, different offsets and drifts were present in each year and also before 27 Aug 2016. At any given time, the true depth of the sensor below water is not known because it depends on ship speed and ballasting. The depth provided (2, 3, 5 m) is the depth of the sensor below sea level when the ship is at rest. Data should be sorted by ship speed (SOG). All ports were located on the starboard bow, about 10 m aft of the bow. The surface salinity data provided by J. Schanze has been added to the file. 09/22/16 Fluxes are defined as negative downward and positive upwards. For example, the net heat flux is defined as: Qnet = Solarup+Solardn+IRup+IRdn+lhf+shf+rhf Qnet<0 is heating ocean The wind and current directions are in meteorological convention (i.e., direction from). Pair is measured by UConn barometers on the O3 deck. Tair is taken from the calibrated WHOI and UConn aspirated air temperature sensors on the bow mast. These were least affected by solar heating. Qair is computed from the calibrated UConn and WHOI RH/T sensors on the on the bow mast. Qair is less sensitive to solar heating as long as the temperature and RH are measured simultaneously. RH is reconstructed from the Q, aspirated Tair and P measurements to remove the effects of solar heating. The sonic anemometers on the bow mast are used to measure the wind speed and direction. Relative wind speed is taken into consideration to minimize flow distortion. Tsea is primarily measured by the sea snake after calibration with the Osspre sensors during the night using data processed by Mike Reynolds (RMR). SST is estimated from Tsea after correction for cool skin. This accounts for the difference between Tsea and SST. SSQ, the sea surface specific humidity, is computed from SST. Values of Tsea and Salinity are also provide from the Osspre. SolarDown and IRdown are measured by the pyranometer and purgeometer on the O3 deck, respectively. Solarup is taken from a commonly used parameterization for surface albedo of the ocean (Payne, 1972). IRup was derived from the SST measurements and a correction for reflected IR using the COARE 3.5 algorithm. The bulk fluxes of stress (momentum), sensible heat, latent heat, buoyancy and the sensible heat due to rain were provided by the COARE 3.5 algorithm. The COARE 3.5 algorithm was also used to compute the 10-m values of wind speed, temperature and humidity. Lat, Lon, SOG, COG and Heading were taken from the ships *.COR files. These were used to compute the wind speed relative to earth. Surface currents are measured by the ship's ADCP provide by Audrey Hasson (LOCEAN) help from Janet Sprintall (SIO). These were used to compute the wind speed relative to water. The wind speed relative to water is used to compute the fluxes. 03/13/17 Added T02, Q02, RH02, and Ur02 for modeling studies.