Soundings Stratus 05 Readme file. created 10/19/2005 by J. Lundquist 1) All of the raw data files are in D:\Data\balloon in folders labeled according to the time of the sounding. Example: 05101812 was launched 2005, October 18, at 12 Z. 2) Plot summaries of all of the soundings for cruises 2005, 2004, and 2003 are in a folder labeled 'plots_contour'. 3) Plot comparisons of sounding wind speed and direction with 915 MHz profiler wind data are in the folder labeled 'plots_compareprofiler'. These do not go all the way through the 2005 cruise because there was a problem with transferring the profiler data files. 4) Plots of individual sounding data are in the folder labeled 'plots.' 5) All of the plots and data processing was done using MATLAB 6.5 -- the relevant files are found in C:\MATLAB6p5\hare\jessica_stratus05\. 6) The following list details what the MATLAB programs do. sonde_format.m takes .PTU and .WND files and combines them in the edt_WTEC... format that was used on the 2004 cruise. It makes the 2005 data compatible with these past programs. balprof_comp_jl.m compares the .WND files with .cns files from the 915 MHz profiler and produces plots with ship heading labels. sonde_multidayplot.m creates contour plots of the 2005 data. sonde_multidayplot03.m does the same for 2003 data. sonde_multiday04.m creates contour plots for 2004 data. gpmref.mat contains a reference list of atmospheric heights for the contour plots. mw21_ballstratus2.m creates individual plots of sounding parameters.