% LCload: load a Lidar Ceilometer file into the matlab workspace % % USAGE: % [ceil_utc,ceil_date,ceil_range,ceil_b,cloud1,cloud2,cloud3]=LCload(data,ceil_filename); % % WHERE: % data=[yyyy mm dd]; % ceil_filename is the name of the file to load % ceil_utc is the time in decimal hours of each ray % ceil_date is the date of each ray in the form yyyymmdd % ceil_range is the range of each gate in metres (in theory can be in feet sometimes) % ceil_b is the backscatter coefficient in the units 10**(-7) (srad m)**(-1) % cloud1, cloud2 and cloud3 are the heights of the first three cloud bases as % determined by the data aquisition system from the backscatter profile % % NOTE: % this program does not clean up the data %function [ceil_utc,ceil_date,ceil_range,ceil_b,cloudcode,cloud1,cloud2,cloud3]=LCload(data,ceil_filename); resolution=10; %10m resolution gates_number=770; %number of gates nn=resolution*gates_number; %10m x 770 samples, range 7700m (ms1_10x770) ceil_year=data(1) ceil_month=data(2) ceil_day=data(3) loop = 16; cloud1=NaN*zeros(1,nn); cloud2=NaN*zeros(1,nn); cloud3=NaN*zeros(1,nn); cloudcode=NaN*zeros(1,nn); ceil_sc=NaN*zeros(1,nn); ceil_mn=NaN*zeros(1,nn); ceil_hr=NaN*zeros(1,nn); ceil_date=NaN*zeros(1,nn); ceil_b=NaN*zeros(gates_number,nn); ceil_utc=NaN*zeros(1,nn); height=[]; k=0; fid=fopen(ceil_filename,'r'); if fid == -1 error(['Cannot read ' ceil_filename]); end %dmp=fgetl(fid); %dump line -Ceilometer Logfile %dmp1=fgetl(fid); %dump line -File created: 2/24/2007 12:00:00 AM %%DEW %dmp=fgetl(fid) %-File Closed: 5/1/2007 12:22:15 PM dmp=fgetl(fid) %dump line -Ceilometer Logfile dmp1=fgetl(fid) %dump line -File created: 2/24/2007 12:00:00 AM dmp4=fscanf(fid,'%s',[1 1]) %dump -2007-02-24 [data]=fscanf(fid,'%2d:%2d:%2d \n',[3 1]); %read 00:00:12 temp=fgetl(fid); %get rid of '' temp=fgetl(fid); %get rid of _CL013011_ %range_flag=str2num(temp(8)); temp=fgetl(fid); %cloud heights 1W 23570 ///// ///// 000020000000 fgetl(fid); % dump 00100 10 0770 100 +28 097 02 0005 L0016HN15 238 %%DEW while ~feof(fid) dmp4=fscanf(fid,'%s',[1 1]); %dump -2007-02-24 [data]=fscanf(fid,'%2d:%2d:%2d \n',[3 1]); %read hh:mm:ss if ~isempty(data) ceil_hour=data(1); ceil_min=data(2); ceil_sec=data(3); %k; temp=fgetl(fid); %get rid of '' temp=fgetl(fid); %get rid of CL013011 %range_flag=str2num(temp(8)); temp=fgetl(fid) %cloud heights % [data,count]=sscanf(temp,'%1d%*1c %d %d %d') ; error if status bit contains no characters...(like 00001000) [data,count]=sscanf(temp(1:(length(temp)-12)),'%1d%*1c %d %d %d') % units_flag=sscanf(temp,'%*21c %12x'); Detection_status=temp((length(temp)-12):(length(temp))-1); units_flag=dec2bin(hex2dec(Detection_status(11)),4); if strcmp(units_flag,'1000')==1 %units in cloud heights line are meters mm=1; %no convertion coefficient elseif strcmp(units_flag,'1000')==0 %units in cloud heights line are feet mm=0.303; %convertion coefficient for feet to meters end; %Next line commented out 5/3/2007 DEW %fgetl(fid) % dump 00100 10 0770 100 +28 097 02 0005 L0016HN15 238 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Start reader the data %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% start_height = 0; %%% in m %%%%%%%% line = fgets(fid); kke= size(line); if kke(1,2)==3852 kke(1,2); %Print out line length for i=1:770 i; height(i)=start_height+resolution*(i); ceil_b(i,k+1)=hex2dec(line((5*(i-1)+1):(5*(i-1)+1+4))); end else for i=1:770 height(i)=NaN; ceil_b(i,k+1)=NaN; end; end; % % for a = 1:16; % line = fgets(fid); % kke= size(line); % if kke(1,2)==69 % start_height = max([str2num(line(1:3))*100 NaN]); %%% in ft %%%%%%%% % for j = 1:16; % height((a-1)*16+j)=start_height+100*(j-1); % ceil_b((a-1)*16+j,k+1)=hex2dec(line(3+4*(j-1)+1:3+4*j)); % end % else % for j = 1:16; % height((a-1)*16+j)=NaN; % ceil_b((a-1)*16+j,k+1)=NaN; % end % end % % end %ceil_data=fscanf(fid,'%*3d%4x%4x%4x%4x%4x%4x%4x%4x%4x%4x%4x%4x%4x%4x%4x%4x',loop*16); k=k+1; %size(ceil_b) %ceil_b %k %ceil_hour %ceil_min %ceil_sec ceil_mn(k)=ceil_min;ceil_hr(k)=ceil_hour;ceil_sc(k)=ceil_sec; ceil_utc(k)=ceil_hour+ceil_min/60.0+ceil_sec/3600.0; ceil_date(k)=ceil_year*10000+ceil_month*100+ceil_day; %ceil_b(1:256,k)=ceil_data(1:256); % read in 1 `ray' of lidar backscatter if length(data) > 0 data(1) cloudcode(k)=data(1); switch length(data)-1 case 1, cloud1(k)=data(2); case 2, cloud1(k)=data(2); cloud2(k)=data(3); case 3, cloud1(k)=data(2); cloud2(k)=data(3); cloud3(k)=data(4); end end %fgetl(fid); %fgetl(fid) end %if fgetl(fid); end % while fclose(fid); %clear data ceil_data ceil_b=ceil_b(:,1:k); index=find(ceil_b>=2^15); if ~isempty(index), ceil_b(index)=ceil_b(index)-2^16;end ceil_utc=ceil_utc(1:k); % Convert metres to kilometers, assuming the units are metres not feet! ceil_range=(1:gates_number)*resolution/1000.0; cloud1=cloud1(1:k)*mm; %output is meters cloud2=cloud2(1:k)*mm; cloud3=cloud3(1:k)*mm; % cloud1=cloud1(1:k); % cloud2=cloud2(1:k); % cloud3=cloud3(1:k); cloudcode=cloudcode(1:k); ceil_sc=ceil_sc(1:k); ceil_mn=ceil_mn(1:k); ceil_hr=ceil_hr(1:k); %imagesc(log10(abs(ceil_b)));axis xy; imagesc(ceil_utc,ceil_range,log10(abs(ceil_b)));axis xy; height=ceil_range; ceilo_30_sec=[cloudcode' cloud1' cloud2' cloud3' ceil_hr' ceil_mn' ceil_sc'];% this is the raw data with time %save d:\data\ceilo\11_11_03.txt ceilo_30sec -ascii -tabs %save d:\data\ceilo\11_11_03 ceil_utc ceil_b