clear; close('all'); fclose('all'); ddd=input('Input yearday to evaluate.... '); read_parameters_rhb; %Reading parameter files flux conf from D:/data/lb/flux_eval_rhb_06 R=input('Confirm parameters (yes/no) ?......','s'); C=strcmp(R,'yes'); if C==1 read_pc_day_rhb_07; read_scs_day_rhb_07; read_son_day_rhb_07; timatch_5_rhb_07; %set prt_f to 1.0 and bangit to 0 timatch_30_rhb_07; %set prt_f to 1.0 and bangit to 0 eval_epi_rhb_07; % hf5_append_rhb_07; % hf30_append_rhb_07; if backup=='1' backup_to_harddisk_rhb; end; else disp(['Go into the file ' fname ' to change the parameters']); end; % plot_f=0; CO2=[];t_lic=[];l=[];H2O=[]; % for hhh=00:15 % eval_licor_rhb_07; % CO2=[CO2 Licor_CO2_a]; % H2O=[H2O Licor_H2O_a]; % % l_lic=[l_lic length(Licor_CO2_a)]; % t_lic=[t_lic t1]; % end; % % dates = datestr(datenum(1601,1,1) + datenum(t_lic*10000*100e-9/86400)); % hh = str2num(dates(:,13:14)); % mm = str2num(dates(:,16:17)); % ss = str2num(dates(:,19:20)); % jd_lic = ddd + (hh+((mm+(ss/60))/60))/24; for hhh=15; ZZZ=[];read_altimeter;end; figure;plot((0:length(ZZZ)-1)./24+ddd,ZZZ);