% plot the cruise track for Stratus 2007 % load 30-min data read_parameters_Stratus x=load([way_proc_data_flux 'flux_30hf_' cruise year(3:4) '.txt']);%flux_30hf_STRATUS07.txt %read file with 0.5-hour average data jdy=x(:,1);%julian day at beginning of time average U=x(:,2);%true wind,PSD sonic (m/s) dir=x(:,3);%true wind direction, PSD sonic (deg) tsnk=x(:,4);%sea snake temperature,PSD, 0.05 m depth (C) tsg=x(:,5);%tsg water temperature, 5 m depth, (C) sal=x(:,6);%tsg salinity (psu) ta=x(:,7);%air temperature, PSD (C) qse=x(:,8);%sea surface specific humidity,from snake (g/kg) qa=x(:,9);%air specific humidity, PSD (g/kg) psp=x(:,10)*1.01;%downward solar flux, PSD units (W/m^2) rl=x(:,11);%downward IR flux, PSD units (W/m^2) org1=x(:,12);%rainrate, PSD STI optical rain gauge, uncorrected (mm/hr) ushp=x(:,13);%doppler log, SCS (m/s) head=x(:,14);%ship heading, deg clockwise rel north, SCS laser ring gyro (deg) urel=x(:,15);%relative wind speed, PSD (m/s) reldir=x(:,16);%relative wind direction (from),clockwise rel ship's bow, PSD sonic (deg) lat=x(:,17);%latitude, deg (SCS pcode) lon=x(:,18);%longitude, deg (SCS pcode) zts=x(:,19);%depth for bulk flux Ts reference, =0.05 when snake is used sig_u=x(:,20);%std dev of ship speed, m/s (>.2 indicates maneuver during half hour average) taub=x(:,21);%bulk wind stress along mean wind, (N/m^2) hsb=x(:,22);%bulk sensible heat flux, (W/m^2) hlb=x(:,23);%bulk latent heat flux, W/m^2 (includes Webb et al. correction) hrain=x(:,24);%rain heat flux, as per Gosnell et al 1995, JGR, 18437-18442, (W/m^2) ta_im=x(:,25);%IMET air temp @21 m qa_im=x(:,26);%IMET s_ship=x(:,27);%imet dir_ship=x(:,28);%IMET psp_ship=x(:,29);%imet pir_ship=x(:,30);%imet barpress=x(:,31);%imet %***** ships imet and scs data sog=x(:,13);%speed over ground, SCS gps, (m/s) cog=x(:,14);%%course over ground, SCS gps, (m/s) ll=load('coast.mat'); % lli1=[1; find(isnan(ll.long(1:end-1)))-1]; % lli2=find(isnan(ll.long)); % coasts=ll.long>=-95 & ll.long<=-70 & ll.lat>=-25 & ll.lat<=10 ; % select region % for i=1:length(lli1); % isles(i)=any(coasts(lli1(i):lli2(i))); % end % 6-hour intervals (4 per day) hr6=floor(mod(round(jdy*4),4))+1; comap=[[1 0 0];[1 1 1];[1 0 0];[1 1 1]]; %figure; clf fill(ll.long,ll.lat,0.7*[1 1 1]); axis equal axis([-100 -70 -30 10]); hold on; hr6=floor(mod(floor(jdy*4),4))+1; cm=[[1 0 0];[1 1 1];[1 0 0];[1 1 1]]; scatter(lon(end:-1:1),lat(end:-1:1),10,cm(hr6(end:-1:1),:),'filled'); for jdx=floor(jdy(1)):296; ii=find(jdy>=jdx,1,'first'); plot(lon(ii),lat(ii),'.') ht=text(lon(ii),lat(ii),num2str(jdx)); set(ht,'horizontalalignment','right'); end; for jdx=297:300; ii=find(jdy>=jdx,1,'first'); plot(lon(ii),lat(ii),'.') ht=text(lon(ii),lat(ii),num2str(jdx)); set(ht,'rotation',-60); end; grid on scl=0.5 hold on ii=jdy>=290 & jdy<=296 plot(scl*tsnk(ii)-100,lat(ii),'r','linewidth',1.2) plot(scl*ta(ii)-100,lat(ii),'b','linewidth',1.2) ii=jdy>297.5 & jdy<=299.5 plot(lon(ii),scl*tsnk(ii)-35,'r','linewidth',1.2) plot(lon(ii),scl*ta(ii)-35,'b','linewidth',1.2) print('-depsc2',[way_images_flux 'cruise_track.eps'])