disp('mailbox_allcruise'); %process mailbox .raw files clear all; close all; read_parameters_Stratus tit = cruise; lt = length(cruise); tit(lt+1) = '-'; tit((lt+2):lt+5) = year; fname = '*.raw'; %s1=['F:\AMMA_2007\RHB\radiometer\Mailbox\Raw\' fname]; %s='F:\AMMA_2007\RHB\radiometer\Mailbox\Raw\'; s1=[way_raw_data_mwr fname]; s=way_raw_data_mwr; dr=dir(s1); [n m]=size(dr); mx=n; j=1; nj=1; kx=1; % counts number of 10-min blocks of data min=0:6; % 10-min parts of an hour jdmx=min/6/24; % 10-min fraction of hour %mx=2*24; %count lines first nlines=zeros(length(dr),1); for i=1:mx flnm=dr(i).name; fid=fopen([s flnm],'r'); while ~feof(fid); fgetl(fid); nlines(i)=nlines(i)+1; end fclose(fid); end gtlines=sum(nlines); % preallocate datx for speed datx=NaN+zeros(floor(nlines/3),23); for i=1:mx %loop through all the raw files tic; k=1; clear dath; % why do this? flnm=dr(i).name fid=fopen([s flnm],'r'); while ~feof(fid) % 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 stux1=fscanf(fid,'%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d %d %f %f %f',[10,1]); stux2=fscanf(fid,'%g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g',[9,1]); stux3=fscanf(fid,'%g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g',[9,1]); if (isempty(stux1)) break else datx(j,1)=datenum(2000+stux1(1),stux1(2),stux1(3),stux1(4),stux1(5),stux1(6))-datenum(2000+stux1(1)-1,12,31); if (length(stux2)==9) && (length(stux3)==9) datx(j,2)=stux2(9);%vapor datx(j,3)=stux3(9);%liquid datx(j,4)=stux2(6);%tau 20 datx(j,5)=stux2(8);%tb 20 datx(j,6)=stux3(6);%tau 30 datx(j,7)=stux3(8);%tb 30 datx(j,8)=stux1(7);%mode datx(j,9)=stux1(8);%angle datx(j,10)=stux2(7);%cf20 datx(j,11)=stux3(7);%cf30 datx(j,12)=stux2(1);%sky20 datx(j,13)=stux2(2);%nsky20 datx(j,14)=stux2(3);%bb20 datx(j,15)=stux2(4);%nbb20 datx(j,16)=stux2(5);%tbb20 datx(j,17)=stux3(1);%sky30 datx(j,18)=stux3(2);%nsky30 datx(j,19)=stux3(3);%bb30 datx(j,20)=stux3(4);%nbb30 datx(j,21)=stux3(5);%tbb30 datx(j,22)=stux1(9);%pitch datx(j,23)=stux1(10);%roll else datx(j,1:23)=NaN; end; dath(k,1)=datx(j,1); dath(k,2)=datx(j,2); dath(k,3)=datx(j,3); j=j+1; k=k+1; end;%isempty end;%while feof fclose(fid); if k>1 [a b]=size(dath); ii=find(dath(:,2)<-1 | dath(:,2)>8); [nz mz]=size(ii); dath(ii,2)=NaN; dath(ii,3)=NaN; jdd=dath(:,1); jd0=floor(jdd(1)); % first Year Day of data series jj=find(isfinite(dath(:,2))); if isempty(jj) dathr(nj,1)=datx(j-a,1); dathr(nj,2)=NaN; dathr(nj,3)=NaN; dathr(nj,4)=0; dathr(nj,5)=NaN; dathr(nj,6)=NaN; else kk=1; % if hourly data exists start 10-min calc. pp=jdd-floor(jdd); % fractional part of day while kk<7 kj=find(pp>(pp(1)+jdmx(kk)) & pp<(pp(1)+jdmx(kk+1))); % select 10-min section if isempty(kj) datmn(kx,1)=dath(1,1)+jdmx(kk); datmn(kx,2:6)=NaN; else datmn(kx,1)=dath(kj(1),1); kkj=find(~isnan(dath(kj,2)));%skip tip cals if isempty(kkj) datmn(kx,2:3)=NaN; else datmn(kx,2)=median(dath(kj(kkj),2)); datmn(kx,3)=median(dath(kj(kkj),3)); end; y1=dath(kj,2); y=sort(y1); [ny my]=size(y); j1=max(floor(ny*.16),1);j2=max(floor(ny*.84),1); datmn(kx,4)=ny; datmn(kx,5)=(y(j2)-y(j1))/2; y2=dath(kj,3); y=sort(y2); datmn(kx,6)=(y(j2)-y(j1))/2; end; %end if isempty kj %jdmin(kx)=jd0+jdx(jj)+jdmx(kk); % integrate timestep kk=kk+1; kx=kx+1; end %while kk dathr(nj,1)=dath(1,1); dathr(nj,2)=median(dath(jj,2)); dathr(nj,3)=median(dath(jj,3)); y1=dath(jj,2); y=sort(y1); [ny my]=size(y); j1=max(floor(ny*.16),1);j2=max(floor(ny*.84),1); dathr(nj,4)=ny; dathr(nj,5)=(y(j2)-y(j1))/2; y2=dath(jj,3); y=sort(y2); dathr(nj,6)=(y(j2)-y(j1))/2; end; nj=nj+1; end; toc end;%for i %NaN out the tip cals ii=find(datx(:,2)<-1 | datx(:,2)>8); datx(ii,2)=NaN; datx(ii,3)=NaN; % daty=sortrows(datx,1); dathry=sortrows(dathr,1); datmny=sortrows(datmn,1); prt_it=1; %set to 0 to print to screen, 1 to print to a file (i.e., make ascii file) if prt_it==1 ss= way_raw_data_mwr; %'S:\GOMECC_2007\RHB\radiometer\Mailbox\Raw\'; %ss=s; e=[ss cruise '_' year '_micro_sb.txt']; flist1=fopen([ss cruise '_' year '_micro_s.txt'],'w'); flist2=fopen([ss cruise '_' year '_micro_h.txt'],'w'); flist3=fopen([ss cruise '_' year '_mn.txt'],'w'); else flist1=1;flist2=1; end; %fprintf(flist1,'%12.6f %10.5f %10.5f \r',daty'); fprintf(flist1,'%12.6f %10.5f %10.5f %10.5f %10.5f %10.5f %10.5f %10.5f %10.5f %10.5f %10.5f %10.5f %10.5f %10.5f %10.5f %10.5f %10.5f %10.5f %10.5f %10.5f %10.5f %10.5f %10.5f \r',daty'); % jd vap liq tau20 tb30 tau30 tb30 mode angle cf20 cf30 sky20 nsky20 bb20 nbb20 tbb20 sky30 nsky30 bb30 nbb30 tbb30 pitch roll % 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 fprintf(flist2,'%12.6f %10.5f %10.5f %5d %10.5f %10.5f \r',dathry'); % jd vap liq #obs sigv sigl fprintf(flist3,'%12.6f %10.5f %10.5f %5d %10.5f %10.5f \r',datmny'); % jd vap liq #obs sigv sigl fclose('all'); %[jdav,y,yvar,nn]=timave_rawmicro(daty(:,1),10,daty);%average to 10-min %y(:,1)=y(:,1)-5/24/60;%change mean time to beginning of record %ee=[ss 'micro_10m1.txt']; %save(ee,'y','-ascii','-tabs'); %save e datx -ascii; ld = length(dathry); ejd = max(dathry(:,1)); bjd = dathry(1,1); % Plot last day %figure;plot(dathry(:,1),dathry(:,2),dathry(:,1),dathry(:,5));axis([ejd-1 ejd 0 8]); %xlabel('DOY (2007)');ylabel('Integrated atmospheric water vapor (cm)'); %figure;plot(dathry(:,1),dathry(:,3)*1e4,dathry(:,1),dathry(:,6)*1e4);axis([ejd-1 ejd -10 400]); %xlabel('DOY (2007)');ylabel('Integrated cloud liquid content (g/m^2)'); %Plot multiple days %figure;plot(dathry(:,1),dathry(:,2),dathry(:,1),dathry(:,5));axis([bjd ejd 0 8]); figure; plot(dathry(:,1),dathry(:,2),'k');axis([bjd ejd 0 9]); xlabel('Year Day');ylabel('Integrated atmospheric water vapor (cm)'); title(tit) print_buffer = [way_images_mwr cruise '_' year '_MWR_all_vap.jpg']; print('-djpeg90 ', print_buffer); %figure;plot(dathry(:,1),dathry(:,3)*1e4,dathry(:,1),dathry(:,6)*1e4);axis([bjd ejd -10 400]); figure; plot(dathry(:,1),dathry(:,3)*1e4,'k'); axis([bjd ejd -30 800]); xlabel('Year Day');ylabel('Integrated cloud liquid content (g/m^2)'); title(tit) print_buffer = [way_images_mwr cruise '_' year '_MWR_all_liq.jpg']; print('-djpeg90 ', print_buffer); zilch=0; if zilch %****************************** LWP zero bias calculations %datmny(:,3) is LWP %datmny(:,6) is stand dev of LWP in interval hg=0:23; hg=.0004+.04167*hg; dx=[];for i=1:24;ii=find(abs(datmny(:,1)-floor(datmny(:,1))-hg(i))<.002);dx=[dx ii'];end;%find indices with tip cals dy=datmny; dy(dx,:)=[];%time series without tip cals dz=sortrows(dx',1);%put in time order kk=[]; liq0=zeros(length(datmny(:,1)),1);%set up radiometer bias correction for i=1:length(dx)-1 kk=find(datmny(:,1)>datmny(dz(i),1) & datmny(:,1)15 & ~isnan(liq0) & ~isnan(datmny(:,3)));%presence of clouds disp('Mean LWP when cloud present and mean cloud fraction') [mean((datmny(ij,3)-liq0(ij))*1e4) length(ij)/length(ik)]; figure;plot(datmny(:,1),datmny(:,3)*1e4,datmny(:,1),(datmny(:,3)-liq0)*1e4,'-x',dy(:,1),dy(:,6)*1e4);axis([276 293 -100 500]); xlabel('Year Day');ylabel('LWP (g/m^2)'); end; % No ballonns during GOMECC if 0 % Need to run GOMECC07_read_mw21_composite and then pwv_sonde_07 to calculate sonde PWV load S:/GOMECC_2007/RHB/balloon/raw/GOMECC_PWV_sonde figure plot(jd,pw,'r*') hold %plot(jd,pw,'r*') plot(dathry(:,1),dathry(:,2),'k');axis([bjd ejd 0 9]); xlabel('Year Day (UTC)'); ylabel('PWV (cm)'); title(tit) legend('Sonde','MWR') print_buffer = [way_images_mwr cruise '_' year '_PWV_sonde_MWR.jpg']; print('-djpeg90 ', print_buffer); %save S:/GOMECC_2007/RHB/radiometer/mailbox/raw/MBpwall %% to be used with balloon processing programs end