The data are saved in tab-delimited ASCII text files. Each time record is a row of text separated by a carriage return and line feed (Windows stardard). Each record has 30 columns for each of the variables. Missing data is filled with the text "NaN". The following matlab code between >> << loads the data into memory. The comment following the % describes the variable name and units in each column. >> xyz=load('cloud_10min2001.txt'); % variable name; units yrr=xyz(:,1); % Year of the cruise; Gregorian year jdd=xyz(:,2); % yearday; days since proir December 31 latd=xyz(:,3); % Latitude; degrees lond=xyz(:,4); % Longitude; degrees tsgd=xyz(:,5); % Ship thermosalinograph water temperature (5 m depth); degrees C tsd=xyz(:,6); % ESRL seasnake water temperature (5 cm depth); degrees Celsius tad=xyz(:,7); % Air Temperature (18 m); degree Celsius uxd=xyz(:,8); % Westerly wind component; m/s uyd=xyz(:,9); % Southerly wind component; m/s ud=xyz(:,10); % Wind speed; m/s hsd=xyz(:,11); % Sensible heat flux; W/m^2 hld=xyz(:,12); % Latent heat flux; W/m^2 stress=xyz(:,13); % Stress; N/m^2 raind=xyz(:,14); % Rain rate; mm/hr rld=xyz(:,15); % Downward IR flux; W/m^2 rlclrd=xyz(:,16); % Clear sky downward IR flux; W/m^2 rsd=xyz(:,17); % Downward solar flux; W/m^2 rsclrd=xyz(:,18); % Clear sky downward solar flux; W/m^2 zb1md=xyz(:,19); % 15th percentile cloud base height, 15% of cloud bases lower than zb1md; meters zbmd=xyz(:,20); % Median cloud base height; meters zb2md=xyz(:,21); % 85th percentile cloud base height, 85% of cloud bases lower than zb2md; meters topd=xyz(:,22); % Cloud top height; meters clodthkd=xyz(:,23); % Cloud thickness; meters taud=xyz(:,24); % Cloud optical thickness; none wmd=xyz(:,25); % Cloud liquid water path; g/m^2 cfd=xyz(:,26); % Cloud fraction; none ndd=xyz(:,27); % Number cloud drops deduced from optical thickness; number per cm^3 aer1d=xyz(:,28); % Aerosol number, size>.1 micron and size<.2 micron; number per cm^3 aer2d=xyz(:,29); % Aerosol number, size>.3 micron and size<.5 micron; number per cm^3 aer3d=xyz(:,30); % Aerosol number, size>1 micron and size<5 micron; number per cm^3 ivd=xyz(:,31) % water vapor path; cm qad=xyz(:,32) % surface air specific humidity; g/kg tlcld=xyz(:,33) % lifting condensation level temperature; K zlcld=xyz(:,34) % lifting condensation level height; km aertd=xyz(:,35) % total accumulation mode aerosols; number per cm^3 << 2008 March 31 Simon de Szoeke