netcdf stratus2001sonde_p { dimensions: launch = UNLIMITED ; // (116 currently) pressure = 1021 ; variables: int year(launch) ; year:long_name = "Year of the cruise" ; year:units = "Gregorian year" ; float yday(launch) ; yday:units = "days" ; short month(launch) ; month:long_name = "calendar month number" ; short day(launch) ; day:long_name = "day of month" ; short hour(launch) ; hour:long_name = "hour UTC of launch" ; short minute(launch) ; minute:long_name = "minute of hour of launch" ; float lat(launch) ; lat:long_name = "base latitude at launch" ; lat:units = "degrees latitude" ; float lon(launch) ; lon:long_name = "base longitude at launch" ; lon:units = "degrees longitude" ; float pres(pressure) ; pres:long_name = "pressure" ; pres:units = "hPa" ; float height(launch, pressure) ; height:long_name = "pressure" ; height:units = "hPa" ; float T(launch, pressure) ; T:long_name = "temperature" ; T:units = "degree C" ; T:source = "observed" ; float RH(launch, pressure) ; RH:long_name = "relative humidity" ; RH:units = "percent" ; RH:source = "observed" ; float Td(launch, pressure) ; Td:long_name = "dew point temperature" ; Td:units = "degree C" ; Td:source = "Vaisala calculated from T and RH" ; float wnddir(launch, pressure) ; wnddir:long_name = "wind direction" ; wnddir:units = "degrees heading" ; wnddir:source = "from interpolated u,v calculated from Vaisala/GPS" ; wnddir:comment = "meteorological convention: 0 degree is northerly, 90 degre is easterly" ; wnddir:quality = "poor due to interpolation" ; float wndspd(launch, pressure) ; wndspd:long_name = "wind speed" ; wndspd:units = "m/s" ; wndspd:source = "Vaisala/GPS" ; float u(launch, pressure) ; u:long_name = "wind zonal velocity" ; u:units = "m/s" ; u:source = "calculated from Vaisala wndspd and wnddir" ; float v(launch, pressure) ; v:long_name = "wind meridional velocity" ; v:units = "m/s" ; v:source = "calculated from wndspd and wnddir" ; float theta(launch, pressure) ; theta:long_name = "potential temperature" ; theta:units = "K" ; theta:source = "interpolated T and pres" ; float q(launch, pressure) ; q:long_name = "wind meridional velocity" ; q:units = "g/kg" ; q:source = "calculated from T and RH" ; }