Readme.txt SeaState 2015, Fixed Riegl Lidar Wave Plots BWB, Feb 5, 2016 This directory contains wave data plots from the fixed-beam Riegl lidar deployed on the bow tower of R/V Sikuliaq for the SeaState 2015 cruise. hourly_raw_riegl: hourly plots of the demeaned and despiked raw range measurements hourly_spectra: loglog variance spectra computed from autocovariance and with the standard matlab psd function. The latter is computed from a high-pass filtered raw data series (stopband = 0.04 Hz, passband = 0.05 Hz) with missing values filled by interpolation (pchip). A Hamming window is applied in both cases. The autocovariance method tolerates missing data but suffers from artifacts and low and high frequencies. Hs: daily plots of 10-min significant wave height computed by 3 methods missing: daily plots of the missing data count for each 10-min interval.