TORERO COARE model run, ReadMe.txt, June13, 2012, BWB Description of file "TORERO_COARE_CO2_allVars.txt" TORERO cruise, R/V Ka'imimoana, Jan 26 - Feb 27, 2012 COARE input was generated from hourly mean SAMOS met data. Run version: coareG31vn_CO2.m (recent vectorized version of COAREG for CO2) Assumed constants: zi=600, zu=zt=zq=18m, lat=0, dCO2=0 (no pCO2 data this cruise) The following hourly values are reported in the output txt file: % GENERAL DateTimeStr - time string DecDay - time in decimal day-of-year format lat - SAMOS latitude lon - SAMOS longitude % COARE INPUT MET DATA (SAMOS) u = surface relative wind speed (m/s) at height zu(m) (SAMOS true ws used here) ta = bulk air temperature (degC) at height zt(m) rh = relative humidity (%) at height zq(m) ts = water temperature (degC) (SAMOS SST + 0.2 deg for cool skin) pa = surface air pressure (mb) (default = 1015) Rs = downward shortwave radiation (W/m^2) Rl = downward longwave radiation (W/m^2) % BULK FLUX OUTPUT VARIABLES usr = friction velocity (m/s) tau = wind stress (N/m^2) hsb = sensible heat flux into ocean (W/m^2) hlb = latent heat flux into ocean (W/m^2) hbb = bouyancy flux into ocean (W/m^2) hsbb = sonic bouyancy flux into ocean (W/m^2) tsr = t* qsr = q* zot = z_o for temperature (m) zoq = z_o for humidity (m) Cd = wind stress transfer coefficient at height zu Ch = sensible heat transfer coefficient at height zt Ce = latent heat transfer coefficient at height zq L = Obukhov length scale (m) zet = Monin-Obukhov stability parameter zu/L dter = cool-skin temperature depression (degC) tkt = cool-skin thickness (m) Urf = windspeed at reference height (m/s) Trf = temperture at reference height (C) Qrf = specific humidity at reference height (g/kg) RHrf = relative humidity at reference height (%) % CO2 GAS TRANSFER OUTPUT VARIABLES rwo = waterside resistance ra = airside resistance rw = modified waterside resistance vtco = waterside nonbubble transfer velocity (m/s) vtc = total waterside transfer velocity (m/s) at ambient Sc phi = stability correction sol = solubility (mole/m^3/atm) alc = solubility (dimensionless) scwc = waterside Schmidt number vtc2 = nonbubble plus Woolf waterside transfer velocity (m/s) kbb = tranfer velocity from Woolf bubble parameterization cfb = CO2 flux in mmol/m2/s (zero for this cruse because no dCO2) k660 = transfer velocity at Sc=660 % OTHER VARIABLES CO2flux = measured CO2 flux in ppm m/s vtc_cm_hr = vtc in cm/hr units k660_cm_hr = k660 in cm/hr units