function getmetaobject, meta, objectname ; Returns a string containing the value for the specified object from a ; TSDIS metadata string. ; ; Input: ; meta: a string (or byte array) of TSDIS metadata. ; objectname: name of the metadata object whose value is to be returned. ; ; Example: ; city = getmetaobject(archivemeta, 'RadarCity') ; ; Written by: Bart Kelley, GMU, April 2002 ; doublequote = '"' pos=strpos(meta,'OBJECT='+objectname) if pos lt 0 then begin message,'WARNING: object '+objectname+' not found in TSDIS metadata', $ /informational return,'' endif pos=strpos(meta,'Value=',pos) pos=pos+6 if strmid(meta,pos,1) eq doublequote then begin pos=pos+1 stopchar=doublequote endif else stopchar=';' pos2= strpos(meta,stopchar,pos) return, strmid(meta,pos,pos2-pos) end