function rsl_get_radar_site_info, radarname, sitefile=sitefile ; Return a structure containing information from for ; this radar. ; ; Inputs: ; radarname - the four-character radar site name. It can be either TSDIS ; or WSR-88D name. ; ; Keyword parameters: ; sitefile - name of GV radar site information file. Default name is ; ~/idl/rsl_in_idl/ ; if not keyword_set(sitefile) then sitefile = $ findfile('~/idl/rsl_in_idl/'+'') openr, lun, sitefile, /get_lun sitename = strupcase(radarname) line = '' found = 0 while not found do begin readf,lun,line if strmid(line,0,1) eq "#" then continue ; read through comments s=strsplit(line,',',/extract) if strtrim(s[0],2) eq sitename or strtrim(s[5],2) eq sitename then $ found = 1 endwhile free_lun, lun siteinfo = { $ tsdisname:strtrim(s[0],2), $ nexradname:strtrim(s[1],2), $ city:strtrim(s[2],2), $ state:strtrim(s[3],2), $ country:strtrim(s[4],2), $ radarnum:strtrim(s[5],2), $ lat:float(s[6]), $ lon:float(s[7]), $ sprintid:fix(s[8]) $ } return, siteinfo end