function rsl_new_radar, nvolumes, nsweeps, nrays, nbins ; Returns a radar structure. The values of the input arguments are used to ; determine the size of the structure. ; ; Syntax: ; radar = rsl_new_radar(nvolumes, nsweeps, nrays, nbins) ; ; Inputs: ; nvolumes: The number of radar fields. ; nsweeps: The maximum number of sweeps in a volume scan. ; nrays: The maximum number of rays in a sweep. ; nbins: The maximum number of bins in a ray. ; ; Output: ; Function returns a Radar structure. ; ; Written by: Bart Kelley, GMU, July 2002 ; volume = rsl_new_volume(nsweeps, nrays, nbins) radarhdr = {month:0, day:0, year:0, hour:0, minute:0, sec:0.0, $ radar_type:'', nvolumes:0, number:0L, name:'', radar_name:'', project:'', $ city:'', state:'', country:'', latd:0, latm:0, lats:0, $ lond:0, lonm:0, lons:0, height:0L, spulse:0L, lpulse:0L, scan_mode:''} return, {h:radarhdr, volume:replicate(volume, nvolumes)} end