function rsl_uncompress, infile, error=error ; This function takes a compressed input file and writes an uncompressed copy ; into the current directory, leaving the original file untouched. A unique ; file name extension is added to the name of the new file to distinguish it ; from the original. The function returns the name of this new file. It is ; left to the calling procedure to dispose of the new file when finished. ; ; Note: this function uses 'gzip' to uncompress the file. If not installed on ; your machine, it is available at' ; ; Syntax: ; newfile = rsl_uncompress(compressed_file [, error=variable]) ; ; Inputs: ; compressed_file: name of compressed file. ; ; Keyword parameters: ; ERROR: Assign a variable to this keyword to have a boolean error status ; returned. Returns 1 (true) for error, 0 (false) for no error. ; ; Written by: Bart Kelley, GMU, August 2002 ; ; Based on uncomp_uf_file by David B. Wolff ;*************************************************************************** badfile = -1 error = 0 ; Make new file name. Begin by stripping off path name. newfile = strmid(infile,strpos(infile,'/',/reverse_search)+1) ; If file name extension indicates compressed file, strip it off. Add unique ; file name extension containing a pseudo-random number to the new file name. extnbegin = strpos(newfile,'.',/reverse_search) fnamextn = strmid(newfile, extnbegin) if fnamextn eq '.gz' or fnamextn eq '.z' or fnamextn eq '.Z' then $ newfile = strmid(newfile, 0, extnbegin) newfile = newfile + '.' + strtrim(long(randomu(seed)*100000.),1) + '_tmp' ; The following should never happen. if newfile eq infile then begin message, 'Temporary file has same name as input: ' + newfile, /continue newfile = badfile error = 1 goto, finished endif ; Uncompress the input file, writing the result to a new file. spawn, 'gzip -d -c -f ' + infile + '>' + newfile, stdout, errout if size(errout,/n_dimensions) ne 0 then begin message, errout[0], /continue if n_elements(errout) gt 1 then $ for i=1,n_elements(errout)-1 do print,' ' + errout[i] error = 1 endif finished: return, newfile end