Scott, Instructions for running ship motion correction software. 1) Put these programs and input files in the directory where you are storing raw binary profiler moments. I've included the fortran files just in case you have to recompile (although you probably don't have fortran installed on the machine you are using). Create a subdirectory "Corrected" motioncombine.exe momread.exe shipint.exe momcor.exe mom.inp ship.inp 2) Run Dan's getmomsp32 program to unpack the binary data. 3 edit the ship.inp and change the directory lines to reflect where you are storing the gps and northseeker data. You can run multiple days of ship motion data using this program. Run the motioncombine.exe -- this program spits out shipYYJJJ.dat 4 edit the mom.inp file for the requested input. The file directory for the ship motion data should be the current directory, because that is where you ran the previous program. The rest of the programs also read the mom.inp file. You can only run one day at at time with these programs. If LapXM allows you to put in the correct beam azimuths for the way the profiler antenna is configured on the ship, then the angle you will need in the mom.inp file is 0 degrees. However, if the azimuths are hard wired to be 0 and 90, or something similar, then you will need the angle between the recorded aft beam azimuth (i.e., in this case the 0 degree azimuth beam)and the actual aft beam azimuth as it is set up on the ship. List the beam indices in the order specified. Run the momread.exe -- this program spits out files timesJJJ.dat 4) Run the shipint.exe -- this file interpolates the ship motion data to the times of each of the radar beams and spits out files shipcrJJJ.dat 5) Run the momcor.exe -- this program corrects the radar moments. It spits out new *.raw files in the correected directory. These have the same format as the uncorrected moments. 6) Run Dan's cns tool to create new cns files in the STI/LapGraph format. 7) Run the View Radar Data tool to look at the corrected cns data.