Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler data (ADCP) are the property of Julie Hammond University of Hawaii Conductivity Temperature and Depth data (CTD) Seabird Electronics Model 9/11+ CTD system in a 12-position rosette frame with a seabird SBE-32 submersible array firing assembly. The SBE 9+ underwater assembly has a depth capacity of 6800 meters and a dual conductivity/temperature sensor pair. The SBE 11+ deck unit is connected to a VHS VCR for raw data recording and a networked computer with the capability of printing color plots. The computer is running Seabird data collection software. Note scientific parties must provide own CTDs. The Ronald H. Brown has a spare SBE 9+ underwater unit with a single conductivity/temperature pair. The CTD system is capable of interfacing through either of the two ship's hydrographic winches. There are two 12 KHz pingers available for use with this system.