The balloon data for VOCALS were collected using a Vaisala MW21 Version 3.52.1 RS92-G sondes (GPS wind) It was discovered after the cruise that there was a problem with the Vaisala automatic editing of the marine inversion. Vaisala parameters were not set to capture such a stron inversion. Software version 3.62 was installed. Vaisala claimed it solved this problem. NOAA again discovered that ~ 30 soundings still had problems. Vaisala recommended we reprocess these in the Research mode, which basically turns off their editting. The EDT files currently in the Scientific Analysis directory include Vaisala editted soundings (Apr time stamp) where there isn't a problem and and Research mode (May time stamp) where there still was a problem. The NCfile was created by Simon de Szoeke/Oregon State Univ and described in the VOCALS2008_soundings_z1_0.readme.txt file A data log of all the soundings can be found in