% prt_flux_30 % VOCALS 2008 :: 2008-10-17 :: Simon de Szoeke % Saves 30-min flux data to a file. %This program takes data computed by the read_hp_day progam and creates an ascii %file appropriate for reading into a spreadsheet (e.g., lotus, quatropro, etc) disp(['prt_flux_30: ', cruise, ' ', year]); fclose('all'); clear jazz; f=[way_proc_data_flux 'flux_30hf' jd '.txt']; flist=fopen(f,'w'); jazz(1,1:np)=jad5; %Decimal julian day at beginning of line jazz(2,1:np)=s1; %etl true wind speed at 18.8 m ht, m/s jazz(3,1:np)=dir1; %etl true wind direction, deg jazz(4,1:np)=ts; %etl seasnake T, C jazz(5,1:np)=ts_tsg; %ship theromsalinograph T, C bow jazz(6,1:np)=sal_tsg; %ship theromsalinograph salinity, psu bow jazz(7,1:np)=ta; %etl air T at 18 m, C jazz(8,1:np)=qs; %etl air specific humidity at sea surface, g/kg jazz(9,1:np)=qa; %etl air specific humidity at 18 m, g/kg jazz(10,1:np)=psp; %etl solar flux, w/m^2 jazz(11,1:np)=pir; %etl IR flux, w/m^2 jazz(12,1:np)=org; %etl optical raingage precip rate, mm/hr jazz(13,1:np)=shp_spd; %ship sog from gps, m/s jazz(14,1:np)=shp_hed; %ship heading from gyrocompass, deg jazz(15,1:np)=relsp; %rel wind speed, m/s jazz(16,1:np)=reldir; %rel wind direction, deg jazz(17,1:np)=lat; %decimal latitude, deg jazz(18,1:np)=lon; %decimal longtude, deg jazz(19,1:np)=zt; %Depth of SST sensor used in heat flux calc, m jazz(20,1:np)=sig_sp; %standard deviation of ship speed, m/s jazz(21,1:np)=taub; %wind stress, coare 3.0, N/m^2 jazz(22,1:np)=hsb; %sensible heat flux, coare 3.0, w/m^2 jazz(23,1:np)=hlb; %latent heat flux, coare 3.0, w/m^2 jazz(24,1:np)=rf; %rain heat flux, w/m^2 jazz(25,1:np)=ta_im; %IMET air temp, C (21 m) jazz(26,1:np)=qa_im; %IMET air specific humidity, g/kg (21 m) jazz(27,1:np)=s_shp; %IMET true wind speed, m/s (21 m) jazz(28,1:np)=dir_shp; %IMET true wind direction, deg (21 m) jazz(29,1:np)=psp_im; %IMET solar flux, w/m^2 jazz(30,1:np)=pir_im; %IMET IR flux, w/m^2 jazz(31,1:np)=pressm; %BP, mb jazz(32,1:np)=rh_etl; %RH (%) %vectorized print, 30 columns, up to 288 rows % 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 fprintf(flist,'%11.5f\t %9.2f\t %9.2f\t %9.2f\t %9.2f\t %9.2f\t %9.2f\t %9.2f\t %9.2f\t %9.2f\t %9.2f\t %9.2f\t %9.2f\t %9.2f\t %9.2f\t %9.2f\t %12.4f\t %12.4f\t %9.2f\t %9.2f\t %8.3f\t %9.2f\t %9.2f\t %9.2f\t %9.2f\t %9.2f\t %9.2f\t %9.2f\t %9.2f\t %9.2f\t %9.2f\t %9.2f\t \r\n',jazz); fclose('all');