% read_wave % VOCALS 2008 :: 2008-10-19 :: Dan Wolfe % 10-30 :: Simon de Szoeke disp(['read_wave' cruise ' ' yyyy]) if ~exist('ddd','var') ls([way_raw_data_flux 'day*']) ddd=input('Input yearday: '); end % Set in calling program: % read_parameters % DEW 10092008 % prtit = 0; % DEW 10092008 fclose('all'); jd=sprintf('%03i',ddd); for jam=0:6:23, %cycle thru 24 hourly stats files clear stx; temp=[];stx=[]; hr=sprintf('%02i',jam); e=[way_raw_data_flux, 'Day',jd,'\lsr0' yyyy(3:4) jd hr '_raw.txt']; %10/10/2008 02:00 LD90-3100VHS-FLP (SN: 12) %0000080 r8.051;a49;q27 %0000189 r8.110;a47;q13 %0000283 r8.148;a48;q46 %0000392 r8.088;a58;q44 % Time range(m) amp qc % amplitude of signal 0-255 255 is strongest % q is quality of measurements 0-100 % of valid shots disp(['Reading laser file from hour ',hr]); flist=fopen(e,'r'); if flist>0, %if the file exists, %disp(['Reading laser wave file: ' e]); dmp=fgets(flist); %read 1st header line YY=str2double(dmp(7:10)); MM=str2double(dmp(1:2)); DD=str2double(dmp(4:5)); hh=str2double(dmp(12:13)); ict=0; while feof(flist)==0, %for p = 1:3 dtmp=fgetl(flist); d1 = strrep(dtmp, 'r',' '); % replace characters with spaces d2 = strrep(d1, 'a',' '); d3 = strrep(d2, 'q',' '); d4 = strrep(d3, ';', ''); if length(dtmp) > 13 %%check fro an empty line ie 1357337 r;a;q ict=ict+1; tim=dtmp(1:8); mm=str2double(tim(:,1:2)); ss=str2double(tim(:,3:8))/1000; %calculate year day yd=datenum(YY,MM,DD,hh,0,0)-datenum(YY,1,0); jdn(ict,1)=yd+(((mm+(ss/60))/60))/24; st1(ict,1)=jdn(ict,1); data1=d4(8:length(d4)); C=textscan(data1,'%f%f%f','CollectOutput',1); tmp=C{:}; st1(ict,2)=tmp(1,1); % range st1(ict,3)=tmp(1,2); % amp st1(ict,4)=tmp(1,3); % qc end end end % end file test if flist>0 % file exists maxx=max(jdn); minx=min(jdn); figure(1); clf plot(jdn,st1(:,2),'.'); xlabel(['yearday ' yyyy]);ylabel('Wave height non motion corrected (m)') title(['Wave height ', cruise, year]); ylim([ 0 25]); xlim([minx maxx]); if prtit; print('-dpng ', [way_raw_images_flux 'WaveHt_' num2str(ddd),'_',hr, '.png']); end figure(2); clf plot(jdn,st1(:,3),'.'); xlabel(['yearday ' ]);ylabel('Amp (0-255') title(['Laser Wave Amplitude ', cruise, year]); ylim([0 255]); xlim([minx maxx]); if prtit; print('-dpng ', [way_raw_images_flux 'WaveAmp_' num2str(ddd),'_',hr, '.png']); figure(3); clf plot(jdn,st1(:,4),'.'); xlabel(['yearday ' yyyy]);ylabel('Laser QC (%)') title(['Laser Wave QC ', cruise, year]); ylim([0 100]) xlim([minx maxx]); print('-dpng ', [way_raw_images_flux 'WaveQC_' num2str(ddd),'_',hr, '.png']); figure(4); clf plot(st1(1:3000,2),'.'); xlabel('20 Hz samples');ylabel('Wave height non motion corrected (m)') title(['Wave height ', cruise, year]); ylim([ 0 25]); %xlim([minx maxx]); print_buffer = [way_raw_images_flux 'WaveHt_' num2str(ddd),'_',hr, 'a.png']; print('-dpng ', [way_raw_images_flux 'WaveHt_' num2str(ddd),'_',hr, 'a.png']); %print('-djpeg90 ',[way_raw_images_flux 'WaveHt_' num2str(ddd),'_',hr, '.jpg']); figure(5); clf plot(st1(1:3000,3),'.'); xlabel('20 Hz samples');ylabel('Amp (0-255') title(['Laser Wave Amplitude ', cruise, year]); ylim([0 255]); %xlim([minx maxx]); print_buffer = [way_raw_images_flux 'WaveAmp_' num2str(ddd),'_',hr, 'a.png']; print('-dpng ', print_buffer); %print('-djpeg90 ',[way_raw_images_flux 'WaveAmp_' num2str(ddd),'_',hr, '.jpg']); figure(6); clf plot(st1(1:3000,4),'.'); xlabel('20 Hz samples');ylabel('Laser QC (%)') title(['Laser Wave QC ', cruise, year]); ylim([0 100]) %xlim([minx maxx]); print_buffer = [way_raw_images_flux 'WaveQC_' num2str(ddd),'_',hr, 'a.png']; print('-dpng ', print_buffer); %print('-djpeg90 ',[way_raw_images_flux 'WaveQC_' end % test if file exists end % hour loop