This site contains netcdf files containing the 23.8 and 31.0 GHz microwave brightness temperatures and a first stab at water vapor paths and liquid water paths at the original data resolution (usually 20 seconds unless a tip calibration is being done, in which case it is 50 seconds), and at a 10 minute and hourly time resolution. On this site are time series plots that also contain the sonde-derived water vapor paths (red=total, dark blue=boundary layer, light blue=free troposphere). These give an idea of the data quality - you will note the sonde water vapor paths often exceed those from the radiometer. I have used clear-sky tip cals from Nov. 15 and 16 to develop the calibration coefficients, while the retrievals rely on coefficients predetermined from Antofagasta soundings. The calibration coefficients will be evaluated further this spring, and a physical retrieval will be implemented that takes advantages of the 6-times-daily soundings and ceilometer cloud bases. In addition a 90 GHz radiometer and a 14-frequency 183 GHz radiometer were deployed for VOCALS-Rex, with which the liqudi water path retrievals can be refined further. Please feel free to contact me for the finalized dataset. I will be writing up my analysis for publication and will request a citation to it should you make use of the data within a publication of your own. Paquita Zuidema, Nov. 30, 2008.