year/mm/dd hh:mm BP RH AT LWR PRC SST SWR WNDE WNDN SOG COG VANE mb % DegC W/m^2 mm DegC W/m^2 m/s m/s kt deg deg 2009/07/09 00:00 1013.32 57.115 26.635 384.4 -1.31 -5.000 997.5 1.14 -7.62 0.06 312.22 188.3 The AutoIMET system occasioally has a glitch which puts Na in place of the reading They usually come in pairs, e.g. in the two wind fields or sog and cog Frank Bradley cleans up by replacing with the previous values. His day files have names of the form imetddd.txt where ddd is the Julian day number e.g. imet192.txt