function scsm = read_samos_nc_WHOTS_2014_2007b(ddd,path_working_ddd,fnames) %{ Reads daily SAMOS ship data for Hi'ialakai - 1-min avg values There may be multiple files for one day if a gap occurs. THIS VERSION FOR OLD MATLAB 2007b WHICH DOES NOT HAVE BUILT-IN SUPPORT FOR READING NETCDF FILES. REQUIRES netcdf.m SCRIPT. Inputs are: ddd: day-of-year variable path: string path variable to raw data folder containing SAMOS nc files. fnames: Nx1 struct of file names, e.g.'', '', etc. Returns 1440x15 array scs, with NaN for data gaps. As of May 30, 2015, Hi'ialakai SAMOS nc variable names are: time: minutes since 1-1-1980 00:00 UTC, time at end of 60 min period lat: degrees (+N), Applanix POSMV4 lon: degrees (-W/+E), Applanix POSMV4 PL_HD: platform heading, degrees, Applanix POSMV4 PL_HD2: platform heading, degrees, SG Brown Gyrocompass (starboard) PL_HD3: platform heading, degrees, SG Brown Gyrocompass (port) PL_CRS: platform course, degrees (clockwise towards true north) DIR: earth relative wind direction, RM Young 05103 PL_WDIR: platform relative wind direction, degrees (clockwise from bow) PL_SPD: platform speed over ground, m/s SPD: earth relative wind speed, m/s, RM Young 05103 PL_WSPD: platform relative wind speed, m/s, RM Young 05103 P: atmospheric pressure, mb T: air temperature, RM Young 41372 VC RH: relative humidity, RM Young 41372 VC TS: sea temperature, C, SBE38 TS2: sea temperature, C, Seabird SBE21 thermosalinograph SSPS: salinity, ppth, Seabird SBE21 thermosalinograph CNDC: conductivity, Si/m, Seabird SBE21 thermosalinograph date: YYYYMMDD UTC time_of_day: hhmmss UTC, start of averaging interval flag: 19xN array, QC flags for all above, except date and time_fo_day, 'Z' flag means good data. %} scsm = zeros(1440,15)*NaN; delta = double(1.0/1440); last = ddd + 1439*delta; jd_ref = [ddd:delta:last]; % ref 1-min timestamp scsm(:,1) = jd_ref'; for ii = 1:length(fnames) % read each file if more than one... fin = fullfile(path_working_ddd,fnames(ii).name); ncdat = netcdf(fin); % use date & time_of_day for timestamp % 'time' variable does not appear accurate in the test file... dateN = double(NCDAT.vARaRRAY(1,15); % composite date number timeN = double(ncread(fin,'time_of_day')); % composite time number YY = fix(dateN/10000); MM = fix(mod(dateN,10000)/100); DD = mod(dateN,100); hh = fix(timeN/10000); mm = fix(mod(timeN,10000)/100); ss = mod(timeN,100); % timestamp should be on exact 1-min interval jdscs = md2yd_vn(YY,MM,DD); jdscs = jdscs + hh/24 + mm/1440 + ss/86400; % all speeds are m/s latm = double(ncread(fin,'lat')); lonm = double(ncread(fin,'lon')); lrgm = double(ncread(fin,'PL_HD')); % using POSmv heading cogm = double(ncread(fin,'PL_CRS')); sogm = double(ncread(fin,'PL_SPD')); imrh = double(ncread(fin,'RH')); imta = double(ncread(fin,'T')); imum = double(ncread(fin,'SPD')); imdm = double(ncread(fin,'DIR')); impress = double(ncread(fin,'P')); imrspd = double(ncread(fin,'PL_WSPD')); imrdir = double(ncread(fin,'PL_WDIR')); tsgm = double(ncread(fin,'TS')); % using thermosalinograph temp tssm = NaN(size(tsgm)); % no sal in 2014 nc files imrdir(imrdir>180) = imrdir(imrdir>180)-360; % copy data into scs array for this file for jj = 1:length(jdscs) diff = jd_ref - jdscs(jj); [val,idx] = min(abs(diff)); if val