disp('ftp to NOAA server in Boulder v2015') % ftp zipped files to voodoo/incoming and optionally send a confirmation email %Notes: PSD ftp server times out after 30s or 60s of inactivities"... clear dir %to make sure we don't keep the Wind direction variable called also 'dir'! clear tpsd %clear it just in case %compress selected files into a big zip file jd=sprintf('%03i',ddd); [m,d]=yd2md(str2num(yyyy), ddd); zipfilename=[cruise, '_', ship, '_', 'flux', '_', sprintf('%04i_%02i_%02i_%03i',Vdate(1),Vdate(2),Vdate(3),ddd)]; % zipfilename=[cruise, '_', yyyy,'_',sprintf('%02i_%02i',m,d), '_', ship, '_', 'flux', '_', jd]; if exist(fullfile(path_raw_data,[yyyy(3:4),jd],['FM',yyyy(3:4),jd,'.log']),'file') entrynames = zip(fullfile(path_raw_data,[zipfilename,'.zip']),{fullfile(path_proc_data,['*', jd, '.txt']),fullfile(path_raw_images,['*',jd,graphformat]),fullfile(path_raw_data,[yyyy(3:4),jd],['*',yyyy(3:4),jd,'.log'])}); else entrynames = zip(fullfile(path_raw_data,[zipfilename,'.zip']),{[path_proc_data, '*', jd, '.txt'],fullfile(path_raw_images,['*',jd,graphformat])}); end %Note: if it takes too long to ftp the data from the ship, we could just zip %the txt file as the compressed size is ~6 times smaller than when done %with png files. Option could be to zip the txt files and send them(~<200 Kb), and %then send th png files. Maybe this could avoid any possible timeout %issues? MEftp=[]; %Empty Message Error ftp ns=120; %number of seconds to pause before retrying ftp (is increasing later on in the code) dn=0; %counter for number of entries/trials nemax=9; %max number of entries/trials desired statusflag=0; while statusflag==0 if dn==nemax %after trying nemax ftp, abort break end try %Starts connection to ftp server tpsd = ftp('','psdguest','psdguest'); %connects to ftp1.esrl.noaa.gov with user name and password. pasv(tpsd) %uses passive option of ftp code from file exchange binary(tpsd); %set FTP transfer type to binary (already binary by default, but just in case...) cd(tpsd,'psd3/') %change from incoming directory on FTP server to psd3 mkdir(tpsd,'whots_2015/'); %creates lbariteau folder in case it does not exist. If it already exists, does nothing. cd(tpsd,'whots_2015') %change current directory on FTP server to psd3/lbariteau %now check if zip files on local drive are already present on the ftp server. If so, deletes them to be able to resend them dirlocal=dir(fullfile(path_raw_data,'*.zip')); %list directory contents of way_proc_data_flux folder (zip file only) dirftp=dir(tpsd,'*.zip'); %list directory contents of ftp directory (zip file only) if ~isempty(dirftp) && ~isempty(dirlocal) ii=find(ismember(char(dirftp(:).name),char(dirlocal(:).name),'rows')); %check if file names on ftp are on the way_proc_data_flux directory, i.e. check % the files that might be already uploaded on the server if ii for ll=1:length(ii) delete(tpsd,dirftp(ii(ll)).name); %remove the zip files already present. If not done, mput function will crash. end; end; end; %starts process of sending zip file one by one (if more than one) for nf=1:length(dirlocal) %send every zip files (should be 1 in normal situations) %Upload file one at a time mput(tpsd,fullfile(path_raw_data, dirlocal(nf).name)); dir(tpsd,'*') dirftp=dir(tpsd,'*.zip'); % if ~isempty(dirftp) && ~isempty(dirlocal) % ii=find(ismember(char(dirlocal(nf).name),char(dirftp(:).name),'rows')); %check if file has been uploaded to server % if ii %if so delete file on local drive % delete([way_proc_data_flux, dirlocal(nf).name]); % end % end; end; statusflag=1; %'success'; %Before leaving ftp, check if new flux programs have been uploaded on the ftp server dirftp=dir(tpsd,'*.m'); if ~isempty(dirftp) for nf=1:length(dirftp) mget(tpsd,dirftp(nf).name,[Fluxroot, 'flux\']); %if yes, upload the file to FluxRoot directory dirfluxroot=dir([[Fluxroot, 'flux\'] '*.m']); if ~isempty(dirfluxroot) %check if file has been uploaded to local FluxRoot directory ii=find(ismember(char(dirftp(nf).name),char(dirfluxroot.name),'rows')); if ii %if so, removes the .m file from the ftp server (will show that it has been taken) delete(tpsd,dirftp(nf(ii)).name); end; end end end close(tpsd); %close connection to FTP server clear tpsd %deletes FTP object catch MEftp if ismember({'tpsd'},who) %if connection was made, close coonection close(tpsd); %close connection to FTP server clear tpsd %deletes FTP object end disp([MEftp.identifier, sprintf(' . Will retry ftp in %4.0f minutes...', (ns+ns*dn*4)/60)]) pause(ns+ns*dn*4); %pause program for ns seconds %Note: With ns=120s (2min) and nemax=9, the pause will be 120s at 1st %iteration, then 10min (120+120*1*4=600s), then 18min, ... til 58min. The total %cumulated pause time is thus 4h. dn=dn+1; statusflag=0; %'failed'; continue %Pass control to the next iteration of WHILE loop when error, ie retry to send failed file end; %end try/catch end; %end while