Ludo, Alex, I am forwarding the hourly-average telemetered data from both WHOTS-17 and WHOTS-18. There will be four files for each buoy, “raw” and “QC” from System 1 and System 2. The raw files have all the instruments that were reporting. The QC files can be useful for a few reasons – First, known bad data are set to NaN, such as WHOTS-17 System 2 wind speed. Second, the WHOTS-18 record will have the start time set to the point we think the buoy was settled out after anchor drop. Finally, the wind directions will be corrected for magnetic variation. Remember that we use “oceanographic convention” for wind, so directions will be 180 deg off from yours. The data are in space-delimited ASCII text files with headers describing the columns. They are easily read into Matlab. The naming convention is pretty obvious, [Project]_[DeploymentNumber]_MET_[SystemNumber].txt. A QC is added if the file has gone through the QC step. The WHOTS-17 files start at the beginning of the cruise and are truncated when the release was fired (1800 UTC 7/25). The “raw” WHOTS-18 files start during the in-port prep period, the QC files start after the anchor drop, and both files have data up to today. There may be occasional data gaps in all the files where telemetry was not received. You may want to use the ship’s heading and position compared to the WHOTS anchors to decide when to do the comparisons with buoy data (note that the buoys were typically about 2 nm to the west of the anchor). As an initial guide, here are the times when we were nominally doing the comparisons at each buoy. These periods were interrupted by CTD casts and pump & dump excursions. WHOTS-17 anchor 22 46.002 N, 157 53.958 W WHOTS-18 anchor 22 40.021 N, 157 57.018 W WHOTS-17 met compare Start: 0800 UTC 7/24/22 End: 1400 UTC 7/25/22 WHOTS-18 met compare Start: 0800 UTC 7/26/22 End: 0500 UTC 7/27/22