read_rss_oi_sst.m read_rss_oi_sst, when passed a full path and file name, will read and decode SST data into a floating point, 2D array. Note that special values 251-255 (missing data, ice, land) will remain in the array. Valid SSTs will range from [-3 to 34.5] Centigrade. test_read_rss_oi_sst.m demonstrates how it can be used read_fusion.m read_fusion provides a little more functionality. It will load an SST file given a (year, day of year) or (year, month, day). It also looks for an interim ("rt") file if a final version ("v01") is not found. test_read_fusion.m demonstrates how it can be used. Please address questions/feedback to both: brewer@remss,